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Whats the point in going back, when ive caused enough trouble, ya'll go on back and please dont follow me im only wanting a bear to tear into me sos i wont cause no more trouble. she said sarcastically and yet angry at the same time, she through her hands in the air and kept on walkin.


Luke rolled his eyes, emotional women giving him the heebiejeebs as much as they did Bo. "Will you cut it out? Uncle Jesse'd tan our hides if we let ya go alone...now at least come back to the tree house...ain't safe for any of us out here."


Bo sighed and rolled his eyes before striding forwards, his long legs allowing him to catch up in an instant. He stopped in front of Lori, picked her up and carried her over his shoulder, heading back for the tree house, pinning her legs so she couldn't kick.


Lori wit her eys wide and her face red from anger was hittin bo in the back. BO DUKE YOU PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!NOWWWW!!!! she was mad and she gave up, she plopped her head in her hand and said AHHHH FOR---GET IT!!!!! she said rolling her eyes.


Bo grinned as they continued to walk, still holding her tightly.

"Good, now you see things our way, your coming back to the treehouse whether you like it or not an' we're gonna figure out a way to get you outta the trouble your in like we originally intended."


"Well maybe puttin' some blood back in yer head will help ya calm down an' quit screamin' an' cryin' at us every few seconds, might replase the overactive emotional drive with some common sense..."

He said with a smirk as he carried on walking.


That aint funny Bo, ya'll should know how i am, yea i might be tough but heck, im only human, im only dewin what comes to my nature. leave me alone Bo! Lori snapped at him, she wanted down, really she wanted to turn herslef in to get away from Hazzard, she'd caused enough trouble fer the boys o be thinkin up of a way to get her out.


Bo laughed and shook his head, carrying her up the treehouse ladder and depositing her in one of the corners, pouring a little shine into a cup and handing it to her.

"Here, drink that an' calm down a bit, then we can all talk."


Lori looked at Bo and gently took the cup of shine from him and drunk it straight down when she was done she setthe cup down beside her wincing a little bit from the taste,"Been a while since i've tasted that good ole stuff.""fellers im sorry, i truley am, i dont mean to cry all the time im an demotional trainwreck, case ya aint noticed.She looked at Luke and just shook her head, not knowing what to do now.


Bo nodded a little, taking a sip for himself too before putting it away again, unpacking some food and handing it to her.

"Well...what's probably best now is some food, lil' singin with the guitars an' then sleep...then tomorrow we'll figure somethin' out..."


she took the food, she never liked to eat in front of people but this time she didnt care. and if they were gonna sing she knew it would cheer her up. he loved to hear the boys sing, and she loved to sing and play herself. She could tell Luke was alittle bit on the grumpy and aggravated side at the moment. She just looked at him quickly and glanced at the food she said,"suddenly Bo, i aint so hungry no more.


Lori looked at Bo, knowing if he called uncle Jesse, hed get em all. she give a little smile, not meaning it either, and said"Thank-you Bo." she rolled her eyes as he turned arond. she ate it and after she was through she just stared at the walls thinkin.


Lori jumped up and yelled out,"IVE GOT IT!!!!" "just before i left, my dad had told me if i was in any kind of trouble he'd help me out, maybe if i can get my dad to help me out i can get my name cleared, dad can go and tell atlanta he was the one that had made me run the whiskey and.....hmmmm. i wonder... maybe theyd give me so many yrs of probation here in hazzard and itll be alright, Im still tryin to think of a way to get the charges dropped fer you though Bo. Im not even sure my plans will work out fer me yet.


Bo shook his head, sitting her back down.

"Lori, listen. It doesn't need to be as complicated as that...thing is, I don't think they're arrestin' you for whiskey runnin'...last I heard, in order for you to be arressted they have to catch you with the shine...that's why me an' Luke got arrested. You ain't been caught, they're just goin' on the suspicion that you are, which ain't allowed is it Luke?"


Lori sat back down and threw her head back against the wall, she looked at Bo and asked him,"so just what exactly did u get arrested fer?" or did Rosco forget to tell ya and write ya up fer nuttin, as always. lori kinda laughed but she frowned again as she didnt know what to do.


Bo laughed and nodded

"It was pretty much that. He stopped me in the loner Cooter leant me an' o'course it's a piece o'junk so I didn't get too far in the getaway department an' he arrested me. When I asked what for, he just said I'd find out in fronta the judge...which makes me think he had no real reason, he just wanted an excuse...probably Boss' orders."

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