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Yes, it's doggie num nums. We have a stray cat we've been feeding. We've named it Flash because we don't know if it's a boy or girl. At first we called it Pat the Cat (a name for a boy or girl) but Flash is much cooler. We still haven't got close enough to pet it....it's pretty wild. I'm getting off the subject, here's another question.

In "The Randsom of Hazzard County", what Hazzard County location do the bad guys threaten to blow up? (saved by Bo and Luke at the end)


Right, Hazzard Dam

Here's two questions from "Happy Birthday General Lee"

Which birthday was it?

How many tries did it take to start the new General?

Incidently, the guy at the Capitol City junkyard where it was bought mistakenly called it a 1968. Did anyone notice the price of gas at Cooter's? It was 30 cents a gallon. I see Bo had the dirty yellow "Radials" hat on. It looked like the same hat Jonas Jones wore in "Cooter's Confession" and Cooter had worn on previous episodes.

It was the General's 8th Birthday and it took them two tries to start the new General. He started up on the second one when bO crossed his fingers on his left hand :)

Another interesting bit about that episode is you can see John's wedding ring...If we're supposed to believe that's Bo right out of high school, he should have taken it off! LOL!



And another thing, the businesses in town were season 6 and 7 businesses and not season one. To do it right they should have gone back to Conyers to film it. Of course that wouldn't have been practical and it would have confused a lot of people who weren't followers of the show from the beginning.


Ok here is a tricky question! In the Season One Episode, 'The Big Heist' Bo gets a new pair of mail order boots but finds that they don't fit so well and ends up limping.

My question is: Which foot does he limp on most?

AND for a bonus point

'What was the real reason for Bo's limp in this episode?'


You got me on both those ones Bo. I remember Luke teased him a lot for making the unwise decision of buying boots without seeing them first.

Here's one from "Close Call for Daisy" What kind of book was Rosco reading? hint: it involves Flash


He! I watched that last night before I read this! He's reading one about Police Dog Training!

And the answers to mine are

He actually limps on both, it changes throughout the show, but the one he is limping on most is his left.

The reason is (apparently) when doing a stunt for the previous episode, he injured his foot. It is wrapped in bandages. If you look closely when he is pulling on the boot outside the post office on his left foot, you can see the bandage just before he pulls it on. :)


Hehe again watched that straight after the one before lol.

It's Hijacking a truck full of Boss' Autoparts! He doesn't though...and to note, Luke gets hit over the head once again by a girl...something Bo comments on...

L: I got hit in the head by a girl!

B: Again?! Luke what did you do this time?!


Hey Bo, are you starting on season 7 now or aren't you watching them in order? Here's one from "Welcome Waylon Jennings".

Why did Jesse give Waylon money just before Waylon's first professional concert? (no, it wasn't for a ticket)


You're both right. Someone stole it so Jesse gave him the money to buy a new one...."and you've been paying me back for years with all those great songs" (the quote went something like that)

Here's one from "Daisy's Shotgun Wedding"

At the end when Rosco and Boss got caught in the Beaudry's net (revenuer trap) how did they get out?


I believe Flash chewed them out in about two hours:) I have a question for ya... it'sa two-parter:

In Enos's Last Chance, what is the title of the sermon to be preached the coming Sunday at Hazzard County Gospel Church and who will be preaching it?


Yep, it was Flash to the rescue.

I just saw that episode and I think it is "Moonshine or Milk" or something like that. I believe Rev J P Frawley is delivering the sermon. Rev Ed Bachman Jr used to be the preacher there but it was Frawley later in the series.

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