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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Howdy, Thomamon! Welcome to HazzardNet. Or maybe I should say, welcome back!

    You mighta been here before - HazzardNet's been around for several years. It's deja vu' all over again. Yep, it's been remodeled some, but rest assured, it's still operated by the same lunatics.

    Thanks for the kind compliments. A whole lotta credit goes to our fellow Hazzardites for positing Dukes news and spy-witness reports about the movie filming. Hazzard has nevah been busier!


  2. You know, I didn't read Tempest's post about the flamin' arrows of death before I walked into that little get-together....just imagine my surprise. But all in all, I'd have to say the first annual Turkey Shoot was a succes....seein' as how I survived it. Heh!

    We did have a few incidents involvin' the inappropriate use of pies, yams, and dinner rolls, but I suppose that's to be expected. Thanks to all who participated!


  3. J.D. Jr.,

    Your explanation sounds plausible enuff. While HazzardNet doesn't permit solicitation of it's members, cousins, local folk and lurkers, I've decided to leave your post up. Folks can contact you at their own risk, should they wish to do so.

    This ain't, however, an official endorsement. A note here to the HazzardNet crowd: We suggest the use of a PO Box when enterin' correspondence with anyone. Somethin' as simple as yer name and street address can be used to dig up a whole lot of information on you. Be careful out there.

    Back to you, J.D. Jr. - I think you understand why the skepticism and caution is necessary. We've heard some outrageous claims over the years....and we must do our best to protect our community.

    Some of us have also done our share of writin' for our own amusement. (Not sure I'd say that we wrote stuff we'd actually like to experience. Heh. ) HazzardNet contains stories and links to fanfic pages, and the thought of any of us havin' work ripped off - fully or partially - is distressin' to say the least. It's a risk we take when we post our work for the free enjoyment of the world. ( Tho' we're savvy enuff to have file dates and logs.) You've posted a few of your ideas, which you intend to market - and in doin' so, took a risk yourself.

    I'm not sure how many sites you've posted your invitation on...or if you sniffed out HazzardNet for any particular reason. In any event, you've conducted yourself well. I sincerely wish ya the best of luck.


  4. JD Jr,

    Yer a persistent cuss, I'll give ya that much. Good for you - it takes fortitude to make it out there.

    I can't speak for everybody - but the reason I ain't personally all fired up, and jumpin' up and down about your proposal, is because I have no way of knowin' if you're for real. You've got good ideas - so go for it. But where does anyone else fit in? Why would ya need to collect ideas from the public at large? Ain't that the agent's job?

    I've been around long enough to be just a little jaded. It sounds like you're looking to re-market other people's stories. Ostesnsibly, you're gonna give credit back to the original author somehow. Pardon my blatant skepticism, but any of us could submit stuff to an agent directly, and skip the middleman.

    No offense intended. I'm sure you can respect the need for any author, fanfic or otherwise, to protect themselves and their work.

    If you wanna tell us more about yourself, and list some of the scripts you've successfully marketed, and show us an example of your writing - by all means, g'wan ahead. I'd be interested to see it.


  5. Brian nodded at Alex's words...but the story was incomplete. The black-clad Coltrane looked at the ground, and quietly filled in the rest.

    "Chet confessed to us that he'd stolen the horses....and then I made threats against 'em to see what his bounty might be worth. I decided to turn Chet in to the Sheriff, figurin' we'd pick up a reward...and then we'd sell the stolen horses ourselves. Lots of easy money. Only Chet gave us enuff grief that I decided we'd hang the silly son of a @#$&* instead."

    Pausing, Brian gave a sigh. "We'd just about strung 'em up, too, when suddenly his gang comes pourin' into town. Chet made a move...Alex shot 'em....and I rode into the gang n' took most of 'em down. I caught a bullet for mah efforts....but when it was all over, Chet was bleedin' in the dirt, and most of his gang was dead."

    Brian's eyes lifted back up to meet the Deputy's. "Since I was wounded n' couldn't get far, I convinced Alex to take the stolen horses and leave town. I'd planned to meet up with him later, and we'd live on the money from sellin' those horses. 'Cept neither of us got far. The lady gambler caught up with me. She hid me in a cabin...probably saved my life with her herb recipie n' bandages. Then the saloon girl joined us, and I eventually got word of Alex bein' arrested..."

    It was here that the words broke off, and Brian took a long moment to continue. "I realized Alex was gonna pay for my crimes. Everythin' had been mah idea so I couldn't let that happen. I rode back to town to break him outta jail. Of course, when I saw y'all together, I thought he'd sold me out....but...you know all that."

    With a deep, settling breath, Brian made a request. "MaryAnne...let Alex go. This mess wasn't his doin'....he's just a drifter caught up in a whirlwind. Take me in, instead....and let him go."

    (cue anybody!)

  6. Brian leaned over in the saddle and shook Alex's hand, giving the blonde drifter a smile. "When I heard you were busted, I rode back to town to git you outta jail. So naturally, ah was a little confused, n' then alarmed, when I saw ya ridin' with the law. I shoulda known that you wouldn't have sold out, Alex."

    With that, Brian released the handshake, and looked at MaryAnne. Chance had just asked a very important question to the Deputy....

    .....and the answer meant a great deal to the futures of both Brian and Alex.

    (cue MaryAnne!)

  7. Howdy, JD Jr. Welcome to HazzardNet!

    That's a decent premise ya got there. Thing is, I don't think WB is gonna embrace much with the original Duke series anymore. But don't let that stop ya...who knows, maybe they'd consider a 3rd TV reunion movie. Hard to say, but if they thought they could make a buck off of it, maybe they would.

    There's less commitment in a single-episode tv movie, than in another series, so that might be the better possibility to sell. Don't take my advice too much to heart, tho'....I ain't a professional scriptwriter. I don't want to discourage ya. Just sharing some business thinkin'.

    Go for it, and good luck!


  8. "So am I, cousin. Woulda been the worst mistake of my life." There was an apology in Brian's tone, and he reached up and touched the brim of his hat in a salute-like gesture. He then nudged Damascus closer.

    After a sober pause, Brian made a decision. "If Alex is in your custody.....then I am, too. Ah can show ya proof enough with the bullet I caught, that some of the ruckus was in self-defense. From there...we'll have to sort it out."

    (Cue MaryAnne - then open cue)

  9. "It ain't?" Brian looked at MaryAnne, Alex and Chance and read the truth in their expressions. "Aw hell...."

    Feeling awkward, he holstered his pistol and leaned back in the saddle. He cleared his throat and attempted an explanation. "Well....all I saw was the three of ya thunderin' after me, and with Chet shot and a bunch of rustlers dead in the streets....I....."

    Brian paused, seeing MaryAnne staring at him. "Um.....awright, I thought Alex sold me out to save his own neck, and this lady gambler was gonna back up his story or somethin'! Last ah'd known, Alex was in jail, and then I see this, and...."

    Shrugging, Brian broke off his explanation, and waited to see how much trouble he was really in.

    (cue MaryAnne!)

  10. Given the information / lack thereof at the time, we had plenty o' reason to freak out. A couple years ago, special interest groups and political forces succeeded in making the State of Georgia remove all traces of the Confederate stars n' bars from their state flag. And during the making of the second Dukes reunion movie, these same groups attempted to pressure CBS / WB into removing the flag from the General Lee. I expect there will be some hue n' cry from these groups once they realize that the Confederate flag is going to be "celebrated" on the big screen.

    Or maybe...just maybe...folks will realize that the Dukes of Hazzard is about down-home fun, and no political offense need be taken. We'll see how it unfolds. In the meantime....we're all going to enjoy this movie much more, with the General Lee in full uniform. The faces of our favorite characters will look different...Hazzard itself is going to look different....but if this film captures the true spirit of the show, the movie will succeed beyond all expectations.


  11. Rebel, we've got a new spy-witness report from "Beanie" under the "Filming Starts Today" topic, saying that the flag was actually seen on the General Lee.

    We've had a long-running debate ( ok, screaming fit ) over the prospect of no-flag for at least a year. Of all the topics to ever rile the HazzardNet faithful, this was the number one issue. Maybe some of that ranting and raving did some good...I'd like to think that somewhere out there, somebody was paying attention to the fans instead of the political groups.

    And it appears, by recent reports, that the General is in full uniform. To which I give a hearty Yee-HAAA!


  12. Yo, Beanie! Welcome to HazzardNet! And thanks for your spy-witness report on the filming! That's a fantastic bit of information. I think that's the most encouraging report we've heard yet about the feel of the movie.

    No doubt about it, Louisiana folk have been terrific about sharing the scoop with all of us. Keep the spy-witness reports coming!


  13. Brian was mere seconds from firing when MaryAnne abruptly halted her horse. Just in time, he moved his finger away from the trigger, or MaryAnne's sudden change of posture might have resulted in disaster.

    "@#$%&*!!" He yelled in surprise, reining in Damascus to a sliding stop. With his own horse just a few feet away from MaryAnne's, he stared at the possee as if all of them were crazy. MaryAnne, in particular, had confounded him. Brian kept the gun aimed for the moment and vented his feelings.

    "Ah've heard of ree-verse psychology," he drawled, "But this takes the cake. MaryAnne, has it occurred to you that the law don't raise it's hands when makin' an arrest?! What kind of a posse is this?! "

    The astounded looks coming back at him only perplexed Brian further. His dark eyes glanced from Alex to Chance. "Y'all might be new to this possee thang, but trust me, when you got the bad guy outnumbered three to one, that's not the time ya give up."

    He then looked back at MaryAnne, who had kept her hands raised. There was something in her blue eyes that spoke louder than any words she might have offered....

    (Cue MaryAnne....thanks for the rest of y'all's patience, we'll have an open cue soon)

  14. Brian glanced over his shoulder to see MaryAnne hefting her rifle. His heart immediately felt like it was galloping ahead of the horse. There was no doubt in his mind, now....the law was after him and it meant business.

    He had a choice. He could pivot Damascus around, and fire upon his kin....or...be fired upon.

    With his left hand, Brian pulled Damascus's reins hard to the left, and pressed in with his leg. The big horse cut direction, turning and kicking up dirt with powerful hindquarters. Brian gave a yell and urged Damascus on towards the posse...."HYAAAAH!!"

    His right arm was leveled and the pistiol aimed. If he was lucky, he could squeeze off a shot and shoot the rifle from MaryAnne's hand...

    ...unless she blew him out of the saddle first.

    (Cue MaryAnne!)

  15. Luke-Duke, welcome to HazzardNet. You're right, KITT was reincarnated as a Chevy, but I thought it was a '57. Anyhoo, you made an excellent point, and I'm gonna expand on that.

    Basktqase, Hollywood is dumber than ya think. In the example of the tv Knight Rider movies, KITT was reinvented dramtically...and there was nothing controversial about Pontiacs to warrant it. Hell, they went so far as to kill off Devon in the 2nd movie, just to really piss off the fans.

    Back to the General Lee and yer statement. Yeah, the car is shown on the movie set, I recognize the junk in the background too. But before anybody decides the flag is there as a sure bet, consider this:

    Anything can end up on the cutting room floor. Or in this day and age, edited, graphically altered, photoshopped. ( Nothing says we'll see a lot of shots of the car roof in any case.) I think WB will use the flag in the movie if they think they can get away with it. But I also think the minute they get big pressure from special interest groups, they might edit that flag out.

    I'm skeptically optimistic that the flag will still be there. I'm bankin' on the counter-culture strategy tipping the scales. Namely, if there is hue and cry about the flag from special interest groups and the politically correct crowd, then that will translate into free advertisement for the movie. So then, seeing the movie would be the most politically insensitive thing an enlightened person could do, which would send plenty of folk skittering to the box office.


  16. After convincing Damascus to gallop away from the cluster of riders, Brian hunched low in the saddle and leaned forward, urging his horse to hurry. Damascus, however, thought the whole chase was nothing more than a game of Keep Away From Phoenix, and repeatedly whinnied back at his appaloosa herdmate. Brian gritted his teeth and realized that even if he did outrun MaryAnne's posse, he'd eventually be found because Damascus wasn't going to shut up.

    Brian glanced over his shoulder and saw the riders gaining ground. He recognized Alex and the lady gambler, Chance, riding with the law. With the grim paranoia that came from being an outlaw too long, Brian reasoned that Alex had turned against him, in order to save his own neck. And there was the lady gambler, with him.

    It all fit like a pair of old boots. "A setup," Brian muttered to himself. "They get me buyin' that Alex is in trouble, so I run right into their arms! He's probably been workin' with that gamblin' woman from the get-go....and now I'm probably framed for eveythin'! Damn, ah'm a fool!"

    Brian turned forward to try and coax Damascus into more effort. The black horse didn't have his heart in the escape, and had a tired gallop going. No amount of kicking to the flanks was making an impression. For the first time in his life, Brian regretted not wearing spurs. "@#$%!"

    Another glance over the shoulder showed that precious ground was shrinking between him and the posse. He would have to make a stand, soon....or he'd be dragged back to town and strung up. Unless, of course, MaryAnne just shot him outright. It all depended on the mood she was in.

    Brian figured on making her think about it first. He reached down and furled back the right side of his long black coat. His hand flashed down to his holster....and in a smooth, fluid motion, he withdrew the gun and spun the weapon in his hand, arm extended high in the air, sunlight gleaming from the barrel.

    (Cue MaryAnne!)

  17. Welcome to HazzardNet, Basktqase. In regards to us "havin' a fit for no reason".... that's what the forums are for. Heh heh.

    Really, tho', we've been debating whether or not the flag would be present for several months. And now, I gotta point out a little twist o' logic.

    The flag might be on the car, on the photos we've seen here.

    However, this may not be the same car used in many of the shots in the movie. This could be a proverbial stunt double they're usin' for drivin' practice only.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm hopin' the flag is on the car. I'm just not gonna take anything at face value.


  18. How to upload pictures....hmmm. I ain't the resident technical expert, lemme admit that right up front. I'm the same moderator who put three PC's outta commission in 8 months. The net effect of that bein', our monthly newsletter which comes out quarterly, is now gonna be produced about twice a year.

    All that bein' said, from the homepage, click on "Gallery" in the upper right. Once yer in the Gallery section, make sure you're logged in with yer HNet ID. Then click on 'Upload Photos" in the upper right. ( It's at the near-top of the page, somewhere just above the category columns and right below the patrol car.)

    From there, just use the Browse thang to upload yer photo. Pick the category you wanna put it under.

    From there, one of our friendly moderators/editors/ lackeys / indentured servants will review the photo to make sure it's not objectionable by our infamously arbitrary standards. We usually approve n' post a photo within a day of it's upload.


  19. It was by sheer Coltrane luck that Brian rode into Hazzard without crossing paths with Chet, or with the gang of rustlers. Feeling as if his luck would hold, Brian guided Damascus towards the jailhouse.

    The black Percheron-Arabian suddenly gave a shrill, happy whinny, bellowing a greeting to a herdmate. Damascus pulled on the bit, wanting to head towards the riders who were approaching.

    Brian looked where Damascus was trying to go, and saw sunlight glance off a silver badge. "Oh hell...no, Damascus! You don't wanna go say hello to Phoenix right now! Turn around, boy! Come on, move!!"

    (cue MaryAnne!)

  20. You can bet the Duke farm, there's gonna be movie merchandise. This is all my personal guess, but I'd venture that posters will be among the first items marketed. The movie soundtrack will be heavily promoted. Die-cast cars will probably hit the shelves before the movie itself is in theatres. A fast-food chain will sponsor a promo in the form of a McHazzard meal. (Though they might name it somethin' else. Heh! )

    It also wouldn't surprise me if "retro" Dukes merchandise, featuring the original cast, went into new production. This possibility depends on the type liscensing agreements that WB plans to make available to manufacturers.

    Another possibility to ponder...WB might choke off the "old" Dukes of Hazzard liscensing agreements, in order to make sure the movie merchandise gets full opportunity. I hope they don't go this route, but ya nevah know. Anybody following the "with or without rebel flag" threads concerning the General Lee, realizes where I'm goin' with that.

    At the least, bootleg merchandise will be widely available. That hasn't stopped in over 20 years, so no change there.


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