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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. I feel the same way. One of my favorite episodes, for similar reasons, is "To Catch A Duke." This was the one with the husband-and-wife jewelry robbers who ditch the gems outside of the Hazzard Courthouse, and Flash finds the bag of goods and carries it into Rosco's patrol car. Rosco ends up getting fired by Boss, and we get to see Rosco as a person seperate ( and forcibly seperated) from his uniform. We also get to see how much that uniform meant to him, and to what lengths he'd go to, in order to restore himself as Sheriff.

    Rosco also displays some competence in this episode, and I always enjoyed it when Rosco and Enos got to win a little.


  2. Howdy, Clay! Welome to HazzardNet. Glad you like it!

    About the theme song...I hate to bring up the cash register motive of WB, but they'll have anybody sing anything, so long as it sells the soundtrack.

    And since Kid Rock has done a duet with Shania, and Tim McGraw is rappin' along with...Nelly or whoever, nothin' would surprise me anymore. So long as the musicians are signing the theme song because they dig the Dukes, that's awright with me.

    I suppose by the end of the movie, they'll all join in one big chorus, kind of like a massive "We Are the World" tune where every singer gets at least one solo line. Heh heh!


  3. This is only a test. Just seeing how posting goes with the new server.

    MeadowMufn said the site was movin' a little faster and I do believe she's right. On the old server, my posts were stallin' out here n' there. ( But since I'd crashed three computers into a tree this past year, I figured it was just me.)

    I know some of y'all experienced "page not found" messages and other sporadic baloney on the old server. Our apologies for the inconvenience! Thanks for your patience during the downtime.

    If you ever notice a problem with the Forums or any part of the site, please give us a holler at webmaster AT hazzardnet.com (spelled it out cuz we don't want to get spammed!). Much as we patrol the place, HazzardNet seems to have it's own sense of humor, and it likes to act up when we're not looking.

    'Nuff said! Back to the shenanigans.


  4. The only bullet that had concerned Brian, was the one that had claimed his flesh and sent him falling back into the trunk. He layed there as the burn of lead and warm seep of blood gave way to a pleasant numbness. He didn't flinch as further shots pinged against the open trunk lid over his head, sending tiny sparks to dance for his bemusement.

    The roar of a motor, screeching brakes, and more gunfire didn't phase him. Despite the chill of the night air and the lack of his jacket, he didn't feel cold. He didn't feel anything....

    ...but he saw the swath of bright light outside, caused by Hunter's headlights. The open trunk lid was revealed against the night sky, the back of the Camaro like an open coffin.

    He closed his eyes, the weariness of his exhausted, wounded body sinking towards a sweet oblivion. But soon a familar voice was interrupting this indulgent repose; and it was a voice that could not be ignored. At the touch to his neck, Brian slowly opened his eyes, and turned his face towards MaryAnne.

    She stood there, her uniformed presence a silhouette against the white light behind her. He smiled, weakly, and whispered out her name. "MaryAnne...."

    And then unconciousness could no longer be denied, and Brian gave into it, his eyes closing and his face turning to rest against her hand. His pulse continued to tap lightly beneath her fingers....

    (cue MaryAnne)

  5. Chet's outburst alarmed Brian. If the fool Duke ticked off the law bad enough, all bets could be off. And if MaryAnne got mad enough to hang one of them, she'd probably hang all three. She had, after all, given them the same deal at the outset.

    Casting a quick glance at Alex, Brian shook his head in silent warning. They couldn't afford to react. Chet evidently felt he had nothing to lose, and was trying to get himself hung here and now. It might be victory enough for the bullet-ridden Duke, to see his enemies dragged to the gallows with him.

    (Cue Alex )

  6. The roar of the engine and the white-hot blaze of headlights filled the air like an oncoming train. Brian kept his eyes open, despite the fact that either a bullet or a car was about to hit.

    When it did, Brian wanted to see Fargo's face...in order to use his last breath to spit at him.

    ( Cue Fargo....)

  7. Inside the Camaro's trunk, Brian was having an uncomfortable ride. He felt every jarring bump and pothole in the road. The trip itself, however, wasn't the bad part. It was the destination itself that was concerning him. Soon, his bluff would be called for good.

    Wherever Riddick was, Brian hoped the trade had been worth it. Wherever his kin was, Brian hoped that they might someday have the chance to track down Fargo and Anderson and visit some justice upon them.

    Meanwhile, he'd do what he could to see that the Camaro eventually drew the attention of the law. Brian drew his knee up and kicked back into the inside of the taillights, attempting to break them from the inside. He repeated the kicking, banging himself around in the trunk until the Camaro's brakes slammed for a second and forced him to roll bodily against the inside panels. *WHAM!* "..GAH! @#$&*..."

    The Camaro moved again, the point made. Brian turned his head to look at the taillights. One was cracked, but the interior frame kept him from successfully knocking it out. Well, that left the wiring harness...

    The darkness of the trunk kept him from being able to see exactly where the tailing wiring was, but that didn't stop him from using a boot to catch and pull against any wiring found. He was rewarded with the disconnect of half the brakelights, when the wires gave. The other wiring set was behind his head, and there would be no turning himself around in the trunk to get at it.

    He hoped that half the brakelights being out, would be anough for some picky Southern cop to pull the car over. And maybe get suspicious. And maybe, just maybe, eventually Fargo and Anderson's bounty hunting days would be over.

    Unfortuntely, it wouldn't happen soon enough.

    (cue anybody!)

  8. LaNative, thank you for posting that article. Much appreciated.

    I didn't expect any part of the new Dukes movie to turn into a civics lesson. But I do find it interesting that an effort is being made in the script to appease both the longtime fans, along with those who may find the flag offensive.

    I despair, tho', at the thought of the Dukes practically apologizing for the flag being on the car. Come on, now. Why not have them apologize for being white? Or for being from the south? Or for driving a car that is ecologically irresponsible because it's a gas-guzzler and doesn't have modern emission control equipment?

    If the movie producers want to include a short bit to "explain" the flag, great. Have someone ask the Dukes if they're bigots or Klansmen or whatever. And have the Dukes simply say NO. The ol' response, "It's heritage, not hate," works just fine. And then a handshake. End scene, on to the car chase.

    Now, on a good note - the new Dukes movie might accomplish something of a balance about the whole flag issue - which has been blown so far out of porportion the last few years, you'd swear there were no bigger concerns of the planet. WB simply needs to concentrate on the movie serving it's core purpose - to entertain, amuse, and make money. If , during all this, they can present the original spirit of the show, including the Duke's code of honor and morals, then the flag issue resolves itself. The behavior of the characters will speak louder than anything the car is painted.


  9. Talk about terms of endeerment. I'm flattered, but there's no need to fawn over me like this.

    I'm not sure this is a good idea, anyhoo. There's Dasher, and Dancer, and Brian and Blitzen? Are ya'll crazy?

    Nevahmind, I know the answer to that one. Looks like I'm gonna be dashin' through the snow...pretty dang fast.

    Kiss mah whitetail !


  10. For himself, Brian had taken the remaining cell at MaryAnne's gesture. He turned and faced her as the iron bars closed shut, his expression remaining a stone mask. There were no sympathies shown between the blue eyes and brown, the iron seperating kin as surely as the deeds.

    The lanterns burned down low and the jailhouse was soon empty, except for the incarcerated. Restless for the dawn, Brian paced the small confines of his cell, his spurless bootsteps falling quietly on the hard floor. And so he measured the minutes into hours, his black-clad shape moving wraithlike within the darkened cell. He indulged himself in a cigarette, the red ember glowing hot with the intake of his breath, dimming again as the smoke was expelled to linger in the moonlight.

    Only when the night was at it's darkest, and the dawn less than two hours away, did Brian stretch back on the wooden bench and put his hat over his eyes. The short sleep would ensure that he'd wake up crankier than hell. But the night's pacing had kept his muscles and his mind limber; he would be fit for the long ride in the morning.

    The direction of which, was only known to himself. No matter which way he was pointed out of town....

    (Cue MaryAnne )

  11. I think the date n' time outta be set by Temptest or Cap'n Santa. But just to throw out some suggestions, either Monday the 20th, or Wednesday the 22nd would work for me. Traditionally, we have these thangs around 8 pm Eastern, 7 Central. Ya'll pipe up with what works for ya.


  12. "Awright, you freeloadin', over-stuffed hamster. Sit back! Ree-lax! But if you gotta walk back to town from Chattanooga or whevah I end up, don't whine about it. 'Cause this ain't no zoo-mobile and there ain't no round trip."

    Brian put the car in gear again and drove through the alley, heading for the courthouse. His dark eyes flicked into the rear-view mirror. "Can you ride a motorcycle? Maybe I could getcha a career in the circus."

    (cue anybody)

  13. "GAAH! A tresspasser! An un-author-ized hitchhiker!" Startled, Brian flattened himself against the inside of the driver's door, looking warily at the oversized varmint. "What the hell, no wonder my car smells like a wet dog!"

    Recovering himself, Brian leaned across the length of the front seat and popped open the glove box. He took out a small air freshener shaped like a pine tree and hung it from the mirror. "We ain't goin' nowhere, big cat. I'm tryin' to find Rosco so I can get some official business taken care of. You need to skeedaddle. What say I drop you off at Cooter's?"

    (cue Razor)

  14. Having turned the key in the ignition within a heartbeat's time, Brian didn't immediately note the background noise. But as Diablo's motor turned over with it's usual vrrraaa-hoom, Brian listened to the engine critically. "Diablo, either yer way past a tune-up, or you're about to drop a muffler. Either way, hold it together for awhile!"

    Brian threw the Chevy into gear and gunned it, sending the car bolting from the curb. Deciding he'd better put Diablo through a quick check, he debated on taking a short run down a back road.

    But then, his ornery side got the better of him. He owed Cooter some payback...and there was one sure-fire way to tell if Rosco was back in town.

    "Hell yeah..." Brian muttered to himself, grinning. "KHEEHAAAA!" He yanked the wheel, hammered the gas, and held down the brakes at the same time. Diablo did a yowling, smoking shriek around the town square, the rear of the long Chevy threating to break free from the restrained torque. The revving roar of the engine, trapped in high gear while the brakes held it back, sounded like a low-flying 747. White smoke poured thick from the rear tires, while a burning track of rubber was carved into the asphalt.

    Over at the garage, Cooter looked up from pumping gas to see a white cloud of smoke, with the front of a black Chevy sticking out of it. Then he could see nothing at all as Diablo squalled past him, sending up thick wafts of hot smoke. Waving his hat and coughing, Cooter was forced to retreat inside of his garage, while the patron at the gas pump had to roll up the car window.

    Traffic came to a halt. Stores put up "Closed" signs in their windows and pedestrians scattered for shelter. Diablo fishtailed around the town square completely before ducking into an alley.

    Brian threw the car into park and patted the dashboard, laughing. "Kheehahaha! Oh man, that was beautiful! That was worth the tires! Not bad for wet streets, Diablo! Not bad at all!"

    (cue anybody!)

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