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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. GAAAAAAAH!!! It must be true!! *gasp* <THUD>

    Sequels!! Which means.....years of us all analyzin' and squabblin' and bickerin' and pickin' apart everything!

    Which means....dammit, I've got to clean up some of these bazillion pages of old posts, so we can make room for the new bellyachin' and carryin' on and wild speculation we all gotta engage in!!

    But...London? What's with this London gig, is that true? What, is this gonna be like a Smokey and the Bandit motive, where the Dukes are on some mad quest for fish and chips? Help me out, heah....


  2. I dunno....why? I don't even remember where that thing was. If it ain't working or seems to be missing, lemme know where it used to be, and I'll go see if I can figure out where it went.

    If it was hosted off-site by somebody else, it's always possible the host location removed it, which would render any link we had to it, dee-funct.

    Thank ya,


  3. Just to let ya'll know, "Scott", who is one of the folks who posted info about the Dukes movie during filming - is okay! I've been worried about 'em, along with all our Louisiana cousins. But I'm happy to report Scott's awright. He is busy helping with the relief and stabilization efforts.

    Y'all, we've put a link on the HazzardNet homepage to the Red Cross. The situation created by hurricane Katrina is beyond what most of us have ever witnessed for a natural disaster in the U.S. The amount of money needed to help folks survive and recover, is going to be tremendous.

    Simple necessities like fresh water, food, blankets and clothing have become incredible luxuries for people who have lost everything. This didn't happen in some third-world country, where we can hope that "somebody else" will help. These people are our own friends, neighbors and cousins in an hour of great need.

    HazzardNet asks ya'll to please help the Red Cross, so that they can help the thousands of people who have been made homeless and jobless by this disaster.

    Thank you,


  4. Yes, there be a moderator out heah!!

    Sorry about the chatroom. We...uh....well, we broke it. But we'll fix it!

    Our apologies for the inconvenience. Soon as it's up and running I'll post something here.

    Thank ya,


  5. With a smouldering look at the insolent Dukes, Brian mounted his horse and heaved a resigned sigh. They're would be no getting rid of Bo or Luke, short of shooting them. Tempting as that was, there was also the fact of two dead wranglers who had been bushwhacked by unknown assailants. It might not hurt, then, to have company along. Though he didn't have to like it.

    "Bein' seen with y'all is gonna damage mah reputation to no end," Brian grumbled. He waited as the Dukes mounted their own horses, then nudged Damascus into motion. "But ah'll endure yer self-righteous and altogether smug presence, so long as you fill me in on the news from town. This gang you mentioned....are you talkin' about Chet's old friends, or some other stray dogs?"

    (cue anyone!)

  6. "Nevah saw these two before," Brian answered. "But yeah....I'd thought the worst when I saw two people face-down in the dirt. Didn't get any closer to 'em until ya'll showed up and kinda forced the issue."

    Knowing how close he'd come into trading lead with the Dukes over dead strangers, Brian cleared his throat and headed for his horse. "Reckon I'd best continue mah search. And since y'all know I had nothin' to do with this mess, I'd be obliged if you shut yer yap concernin' mah whereabouts. 'Cause on the odd chance MaryAnne and Rosco are awright, the minute I confirm that, I'll halfta hightail it outta heah."

    Pausing at the stirrup, Brian looked back at the Dukes. "If they ain't awright....Chet's gonna have an expensive tab to pay. Either way this goes, ain't no witnesses invited."

    (Cue Lukas, you dang, meddlesome Duke.....or whoever!)

  7. Brian talked, and he answered with choice words. "@#$%&*," he spat. "Gallavatin'! You call bein' exiled at gunpoint, and forbidden to return to yer own home upon pain of death, gallavantin'?!" You pair of wagon-hitch mules got some nerve! Ah rode back after hearin' a blast that shook the hills....and found....this."

    Gesturing to the bodies with his gun, Brian turned his horse towards the grim sight. "Now, I had figured Chet might pull a stunt when MaryAnne was leadin' 'em out. I'd told Rosco as much....but he wouldn't ride back to help her until he had taken me outta town. And now...for all ah know, the Hazzard County law, or what's left of it, is right there." Brian's voice tightened. "And then you two thistle-farmers ride up and get on mah nerves."

    Nudging Damascas towards the dirt-and-buzzard covered bodies, Brian turned his back solidly on the Dukes, insulting them with the implied invitation to shoot him in the back. He knew they weren't likely do it; but at the moment he didn't care one way or the other.

    He halted Damascus when the horse refused to go closer to the screeching buzzards and ripe stench of death. Brian returned his gun to the holster and dismounted. The buzzards cawed in protest but grudgingly hobbled off at his slow, purposeful approach.

    Steeling himself against the sight of the bloated, bird-pecked bodies, and holding his breath against the putrid scent, Brian hooked the toe of his boot beneath the shoulder of one dead body and rolled it over. The vacant, sightless face stared up blankly to the sun, teeth set in a grimace.

    It wasn't anyone Brian recognized. He'd been so worried for his cousins, he'd been convinced of the outcome before knowing the complete truth. Hurriedly, he went to the second body and kicked it over. Another unknown face stared back, the final shock of death frozen on the unwashed features.

    Relieved, but puzzled, Brian backed away from the dead wranglers. His cousins fates were unknown, but the worst had not happened...yet.

    (Cue Lukas or anyone )

  8. Brian's eyes followed Luke's gesture. The subtle accusation wasn't missed. "Them?" Brian drawled back. "You mean those bodies under the buzzards? Well, you can thank Chet for that scene. I got heah too late to do anythin'...."

    A nerve twitched in Brian's face. "...but you can be damn sure, I'll settle up accounts with Chet directly. Unless you two feel like pickin' up the tab."

    With the threat and challenge issued, Brian waited for either of the Dukes to so much as twitch. His gun was ready. His kin, he thought to be dead. His own fate, therefore, was of no concern. He silently goaded the Dukes to draw, his dark eyes holding a brittle, iced-over gaze.

    (Cue Lukas )

  9. There was scant comfort in recognizing the riders to be Dukes. The last thing Brian wanted, was a run-in with any of Chet's relatives, no matter how near or distant. Another point of contention was that Bo and Luke tended to be sticklers for justice, so long as it was levied upon anyone but themselves.

    "GIT!" Brian barked in answer, firing off two fast shots high over Luke's head. Seconds later, a small tree branch cracked and fell, crunching down to fall irritatingly close to one Duke and his horse.

    (cue Lukas!)

  10. The sound of hoofbeats stirred Brian from his remorse. He placed the low-brimmed hat back upon his head, and pulled the reins to spin Damascus around to face the oncoming riders.

    The riders were coming on fast. Too fast to be friendly, Brian figured. With a casual, automatic reflex, his hand flashed down to furl back the side of his long coat. He drew his gun from the holster with a quick, smooth motion. The weapon was spun in hand, causing a brief flare of sunlight to glance off of the barrel.

    (cue Lukas!)

  11. Since Darrell ( Cap'n Redneck ) is a gentleman and won't lower himself in reply to Paladin.... I'll do it! :p

    Me, I got no such manners. Awright, where do I start...

    --And in case it needs spelling out, I`m NOT your "buddy". I`m not looking for online friends.

    Good, 'cause you won't find any HERE! Heh. Seriously though, man, yer in the wrong place. We actually like each other around here. Why rip into anybody on a personal level just 'cause ya don't dig their opinion?

    GROW UP. That sort of elementary school crap is how children and the mentally defficient rank each other. You want "bragging rights" ...because you`ve wasted more time on a message board longer than someone else has??......... That`s pretty SAD, Sparky.

    I've wasted more time than anybody on this message board. Yeah, I'm mentally deficient and I have the maturity of a Saturday morning cartoon. (fortunately, it doesn't show.) But it's fun. That's what we're all about here. Kinda goes with that friendship thang, too.

    Personally, I`ve got better things to do than argue online with A Fool over a very foolish movie.

    So why the hell did you post that twenty-minute rant?

    I`ll leave you to enjoy your little play world now, where your mighty post count makes you worth more than others, who are but lowly "newbies"....

    Actually, Darrell has always been one of the first to welcome new folk to our board. He's friendly. Polite, even. Socially well-adjusted and an all-around good guy. In fact, the vast majority of HazzardNet folk are the nicest buncha lunatics you'd ever be fortunate enuff to meet.

    No wonder you loved the movie so....Like yourself, it was a lotta BS.

    Dude. It's a movie. I personally had disappointments with it, but I also let myself enjoy some of it. Doesn't mean I'm more or less of a Dukes fan. Same goes for everybody here. Relax, eh?



    HazzardNet Moderator

    Content Editor

    Forum Nazi



  12. One of the scenes/lines that made me chuckle was during the chase scene in Atlanta. Bo is pissed off because his old flame had let slip that she and Luke used to tumble together in the hayloft. He's trying to evade the cops while he's processing his feelings of betrayal and homicidal rage.

    Luke tries praise to soothe his cousin. "Bo, this is some of the best driving I ever seen you do!"

    Bo snaps back, "Don't kiss my ass!"

    Heh... shortly thereafter, Bo turns to Luke and says, "I hope you're at peace with the Lord, because you're about to meet your maker!" And he proceeds to gun the General Lee up the side of a freeway overpass, as if to kill all occupants. "AAAAAAAAHHHH!!"

    Definately not the Good ol' boys as we remember 'em originally, but man, if only Coy and Vance would have treated each other this bad. BAHAHA.


  13. One of the scenes/lines that made me chuckle was during the chase scene in Atlanta. Bo is pissed off because his old flame had let slip that she and Luke used to tumble together in the hayloft. He's trying to evade the cops while he's processing his feelings of betrayal and homicidal rage.

    Luke tries praise to soothe his cousin. "Bo, this is some of the best driving I ever seen you do!"

    Bo snaps back, "Don't kiss my ass!"

    Heh... shortly thereafter, Bo turns to Luke and says, "I hope you're at peace with the Lord, because you're about to meet your maker!" And he proceeds to gun the General Lee up the side of a freeway overpass, as if to kill all occupants. "AAAAAAAAHHHH!!"

    Definately not the Good ol' boys as we remember 'em originally, but man, if only Coy and Vance would have treated each other this bad. BAHAHA.


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