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Skipper Duke

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  1. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    Forgot to tell this funny thing that happened yesterday...
    So I'm trimming weeds at me dad's yesterday. There's these odd plants around his front porch and when I clipped them I got showered in seeds. It seems when the plants are ready to spread their seed they shoot them out when they get disturbed as I tapped the next one with my foot and seeds shot out of the plant. I can't say "I've never been attacked by a plant" anymore . Just glad I had my safety glasses on.
  2. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I'm starting to develop a bit of a retirement routine. Get up late. Watch a Dukes episode. Post an episode review. Eat lunch. Work on next year's firewood supply. (all the ash trees have died so I'm cutting them so they don't go to waste). Ride my dirt bike on the trails and/or work on my trails. Take a shower. Eat supper. Sit on porch reading. Take a walk. Hang out with wife. Watch recorded  dirt bike races on TV after she goes to bed....she has to get up at 5. Retirement feels like being a kid again but without being told what to do. 
  3. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    Waylon's birthday is June 15 so maybe we can have a party. 
  4. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    Some people aren't happy no matter what you do. Spike, you need to get a shirt that says "Quit complaining and put a Dukes DVD in." I had a great day today. I'm building more trails for my dirt bike. Retirement is sweet!
  5. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    Though I felt like telling her good luck finding someone else to mow her lawn and trim her hedges for $20.
      I would've told her where to put her $20, her yard and what to do, once she got it all up in there!
  6. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to Kait_Tucker in Gilligan's Island(1964-1967)   
    Congratulations!  I'm happy for you!
  7. Love
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from Kait_Tucker in Gilligan's Island(1964-1967)   
    Y'all the Gilligan's Island Fan Club President William Duff of the Illinois division knew how bad I wanted the Fun World Gilligan's Island Skipper's Costume. He is a man of his word not a liar. He delivered the item as he promised he would!
  8. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in Dukes of Hazzard in Italian   
    This and many other international titles for the show can be found here.
  9. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in Dukes of Hazzard in French   
    This and many other international titles for the show can be found here.
  10. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    I hope we don't get that Hong Kong variant that was mentioned on the news the other day. Guess that city is #1 in Covid deaths in the world at the moment.
  11. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I've seen a couple stories about a new covid variant coming out. I haven't heard anything about it being anything to be too concerned about yet. 
    I'm supposed to pick up my Ninja on Thursday. 
  12. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Word Association   
    San Diego Padres
  13. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Gilligan's Island(1964-1967)   
    Y'all... I'm breaking Fun World in. It was a lil tight. Now becoming a perfect looser fit. It didn't choke my head at all though. Probly was tight cuz new never worn? Very lightweight comfy to wear. Fans are saying "Nice hat. But not as nice as your actual Lancaster police Skipper conversion or your Bluenox though."
  14. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Gilligan's Island(1964-1967)   
    I told William about the Fun World Gilligan's Island Skipper's Costume "I love it! Thank you so much for sending it!" He said "I'm glad you got it! ." "I ;m glad you have been able to do some skitts with it!"
  15. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    Thanks for your concern. Counting my mini-bike experiences I have half century of safe driving on 2 motorized wheels under my belt but that doesn't mean much when so many idiots are out there. The good news is that I live in the sticks and the most traffic it will see is small towns with only one or 2 traffic lights. I just need to get it out of my system. I don't want to regret never owning a Ninja when I'm old.....ummm older. 
  16. Wow
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    Unfortunately it looks like the years of alcohol and drug abuse finally caught up to wrestler Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon. He's on life support after suffering 3 heart attacks after hip surgery. 
    Edited 9 hours ago by Spike
    This shows you how long I've been out of it! I remember Scott Hall from WAY back but didin't know he and Razor Ramone were one and the same!!  
  17. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    Just be careful riding it. God knows why but drivers seem to think motorcycles can stop on a dime. Watched a dashcam video on YouTube last night that gave a riders view of flying through the air after a lady did a U turn right in front of him. Shockingly she didn't get any charges against her and to top it off she was uninsured because of past dui's and was driving her parents Audi. Apparently the insurance on the parents Audi won't cover her driving it because of those past dui's so the motorcycle rider is S.O.L. The rider ended up in a wheelchair for a while but has regained the ability to walk again. 
    Yesterday was an interesting weather day. Morning started off snowing temps were in the teens, got about 1/16th of an inch total, then by 1pm the sun was out and in the mid 40's. Today it's supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees. 
    Unfortunately it looks like the years of alcohol and drug abuse finally caught up to wrestler Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon. He's on life support after suffering 3 heart attacks after hip surgery. 
  18. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    Like Rosco told Boss, " Boss, I'll never say never again...never!"
  19. Wow
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    Never say never. I never thought we would have snow in June but about 5 or 6 years ago it did.
  20. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    It won't do that down here, this late in the year!  
  21. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I don't even have to smell it to have it make me hungry for it. All I had to do is see Hoss's post.....now I'm hungry. Hmm, I wonder if we have any bacon bits in the fridge....I'm outta here.
  22. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Along Came A Duke   
    I hope you had a good birthday Jeb!
  23. Love
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Along Came A Duke   
    Happy Birthday to Chris Hensel aka Jeb Stuart Duke
  24. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    oh Roger....! Just when you THINK you know somebody....!!  
  25. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    (Season 4 Double Dukes) The Dukes and Cooter are eating dinner at the kitchen table in the Duke farm house.
    Luke Duke:"You say these guys looked exactly like us huh?" Cooter Davenport:"Oh yeah! They were dead ringers, an' they had an exact duplicate of the General." Daisy Duke:"Uncle Jesse an' I thought we were chasin' you, until you passed us headin' the other way, goin' towards town." Uncle Jesse Duke:"I couldn't believe my eyes." Bo Duke:"You suppose they went to the old Coffin Works?" Luke Duke:"Probly." Bo Duke:"You know, I bet those guys are mixed up with the fellas who tied us up." Luke Duke:"That's just what I was thinkin'. We owe ourselves a trip over to the old Coffin Works." Daisy Duke:"Just in case they didn't go that way, Uncle Jesse an' I will check out Chestnut Trail." Cooter Davenport:"Yeah. An' I better run up to Indian Springs." Luke Duke:"Sounds good to me. Could we be excused?" Uncle Jesse Duke:"You go ahead. Daisy an' me will rid up here." Bo, Luke, and Cooter leave. Luke takes his sandwich with him to finish eating during the search for the bad guy Double Duke Boys. Luke Duke:"You want some of it?" Bo Duke:"Yeah."(Opens knife case on belt, takes out knife to cut a piece of Luke's sandwich off to eat.) Daisy Duke:"Take care!"
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