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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. That's terrible. Roger thanks for letting us know about it. Hoss thanks for the link.
  2. Happy 44TH Birthday Jessica Simpson! 7/10/80!
  3. "Tabwho" according to Gilligan. Lol.
  4. You're welcome Garrett
  5. Luke drank tainted WATER in Dr. Jekyll Mr. Duke
  6. Excellent choices!
  7. Season 1 Forget Me, Not Professor:"Skipper, I'd like you to meet Mr. & Mrs. Howell!" Skipper:"I beg your pardon, what'd you say your name was again?" Mrs. Howell:"Oh Skipper, you're playing games again!" Professor:"Mrs. Howell, I assure you, this is no game. The Skipper's lost his memory." Mrs. Howell:"Oh dear. I wonder if he could've left it here? It's hard to tell in all this mess." Mr. Howell:"Pay attention Lovey! He's lost memory, he doesn't know who he is!" Mrs. Howell:"Don't be ridiculous! He's the Captain! Aren't you the Captain, Captain?" Skipper:"I don't know who I am lady!" Mrs. Howell:"Awe the poor man!" Professor:"Yes. And besides that, he's the only one who knows how to signal those Navy ships!"
  8. Season 1 Goodbye, Island Skipper has just pulled Gilligan out of his shoe which is stuck to the Minnow's hull. They go flying onto beach, and land right where Gilligan threw the bucket of glue earlier. The Skipper's hand goes in the glue. Skipper:"Ahhh! Oh Gilligan!"(Flings glue off his hand. Gets it all over Gilligan's back.) Gilligan:"Skipper, you're getting it all over my back!" Skipper:"Ooop!" Gilligan:"But that's alright! Thank you!" Skipper:"That's very nice of you!" Gilligan:"You're welcome!" Skipper:"Now, let's try and get up!"(Gilligan tries, and tugs and pulls on the Skipper.) Skipper:"Together!"(They manage to get on their feet being stuck to each other.) Gilligan tugs and pulls on the Skipper again. Skipper:"What are you doing!?" Gilligan:"I gotta go get my shoe!" Skipper:"Never mind that!" Gilligan:"You're right! I don't need my shoe!"(He tugs and pulls on the Skipper again, this time, in the opposite direction.) Skipper:"Where are you going now!?" Gilligan:"I'm going to get the palm leaves, like you told me!" Skipper:"Gilligan! Will you get back here!?"(Gives Gilligan a good hefty yank. Now they're stuck to the boat.) Gilligan:"Well, at least I'm closer to my shoe! Skipper:"GILLIGAN! We have got to be calm and logical. Now, let's think!" Gilligan:"Right! Think!"(Puts his hand up to his face in a thinking position, which has now been glued to his face.) Skipper:"I've got it! What we need is leverage." Gilligan:"Yeah! Why don't you grab the rail and push!" Skipper:"Good idea Gilligan!"(The Skipper grabs the rail with the glue from the bucket earlier all over his arm and hand. He becomes to stuck to the rail, and has now become increasingly frustrated. He turns towards Gilligan giving him the evil eye. Gilligan just looks off into space as if there's nothing at all wrong.)
  9. Gilligan's Island Fun Fact: When Alan Hale Jr. arrived at CBS Radford Studios and met Sherwood Schwartz, the conversation went like this. Alan Hale Jr.:"Sherwood?" Sherwood Schwartz:"Alan?" Alan Hale Jr.:"Yeah it's me. I'm here." Sherwood Schwartz:"Good. I'm glad you could make it." Alan Hale Jr.:"So am I!" Sherwood Schwartz:"You'll be playing a boat Captain of a cruise ship Alan." Alan Hale Jr."Perfect! I love the water! I'm a Pisces! It's a water sign. Take it as a sign of fate."
  10. What's y'all's favorite Waylon Jennings songs?
  11. "Bye bye Benford Yacht Hat, hello Lancaster! I'm thrilled to say that my Skipper's hat saga has finally come full circle! Thanks to my amazing mom's DIY skills and love, she transformed the imperfect "Benford" into a genuine "Lancaster" - the Mouse Braid hat I originally wanted! I learned that even when things don't go as planned, they can still work out in the end. And I'm grateful for my mom's repair skills and determination. Goodbye, Benford Yacht Hat, and hello, Lancaster! I'm loving my new (old) hat, and I couldn't have done it without my mom. #SkippersHat #GilligansIsland #DIYMagic #MomToTheRescue" Today marks exactly 1 months since Mom's amazing repair! June 7- July 7.
  12. My friends on Facebook are right. They tell me "Stay over here where there's no headaches." Lol.
  13. Gilligan's Island Fun Fact: Alan Hale Jr. traveled across 3 states to get to the Gilligan's Island audition. Caught the ride on the highway where he rode the horse to, the ride took him to Vegas. From there, he caught a plane to Los Angeles, and took a cab to the studio.
  14. Hopefully dirt bike racing doesn't change.
  15. Or just screenshot the TV with subtitles turned on and post that way. Lol.
  16. I tagged Garrett so he will hopefully see the electric car news. He's a big NASCAR fan.
  17. Hobie Garrett's a NASCAR fan. So I tagged him.
  18. Spike yeah... Waylon Jennings could only sing for RCA nobody else.
  19. I think I'm gonna keep the quotes n the Facebook sites where it's more about fun not so much about accuracy. And if something is not word for word, nobody bothers me about it.
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