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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Season 1 High Octane Uncle Jesse:"You guys bring her around, and Cooter an' I will run the mash into the creek." Cooter:"Naw, naw Uncle Jesse, that would be a crime!" Uncle Jesse:"Well, that's all the evidence there is. We gotta get rid of it. Cooter:"Well, there's gonna be some happy fish in that crick!"
  2. Andy is talking to Barney about walking Thelma Lou home. Opie is also present. Andy gets so caught up in hearing the juicy details, he forgets Opie is there, which Barney points out. Andy Taylor:"Did you get a little kissy?" Barney Fife:"Andy, the boy." Andy Taylor:"Opie, why don't you run on outside an' play?" Opie Taylor:"Are you tryin' to get rid of me Pa?" Andy Taylor:"Well, yeah. I reckon so." Opie Taylor:"Ok. I'll go. Gosh, you think I never heard about kissin' before."
  3. Season 4 Pin the Tail on the Dukes Bo(To Luke):"I'm startin' to feel like we're Starsky & Hutch!"
  4. Season 2 The Meeting Boss Hogg:"Howdy. Jefferson Davis Hogg's the name! But you can call me Boss!" Mobster:"It's the other way around fatso! You call me Boss! Here, take care of that!"(Gives Boss Hogg the shells to throw away from some nuts he was eating.) Boss Hogg:"What!? Aaah!"(Throws the shells down on the street beside the mobster's limo.) Bo & Luke have been watching this exchange from over at Cooter's Garage. Bo:"Well, he sure ain't very friendly!" Luke:"Well, you can't hardly blame him fer not wantin' to shake Boss's hand. That's just good hygiene!"
  5. This section should make everyone happy. This is where I will put things from now on, that way if it's not right word for word, 100% screen accurate to what is spoken, Hoss our admin or moderator or whatever his job is here, doesn't have to go to the trouble of correcting it.
  6. Season 3 Gilligan vs Gilligan Skipper:"Hurry up Gilligan! If I don't eat soon, I'll die!" Fake Gilligan Russian Spy Double:"So what! What is one day more or less!"
  7. Season 2 Mason Dixon's Girls Bo Duke:"Marijuana!? We sure got ourselves in a heap of trouble this time cousin!" Luke Duke:"Boss is gonna throw the book at us! Not to mention the federal government! I figure we oughta be outta prison about the time to collect social security!" Bo Duke(grinning):"That ain't funny Luke! We gotta get ourselves outta this!" Luke Duke:"Yer right. In the meantime, you just keep on haulin', until we find a safe place to stash this stuff." Bo Duke:"10-4!"
  8. Season 4 Double Dukes Boss:"There's Bo an' Luke!" Rosco:"No, there's Bo an' Luke. See!" Boss:"Alright! Well, then, cut 'em off you dodo! We don't want 'em to catch Turk an' Moody!" Rosco:"Which ones Turk an' Moody?" Boss:"The ones that look like Bo an' Luke." Rosco:"Well, then, what does Bo an' Luke look like?" Boss:"Like themselves dummy!" Rosco:"Then what's Turk an' Moody look like?" Boss:"Oh don't argue with me! Just cut 'em off will you!? Or you'll have 20 years up the river to figure out which is which!"
  9. Season 3 High Man on the Totem Pole Ginger:"Will you stop looking at that silly totem pole and look at me for a minute?" Ginger has gotten Gilligan's attention, and tries to be sexy. Ginger:"Now, what does that totem pole got that I haven't got?" Gilligan does a quick compare of Ginger and the totem pole. He determines what the totem pole has that Ginger does not is. Gilligan:"3 heads!" Ginger:"You win!" Skipper:"You just left him standing there?" Ginger:"Two's company. Three's a crowd!" Skipper:"Well, I made this boomerang for him. I hope I can get him interested in this." Ginger:"I hope that boomerang has more boom in it than I had!"
  10. Yeah normally they put tape over the vehicle brand names. Like they did to the Plymouth Patrol cars and Luke and Catfish Lee's Everlast boxing gloves had tape on the name. Gilligan's Island did this with Alan Hale Jr.'s Lancaster Uniform Cap Co. Skipper hats. The interiors are lined with Gold Silk Satin Sateen and say Lancaster Brand ASK THE MAN WHO WEARS ONE Established 1929 Los Angeles Calif. In Gilligan's Island, these interiors were just the Gold Silk Satin Sateen lined in plastic film no writing.
  11. Yeah. It don't make sense for the Jeeps to look similar when different characters drive it in different episodes.
  12. HossC... I think it's the Jeep from Carnival of Thrills too. The one they drive from the Garage to the Junkyard to rescue the General Lee from the crusher.
  13. Wow good catch. I thought the Jeep looked familiar. It does look like the one Les Sloan & Mitch Henderson drove.
  14. Season 3 The Great Hazzard Hijack Bo Duke drives the General Lee into Hazzard Creek while racing Cooter who is driving a 4×4 Jeep Wrangler. Bo tried to follow Cooter across the water, which was a mistake in a regular low sitting car like General Lee.) Bo: "If the good Lord had meant for cars to swim, he'd have put water wings on them, wouldn't he?" Luke: "I swear Bo, there are times when- Well, this shouldn't be too hard."
  15. Gilligan's Island Fun Fact: During the original Gilligan's Island (1963) Pilot Episode Marooned Calypso style music opening scene theme song, when boarding the Minnow, Mr. Howell salutes Skipper who returns the salute right back. This salute & return salute happen in the line "They climb aboard and they step inside".
  16. Waylon Jennings other philosophy "If some good is done to you, you should pass it on."
  17. Gilligan's Island Pilot Episode Marooned(1963)aka Lost Pilot Opening Theme Song "In tropical sea is a tropic port Vacation fun is the favorite sport This is the place where the tourists flock Renting the boats at the busy dock Two secretaries from USA sail on the Minnow this lovely day A high school teacher is next aboard All taking trip that they cannot afford The next two people are millionaires they got no worries they got no cares They climb aboard and they step inside with just enough bags for a six hour ride Tourists come tourists go tourists touring to and fro These five nice tourists they take this trip Relaxing on deck on this little ship the weather is clear and the sun is hot (Lightning Strike) The weather is clear (Another Lightning Strike) I think it is not Tourists come tourists go tourists tossing to and fro The Captain is brave he's (Thunder & Lightning) Carumba what a storm The Captain is brave he's a fearless man and Gilligan helps him all that he can The wheel she break and loose all control S. S. Minnow do the rock and roll The sea is now calm and the weather's grand Where is the Minnow up on the sand What happens now we'll bring you a smile With the adventures of Gilligan and the Skipper and the Millionaire and missus millionaire and the other tourists on Gilligan's Isle" Closing Theme Song "We leave all friends on this tropic shore Perhaps they will be here forever more Maybe a rescue will set them free Tune in next week and then you will see"
  18. Smokey and the Bandit- The Legend https://youtu.be/YSifjtCB10E?si=fTMKWRyo05aPNSbr
  19. Season 3 The Great Hazzard Hijack Waylon Jennings:"When it comes to cross country Racin', General Lee moves out real smart. But runnin' is only half of cross country racin'. The other half is knowin' the course."
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