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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. YANCY Peckinpaugh(Uncle Jesse's undercover name as gambling player in the Route 7-11 mobile casino 18-wheeler.)
  2. Roger... Daisy Dukes It Out is the sequel of the Racing For Home game.
  3. POSSUM on a gum bush (What Enos says)
  4. _The Dukes of Hazzard Franchise_ 1. _Moonrunners (1975)_ - The movie that inspired the creation of The Dukes of Hazzard 2. _The Original Series (1979-1985)_ 3. _Spin-offs_ - _The Dukes (animated series, 1982-1983)_ - _Enos (1980-1981)_ 4. _TV Movies_ - _The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion (1997)_ - _The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood (2000)_ 5. _Remakes_ - _The Dukes of Hazzard (2005)_ - _The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning (2007)_ 6. _Video Games_ - _The Dukes of Hazzard: Racing For Home (1997)_ - PlayStation 1, PC Windows, and Game Boy Color - _The Dukes of Hazzard II: Daisy Dukes It Out (2000)_ - PlayStation 1 - _The Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee (2004)_ - PlayStation 2 and Xbox
  5. Gilligan's Island franchise 1. The original series (1964-1967) 2. TV movies: - Rescue From Gilligan's Island (1978) - The Castaways On Gilligan's Island (1979) - The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island (1981) 3. Animated series: - The New Adventures of Gilligan (1974-1977) - Gilligan's Planet (1982-1983) 4. Spin-off series: - Dusty's Trail (1973-1974) 5. Reality TV series: - The Real Gilligan's Island (2005-2006)
  6. Major Margaret Houlihan(Hotlips)
  7. NO More Mr. Nice Guy(episode title)
  8. Gary Burghoff(Radar O'Reilly)
  9. I love all of y'all too Cousin Roger. But it's best for everyone if I stay away from this thread.
  10. This time I got my mind made up! I WILL be sticking to Facebook for all my fun. Where there's NO accuracy police breathing down my neck every time I turn around. Lol.
  11. I think in Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978) that metal disk Gilligan found from the Russian satellite is a household clothes dryer machine silver timer knob that they probably painted gold. Sure does look like a clothes dryer machine timer knob.
  12. Season 3 Voodoo Professor:"I've told you time after time after time……-" (Professor has spotted the voodoo witch doctor who's turned him into a zombie. He freezes up.) Skipper:"Talking to him is like talking to a wall!" Gilligan:"Do you notice anything different about the Professor?" Skipper:"There's nothing different about the Professor, he's just as stubborn as he ever was!"(Notices the Professor is frozen and not saying anything anymore.)
  13. Season 3 Voodoo Professor:"I would say it was a geological phenomenon caused by volcanic activity beneath the Earth's surface resulting into concentration of heat in a specific location." Gilligan:"There's only one thing I don't understand." Professor:"What's that?" Gilligan:"How come the ground got so hot underneath our feet?"
  14. HORTENSE(Lulu's skinny sister in The Return of Hughie Hogg)
  15. Season 4 Dukes in Danger Hammer:"Leeman, look what I found in there in them plowboy's closet. Take yer pick." Bo Duke:"Wait a minute, them there's our clothes!"
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