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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Season 2 Andy on Trial Barney Fife:"You gotta understand. This is a small town, the Sheriff is more than just a Sheriff. He's a friend. An' the people in this town, they ain't got a better friend than Andy Taylor! As for Andy doin' his job, I'd like for you to take a look in the record book Mr. Jackson! Do you know there ain't ever been a major crime committed in this town, thanks to Sheriff Taylor? In fact, the only ruckus you'd ever have in Mayberry, is if you tried to remove him from office. Then you'd have a riot! You asked me if Andy runs a taut ship Mr. Milton. Well, no he don't! But, that's because of something that he's been tryin' to teach me ever since I started workin' for him, and that is, that when yer a lawman, and yer dealin' with people, you do a whole lot better if you go not so much by the book, but by the heart! I guess maybe that's to hard for some of you to understand. I don't know. That's all I got to say."
  2. Fans of Sherwood Schwartz's The Real Gilligan's Island 2004-2006 reality series remake, I bring you sad news. Charlie William Albert Skipper "Crazy" Charlie from the Green Team/Team Green/Minnow Green Season 2. He's no longer with us. Lost his life back in 2008 in a motorcycle accident. A 2 vehicle crash. Skipper Charlie was driving the motorcycle.
  3. Season 3 Duke vs Duke Bo:"Luke. Luke, I lost all my forward gears!" Luke:"Sorry to hear that cousin. Just keep the General outta my way!" Bo:"Luke. I told you all my forward gears was out. But I didn't say nothin' about reverse. See you at the finish line!" Luke:"Ain't nothin' gonna stop you now Bo!" Boss Hogg:"That dang fool is tryin' to back 'er in!" Uncle Jesse:"That just proves us Dukes never give up! Forwards or backwards!" Boss Hogg:"Neither do I!"
  4. Hobie I know. I was pointing out Hoss's being right about not relying on the subtitles. Giving an example of them being wrong on other shows too. The closed captions can be wrong for anything.
  5. HossC... Yer right. I discovered the subtitles are wrong on other shows too. In Gilligan's Island Season 1 The Sound of Quacking, in Gilligan's Marshall Gilligan dream sequence, when he says about Emily the duck "They'll never get Emily!" The subtitles say "They'll never get a leap!"
  6. Season 4 Double Dukes Luke:"You better ease it up cousin, we're gettin' close to Rosco's favorite speed trap." Bo:"Ha ha! Yeah. 10-4." Luke:"Are you lookin' fer trouble?" Bo:"No, I ain't lookin' fer trouble. I already got it! The dang gas pedal is stickin' to the floor! Hang on!" Waylon Jennings:"Well, that's one way to fix it! But I don't recommend it."
  7. "Loving the attention to detail on my Skipper costume from Fun World/Pony Express! The professional-looking shirt with the life ring and "S.S. MINNOW SKIPPER" on the left breast is a great touch. I've been getting compliments left and right - everyone says my shirt looks even better than the original Skipper's! More professional, they say! #SkipperCostume #SSMinnow #GilligansIsland #CostumeGoals #DetailMatters"
  8. Season 2 The County Nurse Andy Taylor:"Rafe, this here is a thermometer." Rafe Hollister:"I got one of those on my henhouse, only bigger." Andy Taylor:"Rafe, this here is the thermometer fer people! It let's you know when you got a fever." Rafe Hollister:"I know when I got a fever. I'm hot!" Andy Taylor:"But Rafe, this here tells you how hot!" Rafe Hollister:"I know how hot I am when I'm hot, danged hot!"
  9. Whitman Mayo (Grady Wilson)
  10. Everything even if it is not paraphrased and is correct is going in this section. All my quote posts from now on. That way, if it is correct good, if not good. If not, admin and moderators don't have to fix it making it correct.
  11. Season 1 High Octane Uncle Jesse:"You guys bring her around, and Cooter an' I will run the mash into the creek." Cooter:"Naw, naw Uncle Jesse, that would be a crime!" Uncle Jesse:"Well, that's all the evidence there is. We gotta get rid of it. Cooter:"Well, there's gonna be some happy fish in that crick!"
  12. Andy is talking to Barney about walking Thelma Lou home. Opie is also present. Andy gets so caught up in hearing the juicy details, he forgets Opie is there, which Barney points out. Andy Taylor:"Did you get a little kissy?" Barney Fife:"Andy, the boy." Andy Taylor:"Opie, why don't you run on outside an' play?" Opie Taylor:"Are you tryin' to get rid of me Pa?" Andy Taylor:"Well, yeah. I reckon so." Opie Taylor:"Ok. I'll go. Gosh, you think I never heard about kissin' before."
  13. Season 4 Pin the Tail on the Dukes Bo(To Luke):"I'm startin' to feel like we're Starsky & Hutch!"
  14. Season 2 The Meeting Boss Hogg:"Howdy. Jefferson Davis Hogg's the name! But you can call me Boss!" Mobster:"It's the other way around fatso! You call me Boss! Here, take care of that!"(Gives Boss Hogg the shells to throw away from some nuts he was eating.) Boss Hogg:"What!? Aaah!"(Throws the shells down on the street beside the mobster's limo.) Bo & Luke have been watching this exchange from over at Cooter's Garage. Bo:"Well, he sure ain't very friendly!" Luke:"Well, you can't hardly blame him fer not wantin' to shake Boss's hand. That's just good hygiene!"
  15. This section should make everyone happy. This is where I will put things from now on, that way if it's not right word for word, 100% screen accurate to what is spoken, Hoss our admin or moderator or whatever his job is here, doesn't have to go to the trouble of correcting it.
  16. Season 3 Gilligan vs Gilligan Skipper:"Hurry up Gilligan! If I don't eat soon, I'll die!" Fake Gilligan Russian Spy Double:"So what! What is one day more or less!"
  17. Season 2 Mason Dixon's Girls Bo Duke:"Marijuana!? We sure got ourselves in a heap of trouble this time cousin!" Luke Duke:"Boss is gonna throw the book at us! Not to mention the federal government! I figure we oughta be outta prison about the time to collect social security!" Bo Duke(grinning):"That ain't funny Luke! We gotta get ourselves outta this!" Luke Duke:"Yer right. In the meantime, you just keep on haulin', until we find a safe place to stash this stuff." Bo Duke:"10-4!"
  18. Season 4 Double Dukes Boss:"There's Bo an' Luke!" Rosco:"No, there's Bo an' Luke. See!" Boss:"Alright! Well, then, cut 'em off you dodo! We don't want 'em to catch Turk an' Moody!" Rosco:"Which ones Turk an' Moody?" Boss:"The ones that look like Bo an' Luke." Rosco:"Well, then, what does Bo an' Luke look like?" Boss:"Like themselves dummy!" Rosco:"Then what's Turk an' Moody look like?" Boss:"Oh don't argue with me! Just cut 'em off will you!? Or you'll have 20 years up the river to figure out which is which!"
  19. Season 3 High Man on the Totem Pole Ginger:"Will you stop looking at that silly totem pole and look at me for a minute?" Ginger has gotten Gilligan's attention, and tries to be sexy. Ginger:"Now, what does that totem pole got that I haven't got?" Gilligan does a quick compare of Ginger and the totem pole. He determines what the totem pole has that Ginger does not is. Gilligan:"3 heads!" Ginger:"You win!" Skipper:"You just left him standing there?" Ginger:"Two's company. Three's a crowd!" Skipper:"Well, I made this boomerang for him. I hope I can get him interested in this." Ginger:"I hope that boomerang has more boom in it than I had!"
  20. Yeah normally they put tape over the vehicle brand names. Like they did to the Plymouth Patrol cars and Luke and Catfish Lee's Everlast boxing gloves had tape on the name. Gilligan's Island did this with Alan Hale Jr.'s Lancaster Uniform Cap Co. Skipper hats. The interiors are lined with Gold Silk Satin Sateen and say Lancaster Brand ASK THE MAN WHO WEARS ONE Established 1929 Los Angeles Calif. In Gilligan's Island, these interiors were just the Gold Silk Satin Sateen lined in plastic film no writing.
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