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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Uncle Jesse Duke:"That fella must've won his license in a turkey shoot!" Daisy Duke:"No way, Uncle Jesse! He knew exactly what he was doin'!"
  2. This one needed more action! Not enough car chases, and only 1 jump! It definitely needed more jumps! What do y'all think?
  3. I think the 2005 movie should be banned too if the original 1979-1985 series is not allowed to be shown. What do y'all think? If one is banned isn't it only fair the other should be banned too?
  4. Dukes fans... This one is slightly better than 2005 as far as the characters go, but still not as good as the original 1979-1985 series. Right y'all?
  5. Waylon Jennings:"Welcome folks to the annual ridge runners reunion. Fer 32 years now, these old time moonshiners and their loved ones have been gettin' together to eat, drink, tell lies, drink, and make merry, as they whisperly recall those days of shine and roses."
  6. Daisy Duke:"With all these singers gettin' rich imitatin' people who are dead, I decided to pull a switch, and sound like people who are alive. You think it'll catch on?" Lester Starr:"Sure, sure."
  7. Gilligan fans... The fate of all the actual screen used hats... Alan Hale Jr.(Skipper)was cremated wearing the costume, so 1 hat went with him. 1 was bronzed when the show ended its 3 season 98 episode run in 1967. It was given to series creator Sherwood Schwartz. Supposedly, his daughter Lana Hale has all the rest of them. The bronzed one, after Sherwood died, was given to a TV museum in Chicago.
  8. Mrs. Howell:"We hate to drop in without an invitation Professor! But this is terribly important." Mr. Howell:"It's about the Skipper and Gilligan. The most fantastic thing has happened!" Professor:"What's happened?" Mr. Howell:"They're at the beach, on the boat." Professor:"On the boat? What's so fantastic about that?" Mr. Howell:"You don't understand. They're on the boat! Against the boat! Attached to the boat! Even mounted there!" Mrs. Howell:"Like the moose heads in Thurston's trophy room!" Mr. Howell:"You've got to do something to get them off!" Mrs. Howell:"You see, they're pasted on the boat!" Professor:"Oh! Well that glue is permanent. There's nothing on the island to dissolve it!" Mr. & Mrs. Howell:"Nothing!?" Professor:"Why, do you know what it would take? It would take a polyester derivative of an organic hydroxide molecule!" Mr. Howell:"Watch your language, in the presence of a lady!" Professor:"Forgive me. But let me put it this way, in order to dissolve that glue, I need an aromatic assitate. Wait a minute! Perfume! Some perfumes are made with that formula!" Mrs. Howell:"Well, I have perfume Professor!" Professor:"Yes, so you do. I'll go check the other girls!"
  9. Andy:"Otis, you would have to show up today of all days! One loaded goat at a time is about all we can handle!"
  10. Skipper:"Gilligan, why don't you stop that!? You don't know anything at all about space." Gilligan:"I know one thing about it. You take up more of it than I do!" Skipper:"Very funny! Gilligan, there are three types of space. There's the space up there."(points to sky)"There's the space down there."(points to ground)."And the space between your ears!"
  11. Hughie Hogg(Driving green & white motor home runs Bo & Luke & the General Lee off the road into the drink) Bo Duke:"Dang it! He did that on purpose! I don't believe it!" Luke Duke:"You'll believe it when Cooter gives us a bill fer towin' us outta here, that's fer sure." Bo Duke:"Give him a call." Luke Duke:"If he don't get here quick, I'll learn how to swim!" Bo Duke:"Teh!"
  12. The Andy Griffith Show fans... All the cast are dead except for Ron Howard(Opie Taylor),The Dillards(The Darling Boys),Maggie Peterson(Charlene Darling),and Betty Lynn(Thelma Lou)
  13. Gilligan's Island fans... What are your Thoughts and opinions about Judith Baldwin as Ginger Grant in Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978)and The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979)and Constance Forslund(Ginger Grant)in The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981)?
  14. Bo Duke:"There ain't nothin' wrong with him that a nice warm towel won't fix." Luke Duke:"I wish I could say the same fer Cooter. First, that old guy frames him into jail, then, when we tried to get him out, Rosco tried to do the same thing to us." Bo Duke:"Hey. You don't suppose they're both in cahoots with Boss do ya?" Luke Duke:"Maybe so. We gotta prove it right quick though, else Cooter's gonna lose that garage fer keeps. Let's go."
  15. Hughie Hogg:"Just like I told you Uncle Boss, Cooter went for it like a bear after a honey pot!"
  16. Waylon Jennings:"Well, there he is again. Besides bein' mean as a snake, I wonder how come he knew the Duke Boys, and they didn't know him."
  17. Nelson:"What's that!?" Slocum:"It's that post office lady!" Nelson:"She's looney!"
  18. Feeling confused y'all! How can they cancel reruns of the original 1979-1985 7 season 147 episodes TV Series, because of the Confederate battle flag on the roof of the car GENERAL LEE, but yet, they find it ok to show the 2005 movie version remake? Smh y'all. Seriously? Like what the h?
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