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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Do y'all have celebrity crushes? Here is mine. 1. Catherine Bach(Daisy Mae Duke) 2. Britney Jean Spears 3. Jessica Ann Simpson-Johnson 4. Carrie Marie Underwood-Fisher 5. Taylor Allison Swift
  2. (Season 5 The Revenge of Hughie Hogg) Daisy Duke:"Here it comes." Hughie Hogg:(on tape)"Yeah? He probably never told you about the time I milked that bank over in Hatchapee out of all them bonds. He probably never-" Coy Duke:"What'd you turn it off for!?" Daisy Duke:"I didn't turn it off!" Vance Duke:"Well, then, where's the rest of it, the confession part?" Daisy Duke:"Shoot a bug! Hughie must've turned off the dang machine, when he went and tried to kiss me!" Coy Duke:"Good old Hughie. He could turn anybody off!" Vance Duke:"Wait a minute! Maybe there's enough on that tape to convince Hughie that there's more."
  3. The Beverly Hillbillies. Mr. Drysdale's boss is Mr. Howell! And he's wearing the Skipper's hat! My replica
  4. This set of tributes comes from a publicity/press kit/promotional photo shoot of the 2nd TV Reunion movie The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979).
  5. (Season 3 Gilligan the Goddess, series final episode) Ginger:"Well Skipper if they throw you in the volcano you don’t have anything to worry about." Skipper:"I don’t?" Ginger:"No. It would throw you right back."
  6. Bo Duke:"Dang! That truck done cut me off!" Luke Duke:"An' I know why! That's Rosco P. Coltrane behind the wheel of that there truck!" Rosco:"Yeah now! Ain't gettin' away from me this time!"
  7. Luke Duke:"Here's our entry form Boss. Stamped and everything." Boss Hogg:"Even if you win, it ain't enough to buy back that orphanage, you lose!" Luke Duke:"I think yer forgettin' somethin' Boss." Boss Hogg:"What's that?" Luke Duke:"After we win, we get interviewed live on TV." Boss Hogg:"What!? But you ain't never won a race against my Double Zero(00)! It's got a nitrous oxide system! Not some moonshine gas! Hehehe see you from the winner's circle boys!" Bo Duke:"Ain't nothin' stopped us before." Balladeer:"Except that cup of coffee." Boss Hogg:"If them Duke boys win, I'm ruined, and when I say "I" I mean "You" get it!?" Rosco:"Yessir Boss! You betcha!"
  8. (Season 4 The Law and Jesse Duke) Waylon Jennings:"Now friends, always beware of people with a first name like a state. They're always trouble."
  9. I wish Coy & Vance could've been in Seasons 6 & 7 right up to the series end!
  10. (Season 5 A Little Game of Pool) Waylon Jennings:"With them crooks in the pokey, you'd think the General Lee would be safe at the Duke Farm. But that ain't the way it works in Hazzard. Old Boss don't give up that easy, when there's money involved."
  11. Waylon Jennings:"The next time you see the moon out, ain't everybody asleep. Some folks are workin'."
  12. Dennis Guilder:"You got a knife, an' he doesn't. In my book, that makes you a chicken s***." Arnie Cunningham:"Yeah that's chicken s***!"
  13. Sheriff Buford T Justice:"Listen lady, if Junior can get up in the morning, tie his shoes, and take a pee, I'm not proud, I'm amazed!"
  14. Jr. Justice:"When I put bullets in it daddy it gets too heavy." Buford's meditation watch(Beep beep beep beep.) Sheriff Buford T Justice:"Shut yo @$$." "And that goes for the two monks too!!"
  15. Barney:"I'll tell you who it should be made out to. It oughta be made out to Barney Sucker! Look at all them deductions!"
  16. Barney to Andy: "You ought to go on the radio and be an all-night disc jockey. At least then I could turn you off!"
  17. (Season 3 Take a Dare) Gilligan "Only little babies. get fooled again." Gilligan & Skipper In unison:"He fooled us, again."
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