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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. (Season 1 Swamp Molly) Cousin Alice:"Hey Bo! Wanna wrestle!?" Luke Duke:"She gets right down to it, don't she?" Cousin Alice:"I meant before I go. See, I got me this new book on wrasslin' holds, an' ain't nobody to practice on, except a bear." Swamp Molly:"Now, you behave Alice!"
  2. (Season 3 Enos Strate to the Top) Uncle Jesse Duke:"That fella must've won his license in a turkey shoot!" Daisy Duke:"No way, Uncle Jesse! He knew exactly what he was doin'!"
  3. Dusty's Trail scene. Dusty:"Mr. Callahan, look what I caught." Mr. Callahan:"Looks more like he caught you." Dusty:"She's really a beauty, isn't she? A genuine Appalachian." Mr. Callahan:"It's not Appalachian, it's Appaloosa, and it's not a she, it's a he." Dusty:"I don't care if it's a boy Appaloosa or a girl Appalachian, it's a beauty." Mr. Callahan:"He sure is." Dusty:"Can I keep him?" Mr. Callahan:" It looks like a wild horse. There's no shoes. Uh. Heh. I don't see any sign of a brand. Dusty:"Yeah?" Mr. Callahan:" Looks like you found yourself a horse Dusty." Dusty:"Really!? He's my own horse, and I can keep him!? My own horse!" Mr. Callahan:"Yeah. Don't don't fight. I'll see if I can get you out of this. You get in some of the wildest-" Dusty:"It won't let go." Mr. Callahan:"Let go of this one." Dusty:"Huh?" Mr. Callahan:"Let go. Let go!"
  4. (Season 2 Erica Tiffany Smith to the Rescue) Skipper:"I'll be the best Skipper she ever had! I'd do anything for that woman!" Gilligan:"I'm glad to hear you say that." Skipper:"Why?" Gilligan:"Because your first duty as Captain will be to marry them!" Skipper:"Gilligan, did you have to bring that up!? Did you have to huh!? Marry them!"
  5. (Season 2 Erica Tiffany Smith to the Rescue) Skipper:"Gilligan! This is the world famous, the world famous Erica Tiffany Smith!" Gilligan:"Wow! 3 names! Your parents must've ordered a big family!"
  6. (More Season 4 Pin the Tail on the Dukes) Waylon Jennings:"The next morning, the boys were on their way to town to pick up some barb wire. At the same time, Rosco was waitin' to break in his new radar gun. A hair dryer, on his first unsuspecting motorist. Y'all wanna take bets on who that'll be?"
  7. (Continued after Rosco drives off) Luke:"Bo. We must live right or somethin'." Bo:"It's a charmed life, I'm tellin' ya." Luke:"You got it! Hey here comes Cooter! Think we can wrangle a ride home?" Bo:"Only if we feed him. What do you wanna bet?" Luke:"Winner does the dishes!" Bo:"You're on!" Luke:"Ok!" Both boys:(flagging him down in the tow truck)"Cooter!" Cooter:"Don't y'all know it ain't safe to be a pedestrian in this town!?" Luke:"Hey, can we wrangle a ride home?" Cooter:"Who's cookin' supper?" Bo:"I told you. Only if we get to feed him." Luke:"Alright. You do the dishes. Get in here, come on!" Bo:"What do you mean I do the dishes! Like I said!"
  8. (Season 4 Pin the Tail on the Dukes scene) Rosco:"Listen Rhubarb!" Bo: It's Rhuebottom!" Rosco:"Will you hush!? I know who he is! I've known him fer years!"(to Mr. Rhuebottom)"Are you gonna press charges on these two or not!?" Mr. Rhuebottom:"Against these boys!?" Rosco:"Yeah!" Mr. Rhuebottom:"Never! Can't press charges against yer best customers! You do that, an' you press yerself right outta business! Hehehe!" Rosco:"How would you like fer me to press these 5 up against you-"(makes fist)"Ijit!" Bo:"Bye bye Rosco!" Luke:"Much obliged Mr. Rhuebottom!" Mr. Rhuebottom:"Any time boys! You boys come on down, an' chew fat with me some time, hear?" Bo & Luke:"Yessir!" Rosco:"Nobody wants me involved do they Flash!. I'll be involved one day!"
  9. (Season 2 Erica Tiffany Smith to the Rescue) Erica Tiffany Smith:"You run along Mr. Gilligan, the Captain and I will follow closely behind." Skipper:"Delighted."(Tips hat to her)
  10. (Season 2 Smile, You're On Mars Camera) Mr. Howell:"I'll have you know that's never been off her finger since the day we were merged!"
  11. Dusty's Trail scene. Dusty:"Saddle Burn Wells. Pop 114. I wonder how old mom is?" Mr. Callahan:"I wonder where everybody is." Mr. Carter Brookhaven:"Where is everyone!?" Mr. Callahan:"I don't know. Looks to me like we found ourselves a ghost town." Ghost sound. Dusty:"I think one of them is trying to tell us something."
  12. Singer Mel Street of the Gilligan's Island Western series Dusty's Trail theme song. Mel Street https://g.co/kgs/9jLrS5
  13. Erika Tiffany-Smith to the Rescue Happy Anniversary Episode aired Dec 30, 1965 Did You Know? Tina Louise and guest star Zsa Zsa Gabor have no scenes together.
  14. To bad I am out of free uploads on my Flickr account. Because I have done some Skipper video tribute scenes from the series. I would love to have put on here for y'all.
  15. (Season 3 The Kidnapper) Gilligan:"Help! Help! Help! Professor! Light the torch! Light the torch!" Professor:"Gilligan!" Gilligan:"I knew this was a dumb idea, Professor!" Professor:"Where's the Skipper!?" Gilligan:"Huh!? The Kidnapper got him!" Skipper:"No no no the Skipper has got the kidnapper!" Professor:"Skipper, you got him!" Skipper:"You bet your life I have! Now, let's get him back to camp!" Gilligan:"Yeah! Let's get him back to camp! Skipper!? Professor!? Kidnapper!? Anybody!?"
  16. Dusty's Trail scene Skullner Bro#1:"There's somethin' headed this way!" Skullner Bro#2:"Save yer bullets Luke. It's only that old jackass we set up. You know, those folks are so scared, they can't even hang onto a straw man on a sway back mule!"
  17. Dusty's Trail scene. Mr. Callahan:"Buzzard brain! That was a real smart thing you did bringin' him here! Don't you know those Hackamaws might could be lookin' fer him right now?"
  18. (Season 1 Two on a Raft) Gilligan:"Skipper!. Do you think we should abandon ship!?" Skipper:(pointing to sinking raft)"It's too late! It's already abandoned us!"
  19. (Season 3 The Producer) Based on another post today - here is “Hamlet: The Musical” by the Castaways of Gilligan’s Island Act I [The curtain rises. Hamlet stands stage center.] HAMLET: (Sings) I ask to be or not to be, A rogue or peasant slave is what you see; A boy who loved his mother’s knee, And so I ask to be or not to be. So here’s my plea, I beg of you, And say you see a little hope for me. To fight or flee, to fight or flee, I ask myself to be or not to be. [Enter King Claudius and Queen Certrude] CLAUDIUS AND GERTRUDE: (Sing) He asks to be or not to be, A rogue or peasant slave is what you see; GERTRUDE: (Sings) My son who loved his mother’s knee, CLAUDIUS AND GERTRUDE: (Sing) And so he asks to be or not to be. So here’s his plea, we beg of thee, And say we see a little hope for he. HAMLET: (Sings) To fight or flee, to fight or flee, I ask myself to be or not to be. Exit Claudius and Certrude. HAMLET: Hark! I do believe I hear the fair Ophelia. Enter Ophelia OPHELIA: My Lord Hamlet is troubled. HAMLET: Yea, verily, my heart is heavy. I cannot marry thee, Ophelia. There is nothing left for you, but to get thee to a notary. OPHELIA: Ah, my poor Hamlet. Ah, my poor Hamlet. (Sings) Hamlet, dear, your problem is clear, Avenging thy father’s death; You seek to harm your uncle and mom, But you’re scaring me to death. While I die and sigh and cry, That love is everything; You’re content to try to touch, The conscience of a king. Since the day when your dad met his fate, You just brood and you don’t touch your food; You hate your ma, mad at my pa, You’ll kill the king or some silly thing. So Hamlet. Hamlet, do be a man, let Rotten enough alone. From Ophelia no one can steal yea You’ll always be my own, Leave the gravedigger’s scene, If you know what I mean. Danish pastry for two, For me, for you. HAMLET: In truth Ophelia, you have said a mouthful. OPHELIA: Hamlet, I have so much more to offer. But hark! Me thinks me hear the heavy footsteps of my father, Polonius. HAMLET: And the laughter of your brother and my friend, Laertes. OPHELIA: Oh, they must not find us here. But where to hide? HAMLET: Hide anyplace. But don’t go near the water. [Exit Hamlet and Ophelia] LAERTES: Father, my ship sails at the tide. POLONIUS: A mornent, my son, for I have something to tell you. LAERTES: But I ask only for my allowance. POLONIUS: Ah, but I shall give you something far more available: advice. LAERTES: Do you know how much wine you can buy in Paris with advice? POLONIUS: Paris is a wild and wicked town. And you are but a young and innocent boy. LAERTES: (To audience) Oh, could I tell him a few stories. POLONIUS: Heed my words, Laertes, and you’ll be safe. LAERTES: (To audience) Unless I listen, I won’t get my spending money. So I’ll listen, I’ll listen. POLONIUS: (Sings) Neither a borrower nor a lender be, Do not forget: Stay out of debt; Think twice, and take this good advice from me, Guard that old solvency. There’s just one other thing you ought to do. To thine own self be true. [Enter entire cast] ALL: (Sing) Neither a borrower nor a lender be, Do not forget: Stay out of debt; Think twice, and take this good advice from me, Guard that old solvency. There’s just one other thing you ought to do, To thine own self be true.
  20. Cousin Spike... The Madded that the video games are made about?
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