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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. A favorite funny scene of mine from '01 movie Surviving Gilligan's Island THE INCREDIBLY TRUE STORY OF THE LONGEST THREE-HOUR TOUR IN HISTORY Talking about getting off the island. Mr. Howell:"How do we get off?" Skipper:"Well, as Skipper and First Mate, that's up to me and Gilligan to find a way." Mr. Howell:"Drats! We're stuck here forever!"
  2. (Season 1 Luke's Love Story) Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Cooter! Gimme that! Where you been!?" Cooter Davenport:"Well, I just wanted to make a big entry. Besides, I had to get that off of Boss Hogg's mantle piece." Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Will you git that messy piece of junk outta here before it starts drippin' oil all over the place!?" Cooter Davenport:"Awe! Don't worry about it Rosco. It's house broke!" Bo Duke:"Cooter, that ain't no way to treat yer bike!" Cooter Davenport:"Huh!? Oh. It wasn't mine!"
  3. (Season 1 It's Magic) Gilligan:"Boy, first it's "Bravo, bravo, bravo! Then, it's "boo, boo, boo! But what can you expect from an audience that's fickle, fickle, fickle?"
  4. Gotta go with a gal who has a Dukes connection. Like Cousin Roger stated above.
  5. I agree Cousin Roger Duke. Lacey Chabert is prettier than Debra Norville. Sorry Cousin Hobie Hartkins LOL.
  6. (Season 7 Cool Hands Luke & Bo) Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"Hold it! Don't step over that line!" Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"You think it's a trap?" Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"I don't know. But I know I ain't about to set foot in Osage County! But there don't seem to be nobody around." Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"You know Boss. I was just thinkin', if I tippy toe over there an' grab the Duke boys-" Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"Then I wouldn't have to give up these here 'shine contracts! Yeah. But we gotta do it quick." Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"Come on Bo!" Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:(grabbing Bo trying to pull him out of the General Lee. His arm comes off.) "That's a dummy!" Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"Yeah! And so are we!"
  7. (Season 1 It's Magic) Skipper:"Gilligan I want you to take all those tricks and put 'em in the storage hut!" Gilligan:"But I haven't finished my breakfast yet." Skipper:"You just finished breakfast for everybody! Now git! Git!"
  8. Not Guilty Happy Anniversary Episode aired Jan 6, 1966 Did You Know? Al Schottlekotte from WCPO, who delivers a news update, is a real newscaster from Cincinnati, Ohio. He was on WCPO radio and television in Cincinnati for 25 years.
  9. Why did Skipper have to have them sign the paper in Rescue saying the accident was not his fault, when he was already cleared in Season 3 Court Martial? And at the time of shipwreck #1 there was just S. S. Minnow no Minnow I like that board in the end said. And in Globetrotters the Howells suddenly had Thurston Howell 4th. They had no children in series.I don't remember a character storyline script reason being given. I know the real reason was because they needed a Howell to fill in for Backus cuz he was sick. But then again they did adopt Gilligan near the end of Season 1 so... A Thurston Howell 4th did exist.
  10. I just had a thought. What if this $37 Fun World Skipper's cap was the $39.99 one that my brother woulda got me on clearance $14.97 + tax in 2010 that was not in the package? Could be the same one from the same exact set that I'm getting from Theresa? Maybe if so, whoever stole it got tired of it and put it on auction? That could explain why it was an auction for just hat by itself without the shirt pants or bib for stuffable belly?
  11. (Season 3 Court Martial) Skipper/Long John Silver:"One of me mates ad a fight with Lord Admiral Gilligan once and just remember, eez a sucker for a right ook." Mr. Howell/Captain Hook:"Well I’m at a disadvantage, I can only give him a left hook." Professor/Captain Kidd:"Did he give you that scar?" Mr. Howell/Captain Hook:"I did that myself!" Skipper/Long John Silver:"You did dat yourself!?" Mr. Howell/Captain Hook:"I had an itch, and I forgot!" Professor/Captain Kidd:"Why are we wasting our time talking about that dandy!? Let's look at the treasure!"
  12. Dusty's Trail scene. Dusty is trimming Mr. Callahan's hair. Mr. Callahan:"Ouch! Yer supposed to be trimmin' my hair not pullin' it out!" Dusty:"Freckles never complains when I trim his tail." Mr. Callahan:"Freckles!? So that's how the scissors got so dull huh!?"
  13. You know how everyone is so easily offended by things these days? Waylon Jennings made a joke about it a long time back before it got this way. In live versions of Mommas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys he reversed the lyric to "Mommas Don't Let Your Cowboys Grow Up To Be Babies" lol. Very accurate to how things are these days. Bout that joking lyric reversal: What did WJ know that we didn't? Seems like he knew at that time how things would end up.
  14. (Season 4 Dukescam Scam) Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Good thing he's gone. Cuz you woulda tore him limb from limb." Flash starts snoring. "No don't go to sleep!"
  15. (Season 3 The Kidnapper) Gilligan:"The skinny one in the sailors hat, he must mean me." Skipper:"Well he certainly doesn't mean me!" Gilligan:(to Professor)"Why couldn't it be that big fat one with the captain's hat!?"
  16. (Season 2 Allergy Time) Skipper:"Come On Mr. Howell Don't Tell Me You're Happy because Gilligan Moved Out On Us ?." Mr. Howell:"No, But My Nose is Very Grateful..."
  17. (Season 2 Castaways Pictures Presents) Mr. Howell:"Quiet ! Quiet ! Up There You Birds !. Lights, Camera, Action..."
  18. (Season 2 The Friendly Physician) The Dog:"Meow!" Gilligan:"Hey Cat, Cat Go Ahead Show Him What You Sound Like Cat ?." The Cat:"Bark ! Woof-Woof !."
  19. (Season 2 The Friendly Physician) The Skipper:"Aren't These Steaks Beautiful ?." Gilligan:"You Better Enjoy it Might be Your Last Meal." The Skipper:"Thanks a Lot Little Buddy That'll Certainly Help My Appetite."
  20. (Season 3 The Late J. D. Hogg) Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Flash everybody's a dipstick! Except you and me I guess."
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