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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Me to Cousin Roger. So here's your haha.
  2. Meadowmufn... This post needs a yum face button.
  3. (Season 3 Ring Around Gilligan) Dr. Boris Balinkoff:"I have just discovered that you are building an escape raft! I do not want anyone to leave this island, until I have completed my experiment! Destroy the raft! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!" Skipper:"Aye aye Master! Roger Wilco! Over and out!"
  4. (Season 6 Heiress, Daisy Duke) Daisy Duke:"My name is Vivian Stewart, naturally." Waylon Jennings:"Boy howdy. How many husbands would like to try that on their wives or vise versa?"
  5. Dennis Guilder:"What seems to be the problem, huh?" Arnie Cunningham:"Could you honk yer horn fer me? Christine's doesn't seem to work." Dennis Guilder:"Yeah, sure."(honks Charger horn.)
  6. (Season 2 Mason Dixon's Girls) Mason Dixon:"Sheriff? Excuse me Sheriff!?" Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Don't you threaten me! I'll knock you into the middle of next week!" Mason Dixon:"My name's Mason Dixon and these here lovely ladies are my associates. Tinker Churchill and Samantha Rose." Sam:"We're investigating a call you made to Atlanta." Tinker:"Yeah. Concernin' a couple of fellas that you caught with a whole bunch of marijuana." Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Boy, you FBI sure get around quick, don't you?" Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"Rosco hush. They never said they was from the FBI." Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"That's right. You didn't you?" Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"An' I can tell you personally, that I've never seen no FBI people with-" Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Big-little dimples." Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"With big-little dimp- No wearin' clothes like that!" Mason Dixon:"No sir. We're private investigators." Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"Sir. The government don't hire no private investigators." Mason Dixon:"No sir. But uh, we work independently." Sam:"Sheriff could we talk to them fellas in their cells fer just a little bitty minute?" Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Yeah. Ooh no I mean, I'd let you. But you see, they ain't in the cells." Sam:"What!?" Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"Rosco just ignore those dimples! I mean, the next time she bats her eyes at you, you'll probably tell 'er where the Duke Boys live." Mason Dixon:"Duke? So that's their name Duke? Thank you very much sir. You've been a big help." Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"Yeah but- awe dang!" Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"You see Boss? It was you who told 'em. Not me." Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"It was you who made me tell 'em you dodo!"
  7. (Season 2 Mason Dixon's Girls) Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"They did them cute little-" Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg:"FORGET THE DIMPLES!!"
  8. Happy 68th Birthday today to Ron Howard(Opie Taylor)! 3/1/54!
  9. Happy 68th Birthday today to Catherine Bach(Daisy Mae Duke)! 3/1/54!
  10. You know I think with Happy Birthday General Lee being General Lee's story, they should've put the crossed flags on it for that episode in all the flashbacks. What do y'all think?
  11. Jackie Gleason(Sheriff Buford T. Justice) from original the Smokey Is the Bandit Part 3 trailer, the version of the film in which he played both roles Sheriff and Bandit. "I have succeeded in becoming my own worst enemy, the Bandit."
  12. For me Cousin, I think so. I bounced back from it pretty quickly.
  13. Cousin Roger Duke... They say that I had it in November 2021.
  14. (Season 4 Coltrane vs Duke) Luke Duke:"You all set Doc?" Doc Appleby:"Yeah." Luke Duke:"Alright." Waylon Jennings:"And waitin' down the road was Sheriff Little of Chickasaw County. He only loved 1 thing. His badge, and hated 2 things. Dukes and Rosco Coltrane. Why, every night, he prayed to his maker that he could nail the Duke Boys before Rosco did." Doc Appleby:"Sorry fer the delay boys." Luke Duke:"That's alright. We'll just take a short cut." Doc Appleby:"Oooh!"
  15. I like that necklace. Anyone have info on it? Who made it etc?
  16. (Season 4 The Haunted House) Barney Fife:"Call for the doctor! Call for nurse! Call for the lady with the alligator purse!"
  17. “Mister, don’t make me use my bare hands on you”. - Goober S8:E7 Aunt Bee, the Juror
  18. (Season 4 Coltrane vs Duke) Luke Duke:"The stork had to pick this morning fer deliverin'." Doc Appleby:"Be right with you, boys!" Bo Duke:"We can still make it, right?" Luke Duke:"Yeah. Come on Doc! Let's hit the road!" Doc Appleby:"Uh. Boys?" Luke Duke:"You gotta be kiddin'? Not triplets?" Doc Appleby nods and holds up 3 fingers. Waylon Jennings:"They're lucky he ain't a vet. Some dogs have a dozen in the litter."
  19. Some tell me about the Fun World hat. "Get over that one. It's just costume and you have a real hat anyway. You really don't need this Fun World one." But I'm the type fan I have to have more then 1 of the same thing in the collection. Friends tell me "You're making this harder then it needs to be. Just buy it and be done. This has gone on to long now. You'll feel better about all this." 1 friend says:"Yes your friends are right. You are making this very hard and it's ridiculous. This has become an obsession over a costume hat that you can easily buy yourself on E-Bay. You keep asking me my opinion and I keep giving you the same answer. Just buy the hat or the costume yourself on E-Bay. I've been hearing about this for about 4 months now. Please stop telling me and asking me about this hat. Just buy it or don't. It's your collection, I don't need to know."
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