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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Happy Anniversary!!! New Neighbor Sam Episode aired Apr 3, 1965 Did You Know? Mel Blanc voiced the parrot.
  2. (Season 2 Ghost a Go-Go) Mr. Howell:"Don't you see Gilligan? It's a trop!" Gilligan:"No it's not a trop, it's a boat. The Skipper and me we both saw it, touched it."
  3. (Season 2 Ghost a Go-Go) Gilligan:"Are you a g-good ghost, or a b-bad ghost?" Ghost:"I'm a gooood ghost!" Gilligan:"Then why do you scare people?" Ghost:"Because people scare me!"
  4. (Season 2 Ghost a Go-Go) Skipper:"What's a matter Little Buddy, what is it?" Gilligan:"I just saw a ghost out there." Skipper:"Oh Gilligan, for goodness sakes, you didn't wake me up out a sound sleep to tell me about your nightmare?" Gilligan:"No no no! I saw a real live ghost out there!" Skipper:"Gilligan, people are alive, ghosts are dead." Gilligan:"Then I saw a real dead ghost, and he ran that way." Skipper:"Well, if he was dead, how come he was running that way?" Gilligan:"But Skipper, Skipper, he's right out there Skipper!" Skipper:"Gilligan you're dreaming, goodnight!"
  5. (Season 2 The Friendly Physician) Mary Ann - (kisses Dr. Balinkoff) "That's for taking us off the island." (Ginger gives Dr. Balinkoff a longer kiss.) Dr. Balinkoff - "What was that for?" Ginger - "That's for being a man!
  6. There must be lots of Gilligan's Island Skipper fan customers on eBay who like The Skipper. The Fun World Costume is rated 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.
  7. I'm out of reactions... So here's yer haha
  8. (Season 4 The Rumor) Gomer Pyle:"What a dumb trick, this is the dumbest trick. Barney don’t you ever call me dumb again. What a dumb trick, swell party what a dumb trick."
  9. I christened Fun World hat last night by wearing it and watching many YouTube scenes. I did Bluenox lots of times. Now to do Midway and watch Rescue, and if I can find it, that Alf episode.
  10. (Season 5 Otis Sues the County) Barney Fife(On tape):"There's nothing worse than a torn calcium!" Andy Taylor(Listening to tape):"Torn calcium!?"
  11. Boss Hogg:"I just know he's gonna break his treaty with the government, and mix up a batch. And why?" Rosco Coltrane:"Why?" Boss Hogg:"Because he's a patriot. He wants to help his country find a substitute for fossil fuels." Rosco starts to ask Boss Hogg a question. Boss Hogg:"What is it? And don't ask me, what kind of fuels do fossils run on." Rosco Coltrane:"No. What I wanna ask you is, who he is?" Boss Hogg:"He?" Rosco Coltrane:"Yeah." Boss Hogg:"Who's he?" Rosco Coltrane:"Well now, you said He will break his treaty with the government." Boss Hogg:"And he will too! I don't mind him helpin' his country. Trouble is, it's the royals! I know he'll hog 'em to himself." Rosco Coltrane:"Probly." Boss Hogg:"I want those royals!" Rosco Coltrane:"Oooh, you want the royals!" Boss Hogg:"Right! That's it! Now git outta here, let me think." Rosco leaves. Rosco Coltrane:"What's royal? Who is he? And what kind of fuel do fossils run on?" Boss Hogg:"He's doin'! He's firin' up that still! Just what I was sayin'!"
  12. (Season 5 High Octane) Jesse Duke:"She's givin' Rosco what for back there. I think Here’s where she gets him. She got him! Hahaha!"
  13. (Season 1 High Octane) Rosco Coltrane:"I'm tellin' you Enos. Somewhere up in those hills, Jesse Duke is cookin' moonshine. And double crossin' his own partner." Enos Strate:"Well, who's his own partner?" Rosco Coltrane:"Boss Hogg, that's who." Enos Strate:"You reckon Jesse knows that?" Rosco Coltrane:"Enos, of course he knows it! Whenever I double cross somebody, I know who I'm double crossin'." Enos Strate:"No sir, I mean, does Jesse know him and Boss are partners?" Rosco Coltrane:"Well, you don't double cross strangers." Enos Strate:"Well, how is Jesse double crossin' Boss?" Rosco Coltrane:"By not tellin' him where the still is!" Enos Strate:"He probably won't never neither." Rosco Coltrane:"Well, it don't make no difference anyway. What we're gonna do, is let old Jesse Duke up there, make all that moonshine, bottle it, fetch it down here, and then, we're gonna grab him! Guess who!?"
  14. (Season 5 Barney Fife, Realtor) Barney Fife:"$3,478 !!" Andy Taylor:"How do you figure that?"
  15. Did ya hear scientists predicted The Titanic will disappear soon. They predict by 2030 a big orange rust stain down there.
  16. OMG... The words of Sharon Schach Radel on Facebook to me. "You should work in a TV museum. Especially GI and Dukes. You know everything." "Too bad you can’t go to Gilligan’s Island events and be the Skipper. Like at John’s Extravaganza where there are people imitating Uncle Jesse, etc. it would be perfect for you."
  17. Happy Mayberry Monday, everybody! This is based on an old joke about Calvin Coolidge, and I thought I’d try my hand at writing it into a scene we might have seen in Mayberry... Floyd: Hello, Andy! Andy: Mornin’, Floyd. (Sits down next to Floyd outside the barbershop) Floyd: Missed you at church yesterday. Andy: Yeah, I had an emergency I had to tend to so I couldn’t make it. You were there, were you? Floyd: Oh, Andy, you know I always make it to church every Sunday! Been going there for years! Why, I don’t remember the last time I wasn’t... Andy: (Interrupting) I know, Floyd, I know. So what did you think of the sermon? Floyd: The sermon? Andy: Yeah. The preacher did preach a sermon, didn’t he? Floyd: Oh sure, sure. Andy: What did you think of it? Floyd: I’m trying to remember... Andy: Floyd, you just heard it yesterday, don’t tell me you forgot it already! Floyd: It’s coming back to me, just a minute... AH!! Andy: What did the preacher preach about? Floyd: He preached about sin. Andy: (Waiting... waiting... waiting...) Well what did he say about it? Floyd: He was against it. Andy: (Just stares at Floyd)
  18. Gilligan's Island fans... Do not join this. They remove your posts on subjects Gilligan related such as former tv networks that ran the show etc. https://www.facebook.com/groups/557051711383732/?ref=share
  19. Cousin Roger Duke... He also has another. The Roads Back To Early Hazzard dedicated to the GA 5.
  20. Cousin Spike... I am out of reactions. So here's your haha for the post.
  21. Gilligan's Island and The Andy Griffith Show fans... Who remembers the days of the old channel TBS The Super Station with its programming of Scooby Doo cartoons, Gilligan's Island reruns, The Andy Griffith Show reruns, Baseball games, World Series, WCW Monday Nitro and other wrestling shows?
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