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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. scrubbies ( they wear them when they operate!)
  2. OK....!! OK>>>!!! False alarm!! The Dukes they were talking about were Dukes as in Rank, history etc. ( Hey.....I didn't know~!)
  3. Jeopardy has 2 categories on the game show for Dukes of Hazzard and Boss Hogg....only 2 categories...but it's on NOW if anyone want sto watch! ...channel WUXPD
  4. The reason we all love you so much here in Hazzard, is because you're so MODEST about it all!! :)
  5. In their mind that's not discrimination. It's only discrimination if you're against what they're NOT against!
  6. Well keep us up on it and tell her everybody in Hazzard ( even the town " drunk" ( notice the qoutes!) , is in her corner!!
  7. You need to concentrate on relaxing. Start with your feet and concentrate on having them get heavier and heavier and more and more relaxed, until you couldn't move them even if you wanted. Then work up to your lower legs and do the same thing and then just keep moving up your body. Eventually you'll be working on making your head heavy and relaxed and then......you're asleep!
  8. Boar's Nest Sling! ( remember that one? It may not be beer.....probably hard liquor but still alcohol! )
  9. yea, in a way, I liked Luke better too. In another way I liked Bo....so....not sure. I guess it just depends on the episode.
  10. I liked it ok but it wasn't anywhere near as good as the regular Duke Boys episodes.
  11. That would be a very interesting study....there were many people who drove the General. Rosco has even drove the General!
  12. road rash! ( That will give you Road Rage!)
  13. Yea....you guys get all the good stuff! We never had that over here!
  14. You're exactly right! The pendulum won't swing back though, because the snakes that control the media, will keep pushing it further and further. After a short while, anyone not liking a show showing two homosexuals kissing, will be shunned by his " Friends" ( notice the quotes) as a bigot! See? People agains interracial stuff are already backwards, bigots etc.....NEXT STOP......Homosexuality! and then........... ( It never ends folks....the snakes never get enough!)
  15. Hey there bud! Good to have you! I hope you like it in here! We're all family basically and are all crazy about the Dukes!
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