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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Hey Jac, it's good to see you! I'm sorry I don't but maybe some other Hazzardites might, after they see this!
  2. proton
  3. I put a surprised look on it, because I've got the whole collection on DVD and I may have watched 5min. of any of it. I just cant watch it! They all seem the same! I didn't remember this one.
  4. She was a babe! LESTER crab
  5. You're leaving now.....it's in your eyes, there's no disguising it....it really comes as no suprise that you planned it all along....NOW! sure as the sun will cross the sky this lie is over...LOST like the tears that used to tide me over......overrrrr I have no idea. Please forgive me for getting out of line. I saw Asia and.....1982 all over again!! ......( for those who don't know it was Asia the rock group in 1982)
  6. miniscule
  7. I think Cooter lived on Mt. JESSUP rd.
  8. Hogg's Heavenly acres!
  9. one time they DID have COMMIES on the show! ( anybody remember the episode?)
  10. The Dukes of Hazzard is an all AMERICAN show and if you don't like it, you must be a commie!!
  11. Danish
  12. Sponges
  13. I wonder if when Uncle Jesse hurt his ankle, if Doc Petticord had to Xray it??
  14. In one episode, the Dukes got hold of a very expensive VASE ( or VAHZ as they called it on the show! )
  15. Fishing Rod
  16. Daisy was and IS a SEXY lady!!
  17. Forward
  18. PETEY willis
  19. shifts
  20. whistle
  21. unspoiled
  22. Hazzard would be a GREAT place to live!
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