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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. I saw that! That was crazy!!
  2. I was about to say.....looks great to me!
  3. Yes, possums are found to be immune to the venom of most snakes which makes it perfectly safe for them to eat snakes. Scientists have figured out that there is a compound in possums’ blood which makes it immune to snake venom1. This compound is a peptide that can act against a snake’s venom
  4. So far, it's looking REAL good!
  5. very true but I'm sure Mz. Tizdale has plenty of the Gazette for me to borrow!
  6. I'm sure Hazzard CO. was like every other place in the south including where I'm from ( middle Tn.!) we had what Yankees call Oppossums......around here they're just possums! ...road killl etc. they can't be killed by poison snakes! and there's a bunch of other neat stuff about them!
  7. all the way on the other side of the state! ( from where I live!) The Blues!
  8. Tennessee ( If you have to ask, you know nothing about what has happened to Tennessee in the last 30 yrs. per Saturn, GMC, etc.)
  9. MOONshine!! ( when it's good...wow! )
  10. No problem! You just line the boxes you've got the shine in, with several copies of the Hazzard Gazette!
  11. That is excellent! Great job!!
  12. I'm going to enter this with my own car....The Moonshine Mauler!
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