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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Lighthorse HARRY HOGG....wasn't he the one who ....uh.....rode the other way?? ( I can't help but think they were trying to slip something in on us! ) I thought Boss' reaction was hilarious! Ice.....Every time Hughie tried to get something going with Dasisy, she gave him the shove and treated him as cold as ICE !
  2. probably Heineken because it'll make you feel fine again!
  3. Do NOT be looking for a jug of my finest for a loong time! I'll just sell you some of my second rate shine! II Opinions 3:24- Thou shalt not hijack your own thread!
  4. That's a good question. For some reason, I'm thinking that Cletus is mostly married into the Hogg clan. Hughie, I believe, was born into it .
  5. ABERNATHY rd. The road the van went down, that Bo saw....( can't remember all of it !!! )
  6. you need to Xplain things to Hobie! LOL!! YANKEES love TDOH because it's a great show ( THE greatest!) .....everybody loves it!!
  7. Interesting how far nascar has strayed from its roots. It's just like everything else. They've cheapened it and perverted it....wrestling comes immediately to mind. Once a REAL sport...now....don't even get me started!!
  8. I wish you HAD gotten it! We were a quiet little town, around 10,000 people. Everybody knew everybody.....in comes Saturn and BOOM! All the Yankees 3rd worlders , and now probably 150,000 people! The Yankees STILL think they know better than we do! SMH!!
  9. bodd hogg just couldn't UNDERSTAND why the dukes didn't see things his way!
  10. I saw that! That was crazy!!
  11. I was about to say.....looks great to me!
  12. Yes, possums are found to be immune to the venom of most snakes which makes it perfectly safe for them to eat snakes. Scientists have figured out that there is a compound in possums’ blood which makes it immune to snake venom1. This compound is a peptide that can act against a snake’s venom
  13. So far, it's looking REAL good!
  14. very true but I'm sure Mz. Tizdale has plenty of the Gazette for me to borrow!
  15. I'm sure Hazzard CO. was like every other place in the south including where I'm from ( middle Tn.!) we had what Yankees call Oppossums......around here they're just possums! ...road killl etc. they can't be killed by poison snakes! and there's a bunch of other neat stuff about them!
  16. all the way on the other side of the state! ( from where I live!) The Blues!
  17. Tennessee ( If you have to ask, you know nothing about what has happened to Tennessee in the last 30 yrs. per Saturn, GMC, etc.)
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