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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Ok, I'm familiar with this because I have all the episodes, but unless I'm buzzing too hard on shine....I see two people sitting on the roof of the Boar's Nest!! WHO ARE THEY????
  2. True enough, but I had remembered other inconsistancies, like in one episode, the Dukes lived on Mill Pond road, but in others it was Old Mill Road.
  3. Here's another inconsistancy: Uncls Jessie's wife's name! She was referred to as " Aunt Lovinia and as Martha!
  4. How old will he be? I've got all the episodes on VHS AND now on DVD but NEVER met any of them!
  5. No...look I'm the town drunk here and to prove it, I'm about to drink some more shine!!
  6. Boss Hogg
  7. Knight
  8. O.K. first, please forgive me, because : 1. I've been gone a long time. 2. I'm stupid..... but I have to ask....did he die of an overdose, alcohol poisoning...or...???
  9. The people who bow down to the National American Communist Party ( It was started by a WHITE communist W.E.B. Dubois) show how weak they are. The word racist even means Race- genotypical description of your physique, and ist-belonging to or being a member of a certain group or party! See? Everybody's a RACE IST! Don't play their game! This is all B.S.! John Schneider once said that the Confederate flag didn't mean then what it does now....meaning when they first started the show. That's ridiculous! The flag is close to 150 yrs. old and it means NOW what it meant THEN!!
  10. Thank you for all the welcomes...I hope to be here more often....or anywhere more often.....!!

  11. Hey There! Good to have you!!
  12. Hey there! Great stuff you have on your page! I was wondering how I could get a pic for an avatar of Hobie...??? ( You may have no idea but you seem to know a lot, so I just thought I would ask! Thanks!

  13. This is some neat stuff! I will enjoy this while sippin' my shine!!
  14. I have been here before....but it's been a while...and now i'm here again!! Shine! It's what's for breakfast!!
  15. That's easy....even ddrunkkk...I know this one.....Mason Dixon.....remember? Mason Dixon was a private eye and he had two associates, and they were these two girls? beer:
  16. Where is this going to be at this year?
  17. I THINK...I could be wrong...it's from "Good Bye Boss", where that escaped convict tried to kill boss.
  18. Hi, welcome to Hazzard!

  19. I try my best to watch one a night from year 1-7, but I always fall asleep before the end...LOL....I guess it's because Hazzard is so comforting and I wish I could live there in real life! ( usually and especially if I'm real tired, I don't last but a few minutes!)
  20. I need to have someone help me put a good moonshine avatar picture on my profile and by the way, is my last name supposed to be Hawkins or Harkins? Remember now, I'm buzzing, plus I am almost completely computer illiterate. Thank you ahead of time.
  21. That's amazing! I learned something new while starting to buzz! :drunk:
  22. "Uncle Jesse and cousin Daisy are just fine Hobie. It's nice to know you never change."
  23. Thank you! Good to be here!

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