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Hobie Hartkins

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Posts posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. 23 hours ago, Meadowmufn said:

    I will be doing a software update to the forums soon, hopefully this week if time allows. I have surgery coming up on Wednesday, so if the update isn't before then, it will likely be sometime next week after I've recovered sufficiently.

    Thank you so much Ma'am! Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you and  we want nothing but the best for you! Walk with us and keep us up on it! All the while, remember  you have our love and respect! ( Come by the car lot......I've got a jug of my finest saved just for you! :) )   😎

  2. On 9/7/2024 at 2:59 PM, Philip_Duke said:

    Amazon has a native HD Remaster which looks beautiful, but unfortunately they cropped it to 16:9 so we're missing the details from the top and bottom.


    Plus, it'll cut out the Rebel flag from the General Lee which is part of his character/identity.


    For a General Lee without the flag, it's the bootleg car in Burnout Paradise that looks nearly identical to General Lee.




    Burnout Paradise honestly feels like the best Dukes of Hazzard game there is as it allows us to do insane jumps with General Lee and I love that! The official DoH games weren't very good, I think. Sadly.



    The General  Lee without the flag is NOT the General Lee...neither is TDOH!!

  3. Hey, I was wondering...who was the aunt that Jesse wanted the boys to visit once when they got in trouble  and Luke said " Heck, he hasn't even spoken to ..aunt........in 20 yrs" .? 


    * I just thought....Aunt Lovinia??

  4. I've got that on VHS!! ( along with about 34 other Eastwood films!) Hortence...reminds me of a song.......

    Oh sweeet Hortence!........she wasn't very pretty but she had good sense!  Had two teeth in her mouth.......one pointed north, the other pointed  south!

    All I need to make me happy.....is two fine kids to call me pappy!  One name Jack and one named Daisy, One of 'em cross eyed.....the other one crazy!!  :)    🤪🤣 

  5. I don't know if you guys will think it's funny but  I got a kick out of this one! LOL! :) 


    A lady was coming  home from the evening service at church and she noticed that there was a man in the house and he was stealing her stuff.  She freaked out and screamed " Acts 2:38!!"  The thief stopped where he was and didn't move. The woman calmly called the cops and when they got there, she told them what had happened. One of the cops asked him, while he was being handcuffed, " Why didn't you just run away?" All she did was scream a  Bible verse at you? The thief said, " A Bible verse? I thought she said she had an Ax and 2 38's !!" 

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