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Everything posted by Eddiemunster

  1. I'm not really pessimistic, even though I sweat thinking of something might be screwie with a modern-day DOH movie. I feel I'm more optimistic in feeling the the new cast will do allright. I personally feel that good ol' Willie will do allright in keeping the character of Uncle Jesse alive. After all, he was around when the original series aired. Heck, he probably saw every single episode on every Friday night for all seven seasons. I think he knows what's up when it comes to being Uncle Jesse. And that goes for Burt Reynolds as Boss Hog, too. They might not be the actors that we would expect to be chosen for the parts, but I know they'll do just fine. I'm also going to the movies when it comes out, too.
  2. It doesn't have anything to do with being inbred, does it?
  3. You mean to say that nobody gives any respect to good ol' Uncle Willie?
  4. Is it just me, but in that first Dukes game for PS1, doesn't the "Bo Duke" remind you of Coy? He looks and sounds like him, rather than Bo. What's up with that?
  5. Now, don't be tempted to take one!!! Maybe they'll let you put one on hold, so you can literally be the first one to own it.
  6. So, they asked you to bring your Ford truck, huh? I thought they already had Willie Nelson cast for Uncle Jesse!!! Or is it they need it for him to drive?
  7. I have to admit that I personally didn't like the idea of a new cast for the new DOH movie, especially with all the rumors of the General Lee with no flag on it. But, I had to step back and think about it. Unfortunately we all do get old. I don't like this fact of life as much as the next guy, but hey, we gotta live with it. The original cast can't be slidin' across the hood of the General as they could when they were 20 years old anymore. They probably have arthritis just like my folks do. I feel the new dukes will do well. And if it bombs, oh well. They tried.
  8. I like the fact that companies are bringing back the old names again. But, on the other hand, for the prices they want, I'd much rather spend that much on the real thing. Just my opinion.
  9. Chet, Where in NY are you? I'm in Western NY and we still have race tracks goin' on. Can't say for horses; don't know much about them.
  10. Eddiemunster

    Wrong Turn

    Anyone into semi-gory horror movies? If so, check out Wrong Turn, if you haven't already. It's like the movie Deliverence, I've been told, since I haven't seen that one yet.
  11. I just returned home right now, meeting with a really good friend that I haven't seen in two years or more. My friend Brian had his ups and downs, and he is on his way up again. This is the good news I wish to share, because good ol' friends should never be forgotten, especially around the holiday season. Now on th the sour news. His youngest brother Cory, I've been told, was hit by a car. He's still alive, but has severe head trauma. It was estimated that the car was going about 40 mph, and when it struck him, he flipped over and landed on his head. He had internal bleeding in his brain, causing him to almost forget everything, including who he is. Also, he keeps repeating himself. This news made me not wnt to talk, but cry. The last time I saw him was at a local festival. We didn't have much time to talk, and I told him I wanted to make time to hang out with him. I'm not even sure he even remembers me anymore. Please be very carefull, because one accident or mistake can change your life forever. I just want to share this story with all of you.
  12. A couple of nights ago, around 2-2:30AM, I saw a family of deer in my back yard munching on the various landscaping. A father, mother, and one young daughter, since there wasn't any sighn of antlers growing. Man, only if I had a rifle, deer slugs, and if it weren't for the Facist Town Government that doesn't allow hunting and/or discharge of firearms, I'd be having Venicin for the next month!!! Actually, I like the deer wandering around. Just as long as they keep off the road when I'm driving!!!
  13. I received two debit card type gift certificates, worth $20 and $15. I usually do not ask for much. I really dislike all the commercialism that revolves around Xmas. It's not the giftgiving that's important, it's all about the birth of Jesus. Now, it IS about giftgiving if, of course, you're Atheist!!! I wonder what the Three Kings are thinking when they look down from heaven and see all this commercialism. I bet they're kicking themselves and wishing they tought twice about the Gold, Frankencence, and Myrr (spellcheck on the last two!!!).
  14. Now, if only Santa can get his elves to build me a replica General Lee........Well, a toy one will do!!! Merry Xmas!!!
  15. This might have been mentioned before, but Willie Nelson as Uncle Jesse? That's got to be fun to watch!!!
  16. Hard work pays off, doesn't it? Keep it up and keep a positive attitude!!!
  17. It was robably one of Mopar's (or any other car manufacturer) trial and error ideas. Once you tick off "X" number of people with your new product, try and try again!!!
  18. Don't worry about offending anyone, since it's probably not intentional. Even though this is a "G" rated forum, we've all heard the infamous "F" word, or said it a few million times!!!
  19. I know that probably not many people on this forum is into his style of metal music, but I wish to give my condolences to "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott's family. I find it very disturbing in today's world where people are turning to violence, especially with firearms. Now, I do not wish to start any personal political views on this forum. So, I'll just leave it as that. Darrell was an amazing musician who had so many great fans who admire his ability to play. May he rest in peace.
  20. I took a copy of that picture of the cat and gun to work the other day. I had this woman almost on the floor laughing!!!
  21. Wow. With all that memorized, I think you could go to jail for illegally downloading movies into your brain!!! Now, only if I could do that. Who knows? Maybe in about 20 or so years, we'll have an internet accesable chip implanted into all of our heads!!!
  22. "You can't drive a fork truck!" "I can drive any forkin' thing around." At least that's how I think it went, when they were loading the beer on the truck.
  23. Try a place called Desert Valley Auto Parts. www.dvap.com They're a classic car junk yard out in Arizona.
  24. I had to laugh at that big dude in Gator who had to stick his head out of the sunroof because he was so tall. I wonder if anyone is actually like that, and how many times he/she gets pulled over!!!
  25. Only if I had the money to have a car restoring hobby......... Right now I have a DVD collecting hobby, and I also mess around a bit on bass guitar. I have a 1976 Rickenbacker 4001 bass that I will never part with.
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