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Everything posted by Eddiemunster

  1. How about Spaghetti Westerns? As in "Once Upon A Time In The West?" That's one of my all time favorites. Since I started a new thread here about The Toxic Avenger, I know what some of you are thinking. "How can someone go from watching The Toxic Avenger, to watching a classic like Once Upon A Time In The West?" They're both are sort of on opposite sides of the movie spectrum, and that goes to show how Bi-Polar my imagination/thinking gets!!!
  2. I just bought this on DVD, and got a great laugh out of it. It's one of the best corny movies out there.
  3. You know your car is too old when: 1.) You call the make of it "Rolls Canardly" because it "Rolls" down one hill, and "Canardly" get up the next. 2.) Your car has "2-40" air conditioning. It feels like air conditioning with 2 windows down, going 40 mph.
  4. I'd like to see Herbie and the General Lee go head to head in an obsticle race. That'll be fun to watch.
  5. I forget the episode, but Daisy mentioned something about the cotton being ready for picking.
  6. I've sort of thought about this before. In "Repo Men", the used car salesman who Bo and Luke buy the wrecked Petty car from, mentions to them something like "Now, knowing you boys probably haven't made $700 in one year......."
  7. This guy I work with had to use a screwdriver to start his old car. This car was so bad, the frame and body started to seperate at the rear!!! A few winters ago, he had the snow covered where the state inspection sticker should be, so the cops won't hassle him for driving an uninspected car. While driving to the junkyard that year, he was only three blocks from the junkyard when he got pulled over, and received a ticket for no inspection!!! Go figure.
  8. I remember talking with someone a few years ago who said his friend was in a night club with his girlfriend, when Kirk Hammett (Lead guitarist for Metallica) started "hitting up" with this guy's girlfriend. At first, this guy was quite angry, but was pretty amazed that his favorite guitar player has the same taste in women as him!!!
  9. Brian, You probably left a huge impression on ol' Sam, since he probably laughed as he walked away because you weren't using a cart for that large bag of cat food!!! Sam thinking to himself: "Let's see if he slips on that mess on the floor that my well underpaid employees are too lazy to mop up."
  10. So far, I have met three "famous" people in my life, as I can immediately recall. Only one of the three are DOH related: James Best (When I was about 5 or 6 years old) "Doctor Dirty" John Valby (At one of his concerts, while buying one of his CD's) Zora Arkus Duntov (The "Father" of the Chevrolet Corvette.) I'm just wondering if anyone has met anyone famous? Or not so famous?
  11. So, it's safe to say your favorite charachter is Cooter?
  12. OMG! If I was able to charge a buck for everytime someone said my name, I wouldn't be going to work! "NO! You DO NOT have permission to say my name!!!" Give me a break.
  13. I have no money for green beer. Plus, that green food coloring made my stomach uneasy a few years back. And, I'm also not supposed to be drinking.......Oh well.
  14. Yeah, it's a good ol' trucker movie. I'm not quite into remembering too many names of actors, but the guy who played in Rocky, as Rocky's brother in law is in it. I'm kinda surprised to hear that I'm not even able to order it, since I have seen some really bad low budgit movies out there. Not to say this movie is low budgit or bad at all, but I feel it should be available. I guess I'm outnumbered on that one!!!
  15. Eddiemunster


    Anyone remember this movie? I'm unable to find it on DVD anywhere.
  16. Scott, Is that a real General from the TV series in those pics? From the pics, it almost looks too good to be a replica.
  17. A friend of mine used to have a Ford Pinto that was orange. It was actually the original factory paint!!! He called it Pumpkin Orange, since it matched the pumpkin he had. He placed it on the hood, and almost matched perfectly. Of course, I had never even thought of putting an "01" on the doors!!! Never!!!
  18. In other words, it's revolving around money. Just like everything else. What doesn't these days?
  19. You know you watch too much Dukes when every time you hear about Daisy and Enos almost getting married, you can't stop thinking about how their children would turn out to be!!!
  20. I really would've laughed if the wheels broke off on the landing!!!
  21. Back in '85, I used to climb through the windows of my parent's '82 Mercury station wagon. It's pretty easy, since all you gotta do is watch where your feet go, Brian!!!
  22. Same spellings backwards: Racecar Mom Dad Bob Tot Pop Did I know there's more.
  23. I don't know what this means, either. By the sounds of it, I don't think I really want to know.......
  24. They call him the streak.......
  25. Julieduke, Amherst, New York is where I'm at. There's also an Amherst, New Hampshire I believe. Amherst, NY is a suburb of Buffalo. (Please, NO SUPERBOWL JOKES!!!!)
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