To be blunt, I wouldn't waste your time worrying about it. For some reason there seems to be a new prediction for the end of the world about every six month at the moment. The prediction that's receiving attention now is December 21st 2012, which marks the end of the current 5125 year cycle in the Mayan calendar. Other dates were given earlier this year when some argued that the Mayan calendar didn't include leap years, or that the calculations didn't take into account the changes made when the Gregorian calendar succeeded the Julian calendar in 1582. All this despite the fact that Mayan experts claim there is no mention of the world ending on that date from any source. Last year Harold Camping gave us two dates for 'the rapture'. When the first date of May 21st 2011 passed without incident, he claimed that a non-visible "spiritual judgment" had taken place, and that the physical rapture would occur on October 21, 2011. For those of you who don't watch the news, it didn't happen. If you do want to take your predictions for the end of the world from the Bible: in 1704, British scientist Sir Isaac Newton proposed that, based upon his calculations using figures from the Book of Daniel, the Apocalypse could happen no earlier than 2060. There have also been various interpretations for the date of the end of the world based on the writings of Nostradamus, although most people seem to claim things were predicted by Nostradamus using hindsight; I'd like to see this method used for the Apocalypse. If you do want to read Nostradamus, maybe you should try his first book. Written in 1555, before his predictions, it concerned the secrets of making jams and jellies. Apparently the recipe for cherry jam is still considered good .