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Everything posted by HossC

  1. It seems to be the way of things now that I go looking for one location and come across another. In this case CDoherty was researching one of his interests when he suggested a possible location for the school in 'Along Came a Duke' (fourth picture in this post). We decided it wasn't the right place and both went on looking. My search led me to a site that mentioned that a couple of episodes of the TV show 'The Invaders' were filmed on Warner's backlot. Both were in the second season, so date from about 1968. The first, 'Valley of the Shadows', was filmed in Midwest Street, this time playing the part of the small town of Carterville, Wyoming. Just like the earlier pictures from 'The Shootist', the square is instantly recognizable, but oddly different at the same time. After the credits a police car drives slowly around the square. The house that would become Boss Hogg's house is above the blue car on the left. The house behind the title in the center was occupied by the town doctor, Maria McKinley MD. By a strange coincidence it would become Doc. Petticord's house in 'Duke vs. Duke'. The police car takes the long way around the square (I guess it looks better that way) and passes the church. In the road to the right of the church you can see some boards being put up, probably to hide the set behind the church that existed at the time (see later post about the other episode of ‘The Invaders’). The gazebo is present in the square, but it’s on the ground rather than on its usual platform. Buildings 10 to 13 are visible in the background. The centerpiece of the square is this statue.
  2. Here's a pair of 1973 Ford Torinos from 'Carnival of Thrills'. I've only done side views because a) there's not much to see in other views, and they're so much quicker . The top one is the 'Leap for Life' car. This was the first car to have an unfortunate accident when it was being driven by Bob Dexter. The bottom one is one of the standard 'Carnival of Thrills' stunt cars. Various cars were used for the stunts, but seeing as one of them was a Torino, that's the one I decided to do. This screengrab shows the small part of the flame graphics that make it onto the hood of the 'Leap for Life' car. There's another 'Leap for Life' Torino just visible on the far right of the picture. I find it strange that these cars still have all their glass and trim considering they're going to be jumped.
  3. HossC

    Signs of Hazzard

    I actually did a small version of the welcome sign for the profile picture on the Facebook page recently. That was inspired by a screengrab posted by MaryAnne in this thread. I made the word "HAZZARD" slightly bolder on that because of the size. Here's a larger, more accurate version: I found another appearance of the sign in 'Daisy's Song', but again we don't see it particularly closely. I think there's a good chance it was the same sign in a different location.
  4. Sounds like we had the same weather. No holiday plans ATM.

  5. We actually had a hot sunny day today, although it hasn't been like that all week :).

  6. It was before I joined, but a quick forum search yielded the name Nash.
  7. I wish I'd known about the car show a bit earlier - I could've tried to find some people to share the petrol costs. Are you going? I'll just be at home tomorrow seeing if they manage to have enough dry weather to hold the British GP. With changeable conditions and a mixed up grid, it should be a good race,

  8. Time to get funky (Live)
  9. If you can't use the original wheels and you plan to jump it into the water, then how about this?
  10. From the album 'Astronauts and Heretics': This album spent a lot of time in my CD player when it came out 20 years ago, and it's still good today.
  11. I saw it a couple of weeks ago. The same group also did a minivan with the seats at the back that could do wheelies.
  12. HossC

    Signs of Hazzard

    Monday's Facebook picture of Ace's used car lot reminded me how clean my original version of the sign was. Ace's cars may have been clean, but his sign wasn't. Here's an updated version with more realistic colors. I replaced the larger text with more accurate outlines instead of using the closest match font. While I was reorganizing my artwork folder I realized I'd done another couple of signs that I'd never posted. First is the banner from the Drag 'n Fly contest in 'Goodbye, General Lee'. And here's three of the logos that appear on the race suits.
  13. With the limited number of parts you can salvage, how about something like one of these?:
  14. I made my own Persona for Firefox, although I haven't uploaded it anywhere. It just has the General leaping through header. You can tell by the HNet banner and Firefox interface that this screengrab is now a couple of years old .
  15. I thought I'd revive this thread after I saw the sad news that Andy Griffith had died earlier. I posted links to the episodes of 'The Andy Griffith Show' with Jimmie some time ago, but I didn't get around looking out the ones with Denver. He starred in six episodes between 1963 and 1966, including the one that TXZ045 has already mentioned. He played Briscoe Darling, head of the Darling family (the boys were played by The Dillards) who mainly lived up in the mountains. They were like a cross between The Beverly Hillbillies (which ran around the same time) and the Beaudrys. NB. All but the last one are black and white. The Andy Griffith Show (S3E25) - The Darlings Are Coming The Andy Griffith Show (S3E31) - Mountain Wedding The Andy Griffith Show (S4E25) - Divorce, Mountain Style (Not currently on YouTube) The Andy Griffith Show (S7E06) - The Darling Fortune (Not currently on YouTube) Denver looks very different without his beard - here he is in 'Briscoe Declares for Aunt Bee': Even in color I'm not sure I'd immediately recognize him - well not until he started speaking anyway .
  16. Are you sure . I'm surprised there are still cheap cars around after the scrappage scheme took so many off the road. In case you haven't checked, you'll be looking at €333/year for road tax on a 1300cc engine. Thanks to changes last year you'll also have to get an NCT (safety check) every year on a car over 10 years old.
  17. There's an explanation from MaryAnne here.
  18. I had to get another one when I started because I used Hotmail. Now I use the new one for HNet stuff, although you can just set up another one for registration and get it to forward any mail to your Hotmail or other email account.
  19. I know you can't sign up with any Hotmail address. I don't know if they've added to the list since I signed up
  20. It logged in automatically for me tonight, albeit after a short delay. When it has made me log in it works with my usual HNet username/password.
  21. 'Play It Again, Luke' from season 6.
  22. I thought it was time for a cheesy '80s power ballad : Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
  23. I've spotted a couple of WB locations this weekend over on Failblog. Both have been seen previously in grabs I've posted from 'The Dukes in Hollywood' etc. The first is from LMFAO's 'Party Rock Anthem', although someone's replaced the original song with the Cantina Band music from Star Wars in this short clip: . is approaching half a billion views in YouTube! The video was filmed on Hennesy Street. Here's a reminder of how it looked in 'The Dukes in Hollywood'. The second is a picture of a Batmobile golf cart. None of the commenters have yet realized that this was taken on Brownstone Street on Warner's backlot. The building at the end is part of New York Street. Here's how in looked in 'The Dukes in Hollywood'.
  24. nervous
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