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Everything posted by HossC

  1. It never made it to this thread, but I used almost exactly the same screengrab in this post in 'The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread' (third picture). The fourth picture shows Rosco's office door with the erroneous "E" still in place. I know the answer to the General Lee question because you mentioned it in another thread. I won't spoil the fun by posting it.
  2. You beat me to it . To save having to go all the way back, here's that map again: I know the sidewalks were used in different ways because there's quite often a subway entrance on the corner marked 'F'. It may even be there in this picture.
  3. Cool picture. Your friend is very talented. What medium did he use to make the picture - is it computer art or the old-fashioned kind?
  4. I was going to suggest something similar, although I couldn't find any more pictures of the same section of sidewalk - I guess it's back to the DVDs at some point . The lamppost seems to be propped up with small wooden wedges.
  5. I posted the best shot of the Colonial City badge and there nowhere near enough to go on. You've already had the Springville badges, but I'd have to design a whole new car outline to post them in Fan Art, and that's not on my to do list at the moment.

  6. I only got to sit in my first General a couple of years back, and I had the same look on my face . A couple of questions: 1) Do you plan to add the vinyl roof trim below the Charger emblems? 2) Is that Boss Hogg's Caddy next to the General in your workshop?
  7. The last picture has already been posted in another thread and I already have the grabs of the two patrol cars and prison car from Cool Hands, Luke and Bo. The prison truck doesn't really fit the thread.

  8. Great job Steve. Of course we'd like to see more photos (just be aware that you can only have four pictures per post).
  9. Just for those not in-the-know, here's a picture I found of Russ Abbot's Cooperman: He dressed like Superman, talked like Tommy Cooper. There's a video - it features Bella Emberg as Blunder Woman and Les Dennis as the customer. I saw Russ Abbot once, in a show on Great Yarmouth pier somewhen around 1980, although I can't remember if he did this character.
  10. Hi Steve, welcome aboard. I'm glad you're enjoying the Hazzard Square thread. I'm nearly the same age as you, so I was wondering: does your screen name have anything to do with the Russ Abbot character from his '80s TV show, or is it just based on your surname? Like MaryAnne, I look forward to seeing the pictures of your Charger.
  11. You could use this one from 'Cool Hands, Luke & Bo' for the exit:
  12. Welcome to HNet FMoore. Here's the sign that appeared at the start of the 'Reunion' TV movie. I'll keep an eye out for ones that appeared in the regular series.
  13. My mistake Roger, the three-wheelers were in 'Twin Trouble'. I was pretty tired last night when I decided to add the episode name in brackets to make things clearer. It was the same episode as the picture above, so I cut and pasted the name from the text with that picture, forgetting there were two episodes mentioned - and I picked the wrong one . I remember thinking that at the time I posted the original Hatchapee pictures. I've just watched 'Days of Shine and Roses' again and looked carefully at Sheriff 'Spike' Loomis's cars. The decals certainly appear silver in some shots, but they are made from the mirror finish material, so it's hard to tell. I have personal experience of working with this material and it's quite possible for the silver to look gold, and vice versa, depending on the lighting. The scenes with the Hatchapee cars were filmed in bright sunlight, and I judged that the decals were actually gold despite appearing lighter (I've seen the Hazzard decals appear silver in some shots). Gold would also match better with the 'shine jugs on the fender. I think the only silver decals up to this point are those of the Finchburg Sheriff and the Capitol City Police. To sum up, I can see your point, and you may be right, but my opinion is that they were gold. It wasn't an oversight, and I don't plan to change the Fan Art versions.
  14. The number of non-Hazzard patrol cars seems to have tailed off compared to earlier seasons, and I didn't spot any more new patrol cars or government vehicles in season 5, so it's on to season 6. I'm going to need some help identifying these. Taken from 'A Baby for the Dukes', they appear to have silmilar brown liveries, although one has a white hood stripe. They also have the older 'bubble gum' style lights instead of a lightbar. From what I've been able to find, they perform well off-road despite only being rated at one horse power! We've seen Sheriff Little's patrol car in this thread before, but I'm including this picture from 'The Boar's Nest Bears' because it shows the car has now lost its front 'fangs'. It was probably one less job to do when his cars were being built. In 'Twin Trouble' we get to see another Plymouth Fury from Hatchapee County. For some reason the car is older than the ones in 'Days of Shine and Roses', has the AeroDynic lightbar instead of the squarer variety, and is now blue and white instead of black and white. There's no mention of Sheriff 'Spike' Loomis in this episode, so maybe his replacement, Sheriff Floyd, has made the changes. Once again the repair bills on the Hazzard patrol cars cause Boss to employ extreme measures. For this episode ('Days of Shine and Roses') they are replaced with three-wheelers. From what I could find online these appear to be 1983 Honda 250R ATCs, but I know very little about vehicles with less than four wheels, so correct me if I'm wrong.
  15. Just listened to this song, and suddenly it's 1992 again .
  16. This one may be something that only an ex-signmaker would spot. In 'The Rustlers' the bad guys try to disguise the pale blue van by removing the signs from the sides. The signs come off really easily as if they are made of the static cling material usually used for window signs. Whatever they're made of, they come off cleanly. A bit later Cooter spots adhesive residue on the van. There is no way this could happen when the sign had a solid rectangular backing. If any glue had been left behind it would not be in the shape of letters. Moving on to 'Undercover Dukes', here's the close-up of JJ Carver's map of crime bosses and their regions: Yet, when Luke removes the picture that hides it, and when JJ Carver looks at it earlier, the names of the crime bosses have disappeared.
  17. Hey you, don't watch that, watch this! This is the heavy heavy monster sound, the nuttiest sound around ...
  18. To curb the sales of illegal knives, although it seems a bit over-the-top. It was the result of popular BBC consumer show 'Watchdog' buying knives that are illegal in the UK through the site. The BBC News article is here.
  19. Daney, I think CDoherty's away for a couple of days, so let me put your mind at rest. Unlike some parts of mainland Europe, there are no compulsory or voluntary ID cards for the general population of either the UK or Ireland. What Ireland does have is a voluntary system called the "National Age Card Scheme" which is a proof of age card and not an identity card. Legal drinking age is 18, so most people with these cards are in their late teens or early 20s. They cost €10 - more info here. For the rest of the population there are alternative forms of identification. In Ireland you are legally required to carry your driver's license if you're driving (not the case in the UK). There is also a higher proportion of the country that holds a passport: about 70% in Ireland (similar in the UK), compared to 35% in the US. CD's friend may also have a student card, so if the worst happens, there should still be ways to identify him.
  20. I've said this before, but people don't routinely own these sort of knives over here. After reading the last post I went to check on something that I vaguely remembered, and I was right: in the UK and Ireland eBay banned the sale of all knives and swords except cutlery back in 2009. Just thought I'd include this FYI: Change to policy regarding sale of knives on eBay.co.uk and eBay.ie I don't think this affects other internet sites, and you could buy one from a store if you are over 18. It is, however, illegal to sell flick knives, butterfly knives and disguised knives to any age.
  21. The next Patrol Cars post will just be about the first two thirds of season 6. I haven't yet gone through the last episodes to see if any more patrol cars appear. I would love to have more time to finish that thread off, but other things keep taking my time. I haven't forgotten to look at the Carver race car when I get to 'Undercover Dukes'.

  22. Not much. I should have another post for the Patrol Cars in Pictures thread in the next couple of days, but there's not a lot to interest you. I've been adding to Hazzard Square and doing other stuff recently.

  23. HossC


    You'd better take some pictures and upload them to Instagram while you're there. Wrigley Field is currently in fourth place in the table of most pictures of a ballpark posted online: How Instagram Is Taking Over Major League Baseball Enjoy the game .
  24. Not as smoothly as they'd have liked. I found a video on YouTube showing an unintentional crash before the jump (the jump is also included): NB. Dukesfest 2012 was the name given by the uploader of the video.
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