You know, at first I was suspicious because Nasty and Brian were never in the same room together, but now that I think about it.... the Deputy was never there either... Hmmmm.... I have a new theory.
The Misadventures of Deputy Coltrane There is a gal who legends tell Who stands for what is right Like Wyatt Earp she never shirks Or cowers from a fight She is our Deputy Coltrane Mighty Deputy Coltrane Heart of Gold Coltrane Keep us strong!
Gets out HazzardNet History Book to document this moment... Brian offered Alex chocolate and roses. *checks the thermometer in Hades* Hmmm, it's not any colder. I'm stumped...
I got an email from Harry himself this afternoon. He's feeling better, but he's still weak and tired. Thank you, everybody, for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.
Finally, a little bit of good news. (Good news! Good news! LOL.) Doctors brought Harry out of his coma a short while ago. He's a bit groggy still, but he's stable. They still need to determine if any damage was done to his heart from the heart attack, so he's not out of the woods yet. Keep praying for Harry and Sabrina.
Harry's doctors said last night that if he remained stable, they may bring him out of his drug-induced coma to see how he does. I'm awaiting word from Sabrina this morning to see how he's doing. Keep praying folks. Harry is a fighter.