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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Awesome idea! I use to do that for writing exercises...back when I had time to write. I had a Dukes calendar that I used the pictures for and wrote about the scene or what not. Great idea if you are looking into writing.
  2. "Sweet Thing" Keigh Urban Another GREAT Keith Urban song...with an awesome car in it! Love this song!
  3. Your cake, Hoss, looks good enough to eat...but would hate eating the General Lee. Happy birthday Muf'n. Hope it will be fun and relaxing!
  4. Hope everyone is having a very fun, relaxing, special, and safe Christmas today! MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL!!!
  5. Well to be honest...I am not a Kurt Busch fan. Though am not surprised to see him find a ride for next year. He is a talented driver and does get the wins... But am very disappointed to see him find his ride in the car 51 - the car that Landon Cassill had drove this past season. Landon Cassill is from Iowa - in fact, only a half an hour away from where I live. Never seen him in person or seen him drive, but always enjoy watching him race on TV knowing where he comes from. So am very disappointed to see him lose his ride. . . Though am happy for AJ Allmendinger to find a new ride with Penske.
  6. Love Kenny Chesney's music and this is one of my favorite songs of his.
  7. I am happy to hear that your computer finally cooperated with you. Computers, like cars, are great - when they are working. If not, then it kinda disables you in a way. Hope all is well and that you'll have a VERY Merry Christmas!

  8. Just read on my facebook account that Greg Zippidelli, who has been the crew cheif of the 20 car for a long time now...first with Stewart and the past few years with Lagono...will be going over to Stewart-Haas Racing. Though really don't know what job he will fullfill there as of yet...
  9. Well I may have some pretty big news here...news that would surprise me if they come out true. As of now it is not official but is only in the thinking stages... Richard Petty has shown interest in hiring Kurt Busch to drive for his 43 car ... for Best Buy. If he does that, the current driver of the car, AJ Allmindinger, who has had a pretty good year for RPM, would have to leave to make room for Busch. Or Petty would have to create a third car and team for Busch to fit in. Which would mean they would have to find sponosors for him... As I said, right now it is NOT official and is only a t hought. Richard Petty and Robbie Loomis I think is his CEO (use to be Gordon's crew cheif...) said they'd have to figure it all out in order to make it work. And if they do make it work, it will be Kurt's third chance to straighten up with a pretty decent ride. Though there is a catch of sorts...Richard Petty Motorsports uses Jack Rousch's engines...who had first fired Kurt Busch several years ago. So, he'd have to give his OK to Richard Petty to hire Kurt as his driver to drive with his engines as well... I'm sure we will know one way or another soon enough...
  10. "Tonight I wanna Cry" Keith Urban Well this is what my mood is like now after watching the Bears game...they shoulda won that game. Anyway, I love this song. Keith puts so much emotion into this song...he does make you wanna cry. Especially when he sings it live. Love Keith's music - he does an awesome job putting great emotion into each and every song he sings.
  11. Well y'all got my curiosity up...why did Bo say that for? LOL. Goes to show you how long since I sat down and watched an ep. Shame on me...dang I miss the show. Perhaps haven't seen an ep for a while, but I think of it everyday. Sissy Duke - I love that pic of Bo you have for your signature! That has always been one of my favorite pics of him... Hoss once again you did a great job at capturing the scene and the quote.
  12. Thanks TRP Coltrane for posting the articles. Great ones on Jeff and Dale Jr. Am very glad to see them both have pretty good seasons. After getting a new crew chief, new pit crew, new cars, new garage it all was a BIG change for them both and was unsure what that would hold for them. Sure Gordon had a dismal chase, but not all to his own doing. He had help. Like his engine failing. His brakes going out, Trevor Bayne abandoning him at Talledega...and running out of gas. So forth. But he had a great regular season and am hopeful he can continue it next year with Alan Gustafson who proved to be a great crew cheif to Jeff Gordon and team 24. Dale Jr may not have had a win this year, but this is the best season he has had in years. He had the same changes as Gordon did and it seemed to do him a world of difference. Steve Letarte was Gordon's crew cheif last year and I was sad to see him leave him...but it looks like both teams gained a lot from the switch. Am so happy to hear Jr happy to be racing and happy with Steve Letarte. The past few years I was wondering if he was happy or got along with his crew. With that said, with a year behind them of working together with their new crew, new cars, and new garage, things can only get better for the both of them. This year they will go into the season knowing their crew and crew cheif. Will know each other's styles and likes and dislikes. They are not going into the unknown as they had last year, but have experience of working together behind them. Am REALLY looking forward to the 2012 season to start!
  13. The runner up for the 2010 Sprint Cup Champion, Denny Hamlin, went from a contender for the win last year to finishing nineth this year. Though sitting here saying he finished nineth, to me, doesn't sound too bad considering the type of bad luck he has had to face and overcome this year. He only won one year compared to the several wins he won last year... Well Joe Gibbs, who owns Denny Hamlin's car, has fired his crew chief, Mike Ford who he has been with for several years...did that a couple of days ago. And today he has hired Darian Grub to be Denny Hamlin's crew cheif. Grub may not make the big headlines as baseball star Albert Pujoles (Sp?) made this week with his redicioulous new contract ($254 million dollars for ten years with the Angels...that's 25.4 mil dollars a year...wish he'd share some of that with me!). But after taking Tony Stewart into the chase and to the 2011 Sprint Cup championship...I'd say he's a great grab for the eleven team of Denny Hamlin. Though do feel bad for Mike Ford...he seems to be a good cc they were just plagued with a lot of bad lluck and misfortunes.
  14. Thanks for posting that TRP Coltrane. I love it...can't wait to see it on the track and in Victory Lane. Thanks!
  15. Well I don't know for sure...but I am willing to guess that Tony Stewart won the most races in 2011 with five. Ironically, all in the chase. I'll have to look it up to be sure. Well I thought with the off season sadly upon us and 80 more days until Daytona 500, we should start this up again. Or try to... So here's the next question... The 2012 will have some sort of a mile marker for Jeff Gordon. It will mark that Jeff Gordon has been in the elite series (Sprint Cup...back then it was Winston Cup) for ________ years. (How many?)
  16. Well I dont know how good my advice will be. I never was in band or anything of the like. Sounds like the band would benefit from having you in it, but at the same time, it something that YOU want to do? Would enjoy doing? Or would it be soemthing that you felt like you should or that you had to and would dread it? I think the bottom line is what YOU want to do. Not your friends or what would work best for the band, but what would work best for you. Because if you won't have fun with it or enjoy it, it won't be worth it. I guess what I am saying is, is that you need to ask yourself what you want. Not your school or your friends, but what YOU want to do. And then go with that. Wishing you the best of luck with your choice here. Hope that helps you some...
  17. LOL...thought it may shock you. As for David...guess I should tell you now in case it does turn into something. Jack Roush (his car owner) says that more than likely David Ragen will NOT be driving for him next year. Said he was disappointed in David Ragen and how he drove or something like that. I didn't read the whole article. Am not a big fan of Rousch...even though I do like Carl Edwards...who also drives for Rousch. David is a talented kid and I am sure he will find another ride if Rousch does follow through with his line of thought. Ragen may not be like Edwards, Kenseth as of yet, but I feel like Rousch isn't giving him the time to mature. I mean, Ragen even got his first win this year... Though Roger...who knows, perhaps David will take up Kurt Busch's old ride...guess as of now, time will tell. 82 days until Daytona 500...not that I am counting or anything.
  18. Kurt Busch possibly fired... Well it is looking like Kurt Busch has been fired from Penske Racing...though as of now it is not official and no one there has came forth with it. But has said it comes from someone close to the organization. It comes from the race at Homestead where Kurt had transmission issue. He gave someone the bird...and then cussed out Dr. Jerry Punch (one of the reporters) in the garage...it got caught on a fan's camera who put it on Youtube. NASCAR had fined Kurt fifty thousand dollars and put him on probation through Dec. 31. And now it looks like it has now gotten him fired from his job. Which will definately shake things up for the 2012 season since there isn't any real big car openings for next year. At least not like he has now nor is there any big names that is open to take his job at Penske. I'm assuming that Penske is tired of Kurt cussing people out or his anger. This isn't the first time this year that he gotten recognized for cussing someone out when upset. Though did read at another site that Kurt is now seeing a sports psychologist in order to control his anger...and to be a better person. Though for his job, looks like it may be too late. As I said, the article said no one has made it official as of yet, but it comes from a close source. As Waylon would say...y'all may want to sit down, things may be about to get interesting. Don't know if he ever said anything like that but can hear him saying that on the Dukes. (Sorry Roger...know you were a fan of Kurt's...perhaps you can drop him now and go for Gordon. I can always hope! )
  19. Y'all can be happy about your Cheif's win...they deserved it and played well. See they broke their losing streak as well...very good. As for me, my all time favorite football team in the NFL is and always will be the Chicago Bears. They loss two in a row now but am hoping they will come back with a win against the Broncos next week. Despite losing their QB Jay Cutler two weeks ago and their best RB Matt Forte today. GO BEARS GO!!!!!!! As for college...I'm all for the Iowa Hawkeyes!!!!!! GO HAWKS!!!!!! (Have to go for your home team, right? )
  20. Can't say I am too happy that your Cheifs won today since they were playing my BEARS...dang they need Jay Cutler back.. Anyway, hope you get feeling better soon. I didn't watch it either. Did watch Gordon's and Johnson's speech online as well as the newly wed show the chase drivers played Friday...watched it online. It was hilarious and it was great to see the drivers dress in normal clothing and be relaxed...be themselves. Am so looking forward to Daytona 500...finally did the math. Officially we have 83 days left til the next official race. Even longer than I had thought. Just keeps getting worse...
  21. Dang I'd hate to compare myself to you...thought I was pretty good, but I'm not so sure no more. I never dreamt to be an actor, my room is not orange (though I'd love it to be orange though!) and I don't bike ride not alone to have bikes of the Duke cars. And I am way too chicken to do any kind of stunt... But I do think I am fairly big fan of the Dukes... I've been to four Dukefests...go every living Duke's autograph except for Tom Wopat (or the actors of Coy and Vance...) got a hug from Cooter twice and one from John Schneider. Been to both of Cooter's museums... I own all seven seasons on DVD plus most if not all on VHS (some twice...) have several General Lee cars. Though sadly, I haven't watched a Duke episode in nearly a year due to the lack of time. Though still consider it my FAVORITE TV show. And I am a HUGE NASCAR/Jeff Gordon fan thanks to the General Lee and Bo and Luke Duke. Though that probably is NOT all that makes one a fan or measure how big of a fan one is. It is what is within and I think if you go by that...there is a lot of loyal Duke fans here on this awesome site that has a great deal of obsession over the BEST TV show on earth! So I guess if I had to measure my obsession from 1-10, I'd put it at perhaps a 8 or 9.
  22. Sissy - Is he ornery too? LOL. Very cute. Rosco will eat anything and everything if given the chance to. Especially socks! He tears up any toy he can...and poor Lilly who is so nice to her toys and everything!
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