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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. "Stop it Girl" New Kids on the Block One of the songs on the New Kids on the Block's very first album...back when they were 12, 13, and 14 or around there. The video has pictures of them then and now. Ah the memories it brings back.
  2. LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!! It was even more awesome hearing and seeing them sing this in concert. Just awesome...of course all this is my opinion and I could be the only one to like this song...heck I could be the only NKOTB fan here. All the same, love it!
  3. Thanks for ALL the great info! Did't watch DW, but did get to watch some of Dale Sr...though mostly remember him being a rival to Jeff Gordon. LOL. In 2001, the only race I watched was the Daytona 500 where Dale sadly passed away. What a horrible day in racing and remember not believing he could pass away in a n accident that looked like any other accident you see in every race. Though he was NOT wearing the HANS (Head and Neck Support) device that was only an option at the time and now is mandatory for them to wear. Guess it was meant to be. Don't know why that was the only race I really watched in full other than that at the atime I really didn't know many drivers and didn't really understand it all as I do now. Was not addicted to it as I am now. Could definately not do that now - only watch a race or two. HA HA. Thanks again!
  4. TRP Coltrane, thank-you for posting that! I loved that article and reading more on Darrell Waltrip. As y ou can see by my signature, I really like him. Though sadly didn't really get to watch him race at all . Though have seen clips and do love listening and watching him on FOX during the FOX races - he is just so fun and you can tell he just lives for NASCAR! Though, I sure wish I could have watched him and Richard Petty race as well as Cale Yarborough since he was on the Dukes. That was a great article TRP Coltrane - thank-you for sharing it. Ironically, Darrell won his first championship the year I was born. Musta brought him some good luck. HA! Have also read a few stories on him...like how Darrell and Dale Sr were the best of friends off the track and the worst of enemies on the track. Can't remember what year it was but it was the All Star race and they both were fighting for the lead on the last lap. Well they ended up wrecking each other - Darrell broke a rib or two in the process...and none other than Jeff Gordon went on for the win. As I said, I really enjoyed that article and am so grateful you posted this one and the one about Jeff Gordon. I didn't even see any of them online as of yet, so thank-you.
  5. Well y'all, I got some pretty big news tonight...news that I personally find surprising and kinda disappointing and yet good too. All wrapped into one! Can't remember if I said anything but AJ Allmendinger has left Richard Petty Racing to take Kurt Busch's old car in the 22...that was a while ago. AJ is a good driver and am happy that he has found a new ride. But with Allmendinger out, that has led to an empty car for Petty...until now. Richard Petty has just announced that Aric Almirola will be driving the famous 43 car! Almirola has spent the last three season in the Nationwide after driving NASCAR Sprint Cup where he shared a ride with Mark Martin. My opinion is that I am happy for Almirola. Never felt like he was given much of a chance to show the Sprint Cup what he has and now he will have that and with a good ride. But am also disappointed that the King didn't hire David Ragen who is out looking for a car - would have been a great car for Ragen to drive. But I guess it was not to be and I am left hoping that him and Cassill will find a ride for next year - though there is very little rides open. Especially now that Richard Petty has filled his empty seat. For more information on Aric Almirola here is a link for the article I read at NASCAR.com : Aric Almirola Also...Mark Martin has taken over David Reutimann's ride in the double zero car where he will be sharing the car with car owner Michael Waltrip. (That was decided a while ago as well...) David Reutimann has found a ride driving for Tommy Baldwin Racing.
  6. I can't recall what was my first DOH episode. I was young...I was only four or so when they stopped making new episodes. Though I do remember watching it and not understanding why it was no longer on TV. It came back on channel that was TNN at the time in '96, but it wasn't until '97 when I got back into watching it. I was flipping through the channels and it was on...I think it was part two of "Ten Million Dollar Sheriff". Still remember the scene and all. Been hooked on it ever since...
  7. Good point...with David Ragen out of Rousch now, who is # 6 Roger? Though I know what you mean...am glad to hear you are going with Ragen over Kurt Busch. But then again, I am not a Kurt Busch fan and all of that is my measely opinion that don't amount to anything. Ragen is such a great kid and has a lot of potential. Still don't think Roucsh gave him enough chance to grow and mature into his ride. As for me.... GO #24 - Jeff Gordon's drive for FIVE is ON!
  8. I apologize if I used this one already...love this song. Or any other Kenny Chesney song.
  9. Love this song...video is pretty good too!
  10. Well I may be premature in adding this thread here, but with 54 more days remaining until Daytona, I need something to fix my NASCAR withdrawl! So I will start this year's race review and results thread by posting the 2012 Spring Cup Series schedule (thanks to Jayski... a site that seems to have everything NASCAR related on it!): 2012 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series schedule Am very excited that my birthday is on a Sunday this year...and they will be at Talledega. Just hope that by February they will find a way to change that two by two racing at restrictor plate racing...
  11. Sorry to break up the rain songs, but love this song too much to not use it when I can.
  12. Thanks Hoss for bringing it back to rain songs...never knew there were so many songs about rain. HA HA. Though do appreciate it since I do love Tim McGraw's music and it allows me to use one of his songs. Love McGraw's music and have most if not all of his CDs. One thing I feel that is unique about McGraw is that he seems to change styles of music as he goes along. From on album to the next. And they are all awesome. Of course that all is of MY opinion and we all know how much that is worth - NOTHING! Congrats Hoss at making it 2012 posts on the first day of 2012...how you manage to do that? Had to have been planned...
  13. Once again...very nice Hoss! Love the artwork - though do think I like the one you posted a couple months back a bit better. Still very nice and would love it on the track - but that would give me a HUGE dilema. I can't go against the General and y'all know I can't go against Jeff Gordon...dang that would be horrible. It would be a dream come true to see Jeff Gordon drive The General Lee! That would just be awesome and amazing and everything great! Though sadly, that won't happen. Not on the track - even if The General Lee was able to race. Jeff Gordon has a life time contract with Hendrick - meaning he will race there until he retires and Hendrick is all Chevy. Meaning The General would either have to change to Chevy Impala or no deal. Ah if only we could live in Hazzard County where The General Lee roams the streets, is on the race track, and the good guys always win! Didn't you make a car for Jamie McMurray's 1 car for The General? Or am I just dreaming t hat up, Hoss?
  14. "Them Good ol' Boys are Bad" John Schneider
  15. Well we all have our opinion and I am sorry that NASCAR has offended or has seemed to offend you. Especially since you were at one time a fan of the sport or at least a couple of drivers. I don't neccesarily agree with all that NASCAR has done or said. There is lots that they can improve on and I think you pointed one out. But the article I was speaking about I think is only wrote out in fun and even though it would be great to see The General out there...don't see it happening.
  16. Well being as addicted to NASCAR that I am, I subscribe to NASCAR Illustrated and look forward to each and every magazine. (TRPColtrane you may be interested in this month's magazine - for January. Has Tony Stewart on the cover and has pictures and an article in it about Stewart.) Anyway, I got January's edition in the mail today and have thumbed through it. Toward the front of the magazine every month it has a top ten count down to something NASCAR. This month's countdown is " TOP 10 ways to increase your popularity in NASCAR:" (always find these interesting...) but number six in the count down is "Paint your car to look like the General Lee". Don't know if it is worth creating a thread about, but had to share it somewhere and didn't know where to put it. Would love to see The General Lee out on the track, but that would give a HUGE dilema since I am just as HUGE of a fan of JEFF GORDON as I am for the DUKES OF HAZZARD. For more NASCAR newsworthy news...only 56 more days until the Daytona 500 on Feb. 26th!!!!!!!!!!! 56 toooooo looonnnnggggg daysss!!!
  17. "Stop!" Luke snaps in the passenger seat and Bo steps heavily on the brake and The General lurches to a halt. "What?" Bo asks impatiently, tired of Luke's seemingly pointless orders. "What's so damn important you want me parked out here for?" Luke rolls his eyes at his cousin, just as impatient at Bo as Bo seems to be with him. "You see Rosco over there?" he pauses to watch Bo give him a quick nod, "He's hanging something up. Wait for him to drive off and we'll pull up and have a look to see what he's hanging up." Bo nods in understanding, wondering why or how Luke always seems to make his pointless ideas make sense in the end. Bo sighs heavily as he turns and watches the older sheriff make his way to his parked patrol car only to trip over the curb and fall to his knees. Giving a small smile at the clownlike sheriff, Bo glances at Luke for a moment before wtaching Rosco stand up while dusting himself off while glancing around to see if anyone had saw him. After a moment that seems to be an eternity in Bo's mind, Rosco climbs into his patrol car, starts it up and slowly drives off. "OK Bo. Pull it up to the curb and I'll go have a look," Luke states though knows it is pointless since Bo would already know what to do. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't have to keep telling me over and over what to do," Bo gripes as he pulls away from the curb he had pulled to a halt at and drives over to where Rosco was parked at to make a sharp U-turn and pulls to a stop where Rosco had been parked at only minutes ago. "Close enough, for you, Luke?" he questions sarcastically as Luke slowly climbs out through the passenger's open window. Bo breathes in as he watches Luke make his way to the radio station's clear window where Rosco had taped a poster onto it. The poster holds large colored and bold writing to it and a car on the bottom of it only to give Bo a growing sense of dread within him. "Bingo! Just what we were waiting for," Luke states from the window, loud enough for Bo to hear him, "our fears has been answered by Rosco himself. Though, could you tell me who Gordon Jeff is?" Bo gives a disbeleiving laugh and nod of his head. "Ain't bad enough he has framed Gordon up for what Rosco had done, but he can't even get his name right?" Bo questions as Luke joins him in the car, "Now what we do boy genius?" "You can start by dropping this genius junk of your's. I get it you're not happy about all this, but may I remind you, that I'm not any happier about it than you are. Just one of us has to be rational about the whole thing and not just jump to any quick conclusions or do what ever comes to mind as you seem to want to do," Luke states calmly, understanding where his cousin has come from with all this. Just not liking it any, "What we do now, you ask? Well first off is we call Cooter and meet back home. Fill Uncle Jesse in on all of this. He's got to be wondering where the world we are at...surprised he hasn't sent the calvary out after us as of yet..." "Ten four," Bo sighs as he he pulls away from the curb.
  18. Long time no see. Hope you had a great Christmas and that you'll have a funfilled New Year's. :)

  19. Welcome to Hazzardnet...hope you enjoy it here. :)

  20. Love Toby Keith's music and this is him at his best...or one of my many favorite songs of Toby's. He puts good emotion into this song...
  21. Miss hearing bands like Black Hawk on the radio...or Dwight Yoakam.
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