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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Glad to hear from you Countrygirl...you had me a little worried there for awhile. Glad to hear you found something that can work for you. Hope things will continue to get better for you.
  2. Well I didn't stay up to watch the end of the race...went to bed too late as it was waiting for it to end. Just glad everyone is OK after Montoya's wreck. Breif summary: Elliot Sadler bumped Johnson on the second lap to send him spinning. He got hit hard a couple of times. One included Danica Patrick who sat in the garage for sixty some laps. The other was by David Ragen who was taken out...as was Johnson. Under half way, Jeff Gordon's engine blew - he said his crank broke? Said it normally happens when things are too hot, but it was on the cool side and didn't understand how that happened. Anyway, my top two drivers didn't make it to the half way mark. Martin Truex Jr led at the half way mark to win the two hundred thousand dollars. Then with forty laps to go they were under caution and Juan Pablo Montoya was speeding up to get caught up only for his transmission or breaks to snap. It sent him up the track and hard into a jet dryer truck that burst into flames and spread on the track. Very scary looking. Glad they are both OK. They red flagged the race for an hour and a half...they used TIDE laundry detergent to clean the track afterwards. Interesting to watch them pick the truck up and off the track since it's tires were melted to the track. Here is the top ten finishing spots: 1. Matt Kenseth 2. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 3. Greg Biffle 4. Denny Hamlin 5. Jeff Burton 6. Paul Menard 7. Kevin Harvick 8. Carl Edwards 9. Joey Lagano 10. Mark Martin We are onto Phoenix next Sunday...where Jeff Gordon broke his winnless streak at.
  3. Well they have forty laps to go and I should get ready for bed...work comes early tomorrow morning. So I don't know if I'll have time to write a write up tonight...all I say is that I just saw something that I never saw before. Darrell Waltrip said the same thing. Under caution Juan Pablo Montoya was speeding up to catch up with the pack when his breaks broke and he shot up the track and hit the jet dryer! It went up in fire as did the track! So scary. Juan Pablo walked away, the driver of the truck was taken to the hospital for further observation. So scary! They had to life the truck off the track since the tires were melted to the track and it scraped up the surface real bad. Now they are under red flag...meaning the race is halted. If they do finish now, Dave Blaney would win and Landon Cassill would come in second...looks like this could take awhile. So relieved that everyone is OK...very scary accident. This race has had everything thrown at it. Rain and now fire...
  4. Me too...was upset to see Johnson get hit and taken out then too. Sad for Danica as well.
  5. Thank-you Roger. It was great listening to other Duke fans while standing in line. John made it worth the wait. Thanks...I can't smiling either.
  6. Not that this will surprise anyone, but I'm watching Daytona too...even though my two favorite drivers are now out...Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson. Glad you are enjoying it.
  7. Well they are racing, but am thinkin' that it would have been best if they raced this afternoon while I was at work...Jimmie Johnson was taken out on the second lap after Elliot Sadlet spun him around, ,he got hit hard...and now Jeff Gordon is out as well due to a blown engine... Guess now I am going for Jr...
  8. Well I got some good news to share with y'all...well I hope at least. Could change... But the Daytona 500 has been delayed and rescheduled (again due to weather) to 7:02 PM EST on FOX...6:02 my time central time...in eighteen minutes!!!!! NO MORE RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY COME BACK ANOTHER DAY!!!!!!!!! NO MORE RAIN!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Thanks Hoss...had fun taking them. Tried taking a picture of him eating a hot dog, but he turned around to eat it. So no pic of him eating. But sorry, I didn't think of asking him of when he was going to Ireland...though did congratulate him on his granddaughter.
  10. Well y'all I've got some HORRIBLE news for you...well to me it is horrible. Right now am very upset... For the first time ever Daytona 500 has been post poned. It will be raced at noon ET (11:00 my time...central) on FOX. So frustrated right now. I watched five hours of them talking to about everyone about anything, they started to make it sound like it was getting better. And then they post pone it! Wouldn't be half as bad if they would put the race at a time that most peoplel could at least watch the end of the race...but noon? (or eleven if you are like me) I get off at two thirty and I still won't be able to watch it. After ninety some days of counting down and waiting for it to come and this happens. Well y'all guess I'll be doing my race write up to what I read from online...
  11. Well it has been rain delayed...but the good news is is that they have put the jet dryers out on the track. So hopefully it is about done raining...though Danica just said it is really raining now. :( RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY, DON'T COME BACK ANOTHER DAY!!!!
  12. Happy birthday :) I hope you will have a great day today!

  13. Pre-race show is on NOW on FOX...anyone else excited? Am hoping for a fun and safe race today and to see all four Hendrick boys in the top ten today...with JEFF GORDON coming home number 1. That is if it doesn't rain...RAIN RAIN GO AWAY COME BACK ANOTHER DAY! Am hoping the sun will start to shine on Daytona and on the drivers!!!!!!
  14. Thanks Alex. I had a great time yesterday. Was great to have a chance to meet John as well as get my picture taken with him. Am so glad that he still does this and keeps the Dukes alive. Here is some more pictures from yesterday...a couple of John and a couple of The General Lee. Surprisingly they only had two General Lees...only one inside. Thanks everyone for your interest in my pictures.
  15. Well y'all I am now back from from seeing John Schneider...Bo Duke himself. I was sooo glad that he made it to Iowa after his report of saying he was stuck in Minneappolis...though I think he just said that to worry me. Had a great day. Just went by way too fast! Anyway by the time we got there he had been there for like forty minutes so go figure we had to stand in line...for over two and a half hours. I am definately NOT complaining, it was time well spent talking to a friend and looking at the cars. (Sadly there was only two General Lees. And only one was inside for display...). Besides at Dukefest in '07 I stood in line for five and a half hours...by myself -well not exactly by myself since I was in line, but didn't know anyone or have anyone to talk to then... And both times, John made it worth the wait. He is such a nice person. I wore my '08 Duke fest shirt that I had ordered to me since I didn't go that year...it was under my Jeff Gordon coat which was unbuttoned. He noticed and pointed out and said that's from the '08 Dukefest. Got several pictures plus my picture taken with him. As for prices...it was forty dollars for a combined set (I bought two pics so I don't know how much he would have costed if I had him sign my shirt or my flyer I had thought of him signing.) An autograph alone was fifteen dollars and a pic alone was twenty-five dollars. I had him sign two pictures though and he didn't charge me any more for the second picture... Am still on cloud nine after today's meeting with John. I couldn't even remember whether or not he shook my hand or not...think he did. LOL. Here is a few of the pictures I had taken of John and one of the lone General inside the arena.
  16. Well I haven't read or saw as of yet if John made it to Iowa or is still in Minneappolis, but since there is nothing saying otherwise on the events' page or Johns' page, I am going to assume that he is in Iowa...and will be there in TWO HOURS! Am sooo excited right now to meet my all time favorite character on the Dukes of Hazzard...again. Would love another hug from him, but just to see him would make my day...my weekend. I am now off to get ready to meet my friend to start heading up that way...I will let you know either tonight or tomorrow sometime whether or not he was there and how it went. Hoping to bring longs of pictures!
  17. Exciting? I guess to some it could be exciting, but to me, it is worrisome. I guess what is to be, will be and I will have to make the best of it. All the same, am really hoping to see John tomorrow. Thanks for the well wishes and the crossed fingers. I am not giving up hope and until John says otherwise, I am going to see Bo Duke tomorrow afternoon. I will definately keep you posted on whether or not I will go...but hopefullly will be posting with pictures. And yeah...perhaps John could call in some of them happy endings he uses in the show for real life. Thanks Roger.
  18. Thanks for the heads up about the money. That does seem like quite a bit...did get some money out, but looks like I might be needing some more... Ah well, sure it will be worth it. That is if I get to go... Just read on my Facebook page (through John's page) that he is currently stuck in Minneappolis - though wants to get to his peeps in Iowa. Well at least I am one of his peeps, but still will be highly disappointed if he gets snowed out. Bad enough we got all that yucky white stuff and now it is threatening something I've been excited about for awhile now. Though unless I hear otherwise, I still plan on going. Am refusing to give up hope about tomorrow. Will make sure to take as much pictures as possible and post the best ones of John. Thanks for the interest.
  19. Well NASCAR.com has finally put up the final lineup for the Daytona 500...the top two positions were locked in with the qualifying runs on last Sunday. While the rest of the field was placed as to where they finished today. Carl Edwards won the pole and Biffle got second place from qualifying... HERE IS THE TOP TEN STARTING POSITIONS FOR SUNDAY: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Greg Biffle 3. Tony Stewart 4. Matt Kenseth 5. Dale Earnhardt Jr 6. Regen Smith 7. Marcos Ambrose 8. Jimmie Johnson 9. Jeff Burton 10. Elliot Sadler Well I for one liked the qualifying run line up better since Gordon qualified sixth or seventh but since he finished eightth today, he will now be starting sixteenth. Oh well, sometimes it seems like he does better when he starts mid pack like that. Have to say am glad to see Elliot Sadler back in a cup race...don't know if it is for the season or if it just Daytona. After not doing so well and his contract ending (I think) he dropped out last season and had just concentrated on the Nationwide Series...which he did pretty good at. Anyone planning on any big Daytona parties? I'm not ... unless hanging out with four dogs and a cat classifies as a party. HA HA. GO JEFF GORDON GO! GORDON'S DRIVE FOR FIVE IS ON IN 2012!! (Just in case y'all forgot who I am going for... )
  20. Thanks for the photos...it is always great to see celebrities taking time out for the kids...as well as for the young at heart. Am glad you got to see Tom and get his autograph as well as your son.
  21. Well the Gatorade Duels were this afternoon to help organize the starting line up for the Sprint Cup Daytona 500 line up. I for one missed it. I for one had to work. Sad when I get off at 2:30 and I miss both races...sad when I miss any race. :( Anyway... Tony Stewart won the first race followed by Dale Jr. Danica Patrick was in a horrible accident where it seems she hit the wall hard (I only saw pictures...my internet is too slow for video...) but she was able to walk away. She was already garaunteed a spot in the line up, so it didn't affect whether or not she would be in as it did for some. Robby Gordon was one that was able to race himself into the 500 as did Dave Blaney, Michael McDowell, and Joe Nemechek. Matt Kenseth won the second Duel. Reagen Smith finished second, JJ finished third. Am so glad the 2012 NASCAR season is about to start...THREE MORE DAYS!!!! This has been a long off season for me...am glad to see the cure to my NASCAR withdrawl within sight.
  22. It is about time John comes back to Iowa! Last time he was here, I didn't hear about it until the Monday afterwards...and by then, well, it was too late. I am really looking forward / excited to see John Schneider...Bo Duke himself. Am sure will take plenty of pictures if anyone would be interested to see them...that is if I remember to recharge it's battery! Am guessing will not be able to do the whole Hazzard Homecoming again...so this is as close to the Dukes, I think, I'll be getting this year. Am excited for this weekend...Bo Duke on Saturday...and Daytona 500 on Sunday. It don't get better than this!!!!!!!!
  23. Too scary for me. Think I didn't breathe until Gordon climbed out of the car. In all his twenty years in racing, that was the first time his car stopped on the hood like that. Thanks Roger...it has been a long winter. A long off season...seemed a lot longer than past off seasons...then again NASCAR had the non smart idea of pushing Daytona 500 back a week so thanks to them, I had an extra week to wait. Meaning today would have been the Superbowl of NASCAR if they went by past traditions. Haven't really heard. But if the team he is with what I am thinking, it is kinda an underdog team or an unfunded team so hopefully he will make a name for himself and for the team. He's a talented driver so it will be interesting to see what he can do with what he now has. As for what part of Georgia he is from...he is from Peachtree, GA. Don't exactly know where that is located in Georgia, but can look it up when I have time. Did know he was from Georgia though and somehow can always remember Peachtree as well.
  24. Looks like y'all have a great time with Tom Wopat this weekend. Thanks for the photos and the updates! If things continue to go my way, it looks like I'll be seeing John Schneider next Saturday afternoon. Am looking forward to seeing Bo Duke (my favorite character on the show...) in person! YEE-HAAA!!!!!!
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