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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. I am glad that you are having a good Christmas, Val. I am having a very nice and relaxing Christmas today.Thank-you.:D

  2. Y'all musta been good this year. The jeep would be a great gift to get as well as Ben "Cooter" Jones' book. You'll have to keep me posted on how you like the book, Roger. I bet it is an interesting book. We are having our family Christmas tomorrow, so as far if I got anything Duke related, I have yet to find out. Who knows...I may be getting coal for Christmas! Hope y 'all had a great Christmas today and that it was special! Hopefully y'all got all you wanted for Christmas as well as being able to spend the special day with family and friends!
  3. Guess who Lori! HA HA. I hope that you are having a very Special and Merry Christmas today! Hopefully Lori will give you an excellent xmas gift to help motivate you to write! :D Anyway you look at it, hope your day is special today!

  4. Hope you are having a very Merry and Special Christmas today, Val!

  5. Howdy Sheriff...hope you are having a special Christmas today. ;)

  6. Merry Christmas, Roger! Thank-you for your message! I hope that you have a very special day today (Christmas) and that your wishes may come true! Merry Christmas!

  7. Tomorrow (Christmas) will mark eleven years since Denver Pyle passed away and went to live in a better place. May his soul rest in peace. He is surely missed!
  8. (((HUGS))) I am glad to hear that you are OK. Too bad about the internet not being at home, but that is understandable. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  9. Hi Emy, how's it going? I just thought I'd send you a hi since I haven't seen you in awhile. Hope all is well with you. Have a great Christmas!

  10. Lori - *fingers crossed* I hope you are still on. Though I doubt it since it has been awhile. I am sorry that I missed you if I had. That sounds like fun! I am soooo in the mood to write Dukes now that I got done with "Carnival of Thrills".

    Sorry you couldn't take a nap. As I said, I am really hoping you are still on, though it has been awhile since you posted that. So I guess I will wait and see. ;) Have a good one!

  11. DaisyxEnos- I am sooo excited for you! I am glad to hear that he is treating you nice...and he likes the Dukes! LOL. Hope you enjoy the Dukes ;).

  12. Meadowmufn- thank-you for your time and work you did on making those videos on the homepage...very entertaining and fun to watch!
  13. Well I was starting to wonder if you were mad at me or were ignoring me...LOL. No, I figured it was something like that. Either that or you were too busy to do so or forgot about it. I'll have to go check it out, I haven't checked any farther into it or asked anyone else. Thank-you in advanced! Hope the headache will go away and that it will stay away this time! Keep it between the ditches

  14. YAY Lori! I am very happy for you that your concert was great, that you have two weeks of, and that you got a General Lee! I have a week off starting on Monday, but get to go in late to work due to this stupid weather we are having. HOpefully they will call and say they closing teh day care for good today...I really don't feel like going in today. *Naughty me...selfish me* Anyways, hopefully we will be able to connect sometime soon to chat or something. It hs been forever...glad to see you back! Hope your headache has gone away. Take care.

  15. Lori- it was great hearing from you. Thank-you for stopping by quick to say hi. Sorry to hear your friends are leaving...good luck with your concert and your exams. Never enjoyed those much...lol. Dreaded them more likely. Anyways, good luck with them and all that you do. Until next time...keep it between the ditches. ;)

  16. Crazy idea, Roger? I have the slightest clue of what you are talking about! I think you come up with some good ideas that helps keep this board a live and active...along with the others on this board. Your contest sounds interesting, Roger...and tempting. Maybe if I had some sort of motivation, perhaps I would actually keep my New Years Resolution longer than a week or so.
  17. That is horrible that anyone would find it in their hearts to rob from anyone anytime of the year, but especially this time of year when it is the time for giving and sharing. It is good that they have found John's SUV and very sad and disturbing that they couldn't find the puppies. Hopefully they will soon be found healthy and unharmed...or if not found, hopefully at least they are with someone who will take good care of the puppies.
  18. I wish your brother the best of luck with the National Guard and with where that road will take him. Please thank him for me for his bravery and for serving our country.
  19. That'd be fun to have an online Duke Christmas...sorry I am kinda behind here. Just name the time and night and I will try to make it. If I am not doing anything else and can get to a computer...I'll be there.
  20. DaisyxEnos - I am really glad to hear that you found someone else...I hope that he treats you right and respects you. It is always a plus to hear that he's a Duke fan. ;)

  21. Other than it being freezing cold and A LOT of snow...nothing much. How about you?

  22. (((Hugs))) I am sorry to hear that Daisy...if he'd break up with you for such a little matter like that, then he isn't worth spending time with or being upset over. You deserve better than that...someone who will respect you and your likes. Including the Dukes. It is him that is missing out on everything. Not you. Though I know at the time it is hard to see that.

    I hope that things will get better for you,. You have nothing to feel bad over. I am hear to listen about anything you want to talk about. I have an open ear. I am sorry that I wasn't on and that I am not on for long now...in fact I should be getting off to grab something to eata before I have to go. LOL. Anyways, I hope that things will soon get better for you. Put in a favorite DOH episode or get lost writing a DOH fic...hopefully that will help.

  23. Thanks for the message, Julie. It was nice hearing from you. Not a whole lot is going on here today...being lazy. :D Anyways, about your story...I haven't really read it or know what is going on. Maybe if I have time tonight, I'll take a look at it.

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