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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time.
  2. Well...I own several General Lee cars. A remote control one and several model cars of different sizes of The General Lee... He didn't exactly clarify that it was a real car, but that he decided it was time to buy a car. They may not be real or driveable, but they're still cars.
  3. Good job Dixie Ross at keeping your resolution...I made the same one and am finding it to be way harder than I had anticipated it to be. LOL. Keep up the good job!
  4. That is OK Lori...take your time and take care of yourself. Hope things will get better for you real soon!

  5. I am sorry that your return wasn't so good and that you weren't in a good mood. Hopefully things will get better and things start to fall into place for you.

    Well...it may be spelled wrong, but at least you can say you are from Hazard. ;)

  6. Thank-you Roger! After supper tonight I had gotten to thinking of my resolution and how I have been doing with it and got to wondering if I had broken it. So I wanted to let you know and to see what you thought. . . I will make my cut off date to be the last day of March, that is unless you or anyone thinks that is too far away or too long. That way I have something to shoot for and perhaps will be more motivated to keep my resolution knowing I can steadily work for my goal and not just expect it to happen. If all that makes sense... Anyways, thanks again, Roger. I will post here off and on as to how my progress has been going or if I have broken my resolution (hopefully not).
  7. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better, Duke fan. I am also glad to see that you are back...welcome back!
  8. Good job, DaisyxEnos! I guess resolutions aren't suppose to be easy, thought it sure would be nice if they were!
  9. Well y'all...I have some bad news. At least to myself, that is. I think I am out of this here contest. I should have thought more deeper into my resolution of not being so lazy... it is harder than I had thought it was going to be. To be honest...I haven't been completetly lazy. Like yesterday after work, I had taken my dog out for a walk, and I have been picking up or doing some chores around my apartment. Chores that probably would have been shoved a side to do some other time if it hadn't been for this resolution or this contest. So it isn't like I haven't done anything. But at the same time, there has been things that could or should be done and I resigned to go on the computer instead. Roger - I will let you be the judge of whether I should be out or not on that. Like I said, perhaps I have broken my resolution...
  10. How was your return to school? I hope it went smoothly for you. It is always hard to get back into routine. At least for me it is and has been. ;)

    Hey I read in a thread here...you from Hazard, Kenntucky. Is that right?

  11. Good job DaisyxEnos...I doubt there is a way for you to go through a whole year without buying anything. So to go in to buy something you need and to go out is a great job! Me on the other hand would get side tracked and find myself in the CD isle looking at CDs and probably find a CD that I would love to have! LOL. Good job Daisy!
  12. Yikes! I wouldn't want that! Though...we could have had a private chat. I understand though about not wanting to go with a lot of people, I almost didn't go at seeing that. But my curiosity got me. You know what they say? Curiosity killed the cat. LOL

  13. Your dog sounds cute! With a cute name. ;) LOL

    Hey...I understand completely! I am not a people person at all either. So I know where you are coming from. And yeah, there was a lot of people in there. Plus it is hard to fight and chat at the same time. ;)

  14. You in hiding tonight, Lori? LOL

  15. Though Lori...your dad has great taste though...to name your new dog Lilly!

  16. Lori - you are such a copy cat! Or do I mean a copy dog?! My dog is named Lilly and has been called Lilly for four years now...LOL. Congrats on the new Nintendo and the new puppy! Is your puppy a beagle or a bassit hound? Flash was a bassit hound, that is why I am asking. . .

  17. Hey Lori...how's it going?

  18. Thank-you Roger for the idea to cure laziness...though somehow I doubt that would work too well. In fact, I think, if I were to follow your plan, I'd probably become even more lazy th an I had been before I made the resolution. (Seeing how I would be spending more time on the computer than doing things that need to be done) Which leaves me to wonder if this is your way to help me to lose in this little friendly contest. . .
  19. I am sorry to hear that you've got a cold, DaisyxEnos...that's a bummer. But I'm glad to hear that you are doing pretty good at your resolution. I hope you can keep up the good work. As for me...so far, so good. Though I must admit, so far, that it is harder to do than what I had thought it was going to be...not to be so lazy, that is. LOL
  20. I am a lead teacher in a two and three year old room at a day care in town...haven't done much else other than work with kids. Worked my way up to being the lead after a few years of being the assistant at this day care (I worked at one other day care as well as at a nursery - part time). I enjoy what I do and being able to teach and play with the kids...and to watch them learn and grow. As a side job, I help my parents clean my church. As for if I enjoy it...it isn't so bad once I am there and get started cleaning the bathrooms and all that. It is getting started that is the tough part of the job.
  21. Hope everyone is having a great New Year's Day today! Hope y'all a year (and beyond) filled with happiness, joy, and good health. Happy New Year's!
  22. Well time is quickly running out on me so I guess I should get a move on it if I am wanting to put my New Year's Resolution down here. I am going to not be so lazy...perhaps I can get things done. Like my apartment cleaned and things put back to where they belong...one can always hope .
  23. Knock knock Lori...LOL. I'm on if you want to chat ;)

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