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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well Lori, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but with that attitude, they will. Have positive attitude, that may help you out a little bit better...though I have to admit I am having the same thoughts myself. Not really that, but that my idea isn't oringal enough and that it is too similar to past ideas.

    Anyways...I hope that your muses continue to work for you. Am excited to hear that! Hope to be able to read another Lori Davenport story in the near future ;).

  2. I am glad that your dad's surgery was a success and to hear that your dad is doing fine. :) That is a scare. I am glad that that is behind for you now and that you are doing better! YAY!

    I am also super glad to hear that your muses have shifted into gear and is now working...even for Naruto and that you are posting it!:D Must be something in the air or something, because my muses as well has shifted into gear. DOH ones that is. I am almost done with chapter one and when I am done I will send it into MA to post on my page:D. For once I am excited about writing and about my idea! (Though it is the one that is very similar to "THe Enemy" sorry about that, when time comes to write, perhaps we can work it through somehow)

    (Sorry my posts here is soooo long and am sorry for keep hounding you with questions and complaints about ff.net. Thanks for all of your help:D)

  3. Oh no! I am sorry to hear that Lori! That is horrible...some people just don't have any respect for others. Perhaps you could get a new account? I wish I could help you out with your e-mail.

  4. Thank-you Daney for posting the link to the article about John! It was great to hear about his tribute to his friends and about his involvement in helping people with AIDS. They need everyone they can get to help them out and I can't think of a better person to do it than John Schneider.
  5. The first Smokey and the Bandit movie is my all time favorite movie. I have seen the second movie and am not a big fan of that movie due to the plot that was behind it. And I have yet seen the third one...how can you have Smokey and the Bandit without the Bandit? I suppose Snowman was the Bandit and Jerry was great in the movie and I liked Snowman as much as the Bandit himself, but it just wouldn't be the same. Just as it wasn't the same when they replaced Bo and Luke with Coy and Vance. Definately the first Smokey and the Bandit is my favorite out of the three S&B movies...once again though, it is my favorite movie.
  6. Congrats DaisyXEnos! You sure got me beat. On January 24th it will mark my fifth year at the site under this ID (Garrett Duke) and I only have like 384 (This will make 385, I think). You really put me to shame Daisy! Though, I do believe that my Kristy_Duke ID has over a twelve hundred posts under it (Can't remember, haven't used the ID for a while) so at least I have more personally than the 385 or so. Though you still put me to shame since I had created the Kristy ID way before I created my Garrett ID (October of 2001)...shame on me!
  7. Thank-you for the summary Dukefan. It sounds like it would be a neat show to watch and to get into...especially if Denver is in it.
  8. I am not into westerns either...my parents are, but I'm not. I wouldn't have caught that if it wasn't for my parents having that on and watching it. I never watched Grizzly Adams or know what it is about, but I do believe reading that Denver Pyle was in an episode or so. Hopefully you will be able to watch it again and to find Denver in it. Yeah, if you didn't watch the Dukes at the time, you would never recognize Denver as who he is - he'd be just another character/actor on the show. So hopefully you can find him in it again...it is neat that he was in a show that you use to watch!
  9. He was on a couple of episodes of "The Andy Griffith Show" I know. Last week my mom was watching Bonaanza on TV Land and lo and behold, Denver Pyle was playing a sheriff on there. It was kinda funny - I was in the kitchen when I heard him talking and immediately recognized him as Uncle Jesse - when I walked into the living room, the man talking had no beard or mustache, but my dad asked if it was Denver Pyle...didn't see his name on the credits, but it had to be Denver!
  10. ((((HUGS)))) I am sorry to hear about your dad. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I hope that all that the doctors had done is and will be successful.

    I am glad that you were able to get away to take your mind off of things. Everyone needs to do that now and then. I hope that school will be better and easier to return to than what you expect it to be.

    If there isi anything I can do, just let me know. I am here for you when you need me...even to just to talk to. :)

  11. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time.
  12. Well...I own several General Lee cars. A remote control one and several model cars of different sizes of The General Lee... He didn't exactly clarify that it was a real car, but that he decided it was time to buy a car. They may not be real or driveable, but they're still cars.
  13. Good job Dixie Ross at keeping your resolution...I made the same one and am finding it to be way harder than I had anticipated it to be. LOL. Keep up the good job!
  14. That is OK Lori...take your time and take care of yourself. Hope things will get better for you real soon!

  15. I am sorry that your return wasn't so good and that you weren't in a good mood. Hopefully things will get better and things start to fall into place for you.

    Well...it may be spelled wrong, but at least you can say you are from Hazard. ;)

  16. Thank-you Roger! After supper tonight I had gotten to thinking of my resolution and how I have been doing with it and got to wondering if I had broken it. So I wanted to let you know and to see what you thought. . . I will make my cut off date to be the last day of March, that is unless you or anyone thinks that is too far away or too long. That way I have something to shoot for and perhaps will be more motivated to keep my resolution knowing I can steadily work for my goal and not just expect it to happen. If all that makes sense... Anyways, thanks again, Roger. I will post here off and on as to how my progress has been going or if I have broken my resolution (hopefully not).
  17. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better, Duke fan. I am also glad to see that you are back...welcome back!
  18. Good job, DaisyxEnos! I guess resolutions aren't suppose to be easy, thought it sure would be nice if they were!
  19. Well y'all...I have some bad news. At least to myself, that is. I think I am out of this here contest. I should have thought more deeper into my resolution of not being so lazy... it is harder than I had thought it was going to be. To be honest...I haven't been completetly lazy. Like yesterday after work, I had taken my dog out for a walk, and I have been picking up or doing some chores around my apartment. Chores that probably would have been shoved a side to do some other time if it hadn't been for this resolution or this contest. So it isn't like I haven't done anything. But at the same time, there has been things that could or should be done and I resigned to go on the computer instead. Roger - I will let you be the judge of whether I should be out or not on that. Like I said, perhaps I have broken my resolution...
  20. How was your return to school? I hope it went smoothly for you. It is always hard to get back into routine. At least for me it is and has been. ;)

    Hey I read in a thread here...you from Hazard, Kenntucky. Is that right?

  21. Good job DaisyxEnos...I doubt there is a way for you to go through a whole year without buying anything. So to go in to buy something you need and to go out is a great job! Me on the other hand would get side tracked and find myself in the CD isle looking at CDs and probably find a CD that I would love to have! LOL. Good job Daisy!
  22. Yikes! I wouldn't want that! Though...we could have had a private chat. I understand though about not wanting to go with a lot of people, I almost didn't go at seeing that. But my curiosity got me. You know what they say? Curiosity killed the cat. LOL

  23. Your dog sounds cute! With a cute name. ;) LOL

    Hey...I understand completely! I am not a people person at all either. So I know where you are coming from. And yeah, there was a lot of people in there. Plus it is hard to fight and chat at the same time. ;)

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