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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. It is way different than my NASCAR...or the one I am use to. It looks/sounds itneresting and fun. I am happy that you will be able to work for one of the drivers...hope it is the driver you are wanting to work for! That would be fun...but dang...May is such a long ways away. I have a month and a week left to week and that seems to be forever...way too long in any matter! LOL. Though compared to May it is much better, hope your wait will be worth the wait as John Schneider says.
  2. Thanks for the explanation! That sounds WAAAYYYYY different than the NASCAR I watch...and trust me, you say anything NASCAR, I am going to catch up on it! LOL. It sounds interesting and fun to watch. I'll have to do the video at my parents house due to my own slow dial up computer (So I sympathize with you greatly!) Though I do find it hard to believe that anything could be more exciting than NASCAR...my opinion of course. :)

  3. Arm Are Far Muse Mars Mouse Ear Farm House As Horse Hose Ham Sam Rouse Mase New Word: Race Car (Which spells Race car backwards...LOL)
  4. My favorite part of the book? That is a hard question due to how long ago it has been since I read it (not incredably long, but have read a couple of books since reading his book.) and due to how good I thought it was. LOL. I enjoyed the beginning and reading about his growing up and starting out as an actor as well as ALL the pictures. Those are my two favorite things of the book...and of course, loved reading about his Duke ara as well. I can't get enough reading on the Dukes.
  5. Thanks Brian...making it public will probably make it better to keep to it. So far, I haven't done the best job at keeping them, but have done an OK job at a couple of them. I figure maybe it is best to work at a couple at a time before going at them all at the same time. Especially the walking my dog part seeing as how dang cold it has been here! Good luck MaryAnn and GeneralLeeGirl at your resolutions. GeneralLeeGirl - I like your watching more Alberta NASCAR racing. LOL...Being a huge NASCAR fan myself, that is a resolution that would be easy for me to keep (Well once the season starts next month that is.)
  6. First of all...welcome to Hazzardnet. Hope you enjoy it here!

    Second of all...I just read your post on the Happy New Year thread and have a question for you. I am a HUGE NASCAR fan (HUGE Jeff Gordon fan...lol) and read that you wanted to watch or follow more Alberta NASCAR. I assume that is in Canada. My question being is it any different NASCAR than what we have down here? Guess I never considered there being other kinds of NASCAR than the one that I follow. Thanks!

    Once again, welcome to Hazzardnet!

  7. Congrats BL for the fan of the year! You deserve it!
  8. I bet they love having you both around! Hope you are getting better! :)

  9. I thought you might like it Roger...I know I did. And it was very hard to put down!
  10. Well I better let you go and finish this novel I wrote to you. I am just glad to hear from you. Thankyou for your messages! I hope that you will have a GREAT Tuesady! :D

  11. On a sadder note...I posted this on the NASCAR club, but I'll put it here too. YOu hear about Harvick's rear tire changer? I guess he caught H1N1 at the end of November when he went home for Thanksgiving. After the first week of December or so he caught pdemonia and got really sick. He died Christmas night at a hospital. :( He was only 37 years old and sounds like he was a family man/dad and all that.

  12. I am soooo excited. (Sorry I get excited easily;) LOL) I jsut read a teeny tiny article on NASCAR.com that Jimmie and Chandra Johnson are expecting their first child in July! YAY. (As I said, I get excited easily sometimes). Someone I use to work with kept saying they were trying, but didn't ehar it anywhere else. But none the less, am very excited for Jimmie and Channy! Sorry I know you are not a Johnson fan, but had to share it with someone. They'll be good parents...bet Jeff will be able to give them a few parenting tips plus some hand me downs (if it is a girl of course ;) ). Not that they need hand me downs. . .

  13. Noooo not the four letter word! Tell it to stop! It was all suppose to melt and go away and never to return! LOL. I hope that you will find a way to stay warm. That is too bad about the rough drive back...I hate driving in snow and ice. So does my car! LOL. It hasn't snowed for a while here but it has been freezing cold...below zero plus windshield factor. My hands were so cold this morning while scraping my car, they hurt. Dang I hate this weather! Bring on the spring...warm weather, green ground, NASCAR and baseball season!...(Forty-one more days until Daytona...just hoping I'll be able to watch it!)

  14. I do watch CMT at my parents' house every so often. I do like the channel it is finding the time to watch it...lol. That would be soooo awesome to see Bo Duke's house! I bet John would have a big house...but I could be wrong though. I would love to see that!

  15. I am soooo upset at the cable company right now...I can't beleive they would do this to me! LOL...I know it don't revolve around me, right? But CBS? FOX? THe two channels that I need and they are threatening to take them...they extended it through or to Saturday because the Iowa Hawkeyes are in the Orange bowl on Tuesday and it will be on CBS. ERRRR. Hopefully they will get a contract tehy all can agree on if not hopefully my dad switches companies

  16. We watched the tape with my neice Sat. night...it was funny. I think it was squirmedga ...something like that. I can't remember for sure though, knwo it had to do with Talledega though. but like my mom said, Jeff looks so young in it, you barely recognize it is him. But it is him alright. Guess Ella is into Elmo big time...as is my neice. LOL.

    And I am sure you are a good auntie! LOL...it will probably be on some other time if you really wanted to tape it. I was giving you a hard time.

  17. Thanks on the congrats! :D

  18. I had a good New Year. We had my neice from Thurs. night through last night so that was fun. I think we watched Nemo and Cars both three or four times...love the movies, but have had enough for a while now. YOu seen Cars? If not...you gotta watch it! LOL. I think it is a great movie even if it is a kids movie. LOL!

    Sounds like you had a good New Years. I am glad they let you out early for work! Bet it was fun to talk some more NASCAR...41 more days. LOL.

    I think you can say it eitehr way. I probably would go with two thousand and ten, but twentyten sounds good too. LOL. It will probably be a preferance thing.

  19. Sounds like you've had a nice and relaxing long weekend. Hope you all shed your colds real quick. That's not too fun.

  20. Happy birthday Sorrell! Hope it will be a great one!
  21. Dip Stick Sick Sip Tip Dude Duty Yet Ick Is Kite Did Us Kid Pie Puddy tick (Hope I did that right ) New word: Uncle Jesse
  22. YAY Redneck Girl...you watch 'em all yet? LOL.
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