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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Hope you have a great Friday and that you'll enjoy your weekend if I don't talk to you beforehand. HOpefully you can find something to occupy yourself with no race...enjoy your nephew!

  2. Well it is I again. Are you tired of me yet? LOL. That is too bad about being up most of the night for the warning or alarm. That doesn't sound like fun at all. At least it wasn't a tornado. We had a thunderstorm...first one this year so it was kinda neat. Though my dog, Lilly, is afraid of them...well she tries to hide from them under my computer chair or in my bathroom or near the door. Of course it has to have the storm right when I go to bed so she is in bed shaking. Poor girl. So I felt bad for her and didn't get to sleep when I went to bed either. That and this weird alarm type sound was going off and on outside my window somewhere. Still have no idea what it was, but didn't go to sleep until it was done going off whatever it was. So I understand how ya feel...then again, if I actually got to bed when I should have, I probably would have slept through most of it (Except Lilly probably would have woken me up with the storm).

  3. Well if you think it is so much fun, maybe you should untie me and I'll tie you up so you can see just how fun it is. ;)

    Eh be patient...in the long run it'll be worth it. Though do know how you feel. You'll get there.

  4. OK sorry...don't understand why people are all onto Edwards about it now. He did it once and he is automatically a bad guy and should face the ultimate punishment. If he had only spun Keselowski out as his intentions were, it would have been thought of as a racing incident and nothing would be done or said about it. But since he flipped him...which I understand people's reactions it was horrible and scary and it was wrong of Edwards. But I don't think it is worth parking Edwards for mor than what they already did...especially an entire season.

    *Sighs* Sorry again for my venting...once I get started I can't stop. My parents are always telling me I shouldn't read all that stuff that people say, but I can't help it and then it only upsets me. And this is Edwards...hate to see if it were Gordon. HA HA HA.

  5. That article did put it into words. I am getting so sick and tired of people's reactions to it by now. I think everyone is over reacting. I am at Gordon's fanforum now and got done reading a thread about it...people are actually arguing about it! Some people are saying he should be parked all year until he can grow up and be more mature and how he is just a spoiled brat and that is his true self coming out. That he should be arrested for premediated murder! How crazy is that?! Then you have a couple others sticking up saying he didn't intentionally flip him and that those others are over reacting. They actually blame Edwards for Keselowski flipping him in Talledega since he was blocking him...guess I remember it as Brad bump drafting him. Maybe I was wrong? Still what is Edwards suppose to do, allow him to pass to win?

  6. Oooh Good luck with your Rousch thing. WIsh Hendrick had something like that...guess I'll stick with the fantasy team that I am losing at. HA HA. (Sad thing is I can only use each driver nine times in the season...which means I have to chose someone other than Gordon to win...:( How they expect me to do that?) I guess I will try not to blame you for Edwards...

  7. HA HA HA. Well if it is me that is making Gordon lose, I think I am with you all the way. I'll start going for Kyle Busch...uck. On second thought, I don't think I could ever bring myself up to that. Though I do think Gordon does have a good team backing him up, so they are bound to start going in the right direction sooner or later. Am just hoping it will be sooner rather than later.;)

    Too early to pack for Bristol? You hear what Waltrip said at Atlanta? That people in their trailers or campers were already starting to camp out there for the race...hmph and you say it's too early to pack! LOL. I bet you are geting anxious for it...me too and I don't even get to go. So unfair!

  8. Fun? YOu call this fun? I'm a little tied up and you think I should be having fun.

    Eh that's true. Hope when they do arrive, you will enjoy them as well. Or learn something from them at least. ;)

  9. *Glares at Lori* Glad you are enjoying yourself...

    That would be nice...wish I could find some spare time.

  10. I am really happy to hear that and for you! That is great! :D

  11. Now, that's a scary thought *Breaks own silence while standing a couple of feet behind them. Keeping a safe distance from everyone.*
  12. Jr has way worse luck than Gordon it seems...not that it makes me feel much better about this year and all so far. I don't understand how one driver as Jr have such bad luck and Johnson have such good luck. They both drive the same kind of car, the same kind of engine made by the same people and are apart of the same team. THey share notes...I don't understand what is going on with Jr. Or Gordon for that matter, though as I said, so far, it isn't as bad as Jr. Hopefully they both will get it together and show them all off. HA HA. I do think Gordon will get it together. If you look at it point wise and the luck he's had, it hasn't been completely bad. He is now eleventh in points despite it all.If only they can have a perfect race and keep it up...(Then again, what's a perfect race?) Maybe they'll get it worked out during their off weekend. (What am I gonna do with myself this weekend?!)

  13. I just read that part you were talking about and I did read part of the answer yesterday, not all though. I'm glad you redirected me to it...Jay absolutely put into words how I've been feeling about the whole thing. Especially the last part about seperating the action from the result. If Edwards had only spun him out as I am pretty sure was his intentions was, no one would have thought much of it other than it being a racing thing. Though Brad went airborne and scared a lot of people and rightfully so because it could have been way worse than what it was. I think NASCAR dealt with it properly. Especially with a driver who don't normally do stuff like that. His answer pretty much summed how I feel about it to a T. Glad I am not the only one to think or to see that.

  14. That is OK about yesterday - it is understandable. I just figured it was late and you had to go. Hope all is OK.

    You know...I don't normally go to Yahoo sports or NASCAR. Usually just NASCAR.com, but yesterday I did go there and I did read that article. But I have to go see what you were talking about. I read the questions, but not all the answers. Odd isn't it? LOL That's me. Talking about Yahoo NASCAR - I jsut joined my cousin's Yahoo NASCAR fantasy team...two weeks ago. First race I was in was Las Vegas. DId ok since I picked Gordon as my A type driver. This week... well guess who I went with for Atlanta? I went with your boy Edwards...see where that got me. HA HA.

  15. That's true. I kinda thought of that too. Had all those laps to think of what BK has done to him in the past. But he's got to think is it worth getting hurt over or him getting hurt or worse. I don't think Carl could have lived w/ himself if BK did get hurt or seriously hurt. Glad BK is OK. Then again, he keeps saying what BK has done to him...of what I thought of, BK's incidents to Edwards wasn't really on purpose either. Talledega he was just being dumb and bump drafting it looked and the incident earlier in the race, looked like Carl went down on him and BK didn't back down. Don't know. Not sticking up for BK because he is a way aggressive driver. Though I know it don't help Edwards any.l..

  16. I bet you are excited...I would be to. Then again, I am excited to just watch Bristol on TV. Gordon is good at Bristol (That is when people aren't wrecking him!!! Sorry, everytime they're at Bristol now in the spring, I think of that incident between him and Kennseth...) Anyway, am hoping he can have a great race. Dont' understand how he can have such great cars each week, but have something bad happen. (3 out of four something has went wrong...errr) Hopefully he'll win for you at Bristol. HA HA HA. Sorry I couldn't help myself. I hope he wins, but for your sake I hope your buddy JJ will win...nah I meant Edwards or McMurray. (Sorry had to give you a hard time.)

  17. Yeah I thought about that...it being his favorite track and all. Still don't understand why he said when he got taken out that he could see BK didn't do it on purpose, but just didn't give him room. (Does he expect him to just get out of his way for him?) and then go after him once he was back on the track? Or why he chose the last few laps to do so. . .

  18. Hopefully Carl can turn it around and be OK. Hopefully Bristol will be good for him too. Hopefully Keselowski don't turn around and do his own retaliating as well.

  19. Yeah they kept going back to the drivers policing themselves on the article. I thought when they said that, that it would turn out to be a mistake. Or that someone would try something. Didn't think of it to be Carl though. Was thinking more of Kyle Busch and that type of driver. People or drivers policing themselves I don't think will work , especially when they are going 190mph where theire emotions are already high to begin with. They'll just react to their anger and what not towards the other driver. Guess I see what NASCAR is trying to do to go back to dinging and banging or what not, to go back to the way it once was. But c'mon...they need someone to step in from time to time to police them as well.

  20. Though the more I think of Carl and the past...his attempt to punch Kennseth, him trying to strangle Harvick, his thing with Kyle Busch the other year, and now this with BK -Don't know what Harvick or Kennseth did to him to upset him, but I think Carl is the type of guy that will treat you the way you treat him. If all that makes sense. Or he'll race the other drivers the way they race him.

  21. I also agree with you...Someone has to stand up to Brad otherwise he will get someone hurt if he don't watch it. But don't agree with how it was done. Though don't know how else someone would have done it either that would be right...NASCAR should have stepped in last year with him and put an end to his aggressive driving before he came to cup full time.

    That is not Carl's style at all. That was one reason why I like Carl, because he is not an aggressive driver and he doesn't wreck people. Until Sunday. Not only that, but he doesn't even try to cover it up that he done it on purpose. Read somewhere that he put it on his page or somewhere that he did it to send a message to Keselowski. I am sure it did shook him up when BK's car flipped up like that. It still surprises me it coming from Carl. Just as it had surprised me when Gordon shoved Kennseth.

  22. Long time no see. Saw you on the arreste Chet page so I thought I'd send you a quick hello. Hope all is well with you.

  23. Eh thought you may be happy to see someone else in victory lane. It was an interesting race and one that people will talk about all year I am guess with Edwards and Keselowski. I understand what you mean...I keep going back and forth with it all.

  24. *Eyes the doctor as she speaks* Good *hears myself speak aloud as my attention turns to Chet's silent and still body lying on the ground before eyeing the people that are now lingering around his body.*
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