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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Sorry that I missed you Redneck girl :(. Hope you had a great weekend - you should have with seeing John and all.

  2. Yeah he seems to be back...back to getting his sorry behind in trouble that is. Oh well, at least he is up to something instead of nothing. LOL. Glad to hear your muses are working for you.

  3. *Watches them move Daney while silently following Brian to the door.* Well let's go and get all this over with. (Well I have to go for a while...may or may not be back on later. Sorry if there is any inconvenience.)
  4. *Gives Brian a hard look* She didn't do nothing to you. Keep her outta this. *Eyes Daney with sympathy, hoping she'll be OK. Eyes Brian harshly once more. * Where we going?
  5. *Nods at Brian quietly before making eye contact momentarily at Daney before nodding at her.*
  6. *Watches Brian unbuckling the restraints and quickly rubs arms where the pressure had been at before stiffly sitting up. Once more, ignore the pain screaming in chest, slowly begin to as Brian had instructed to do.*
  7. *Breathes in deeply, ignoring pain while eyeing Brian* Well, as you pointed out, I tol' you earlier that I surrendered *pauses thoughtfully for a moment, eyes remaining on Brian* so here I am.
  8. *Watches them quietly for a moment* And I thought Brian's injuries where worse off than mine...with getting ran over by a horse and all. And yet. . . *Lets thoughts dangle quietly for a moment and turns to Daney* Thanks for the offer Daney, but be kinda hard to look at a magazine with my hands tied down like this.
  9. *Acknowledges what the doctor had just said before slightly nod of the head* That's all I need to know
  10. Well I hope that you caught the race and had enjoyed it as much as I did...well up until the end. LOL. Should be happy with it and give me a day or two and will be happy with it. Just disappointing with the end right now. Though had to laugh when Kyle Busch got pegged for speeding on pit road. McMurray had a pretty rough race. Montoya was sure upset at him it seemed. And was it just me? Or did DW and them seem to be against Gordon? As I said, it coudl be just me and I was just too sensitive to it. Well I'll shut up for now, can't wait to hear what you have to say about the race!

  11. Well don't know if I should post about the race as of now or not. That should have been Gordon's race to win...he led the most laps. All but the most important one, I guess. Knew once Johnson passed him, it was over for his chance to win. But dang so close. Talk about frustrating and disappointing and then got passed to finish third. Guess best race so far this year and best finish all year. If only they went w/ four tires instead of two. Though I am sure Steve and Jeff both know that now. Don't know where Edwards finished out at, but he was sure excited before the race to talk about Anne.

  12. Thanks for the reminder *Sarcastic voice before closing eyes to refocus thoughts*
  13. *Raises eyebrow at Alex* Me scared? Hell no...just got better things to do than waste my time around the likes of you.
  14. *Looks at Daney and then over at the doctor while attempting to fight against the tight restraints* Wait a minute here, doc, before you just go and leave your well respected clinic to those *glances over at Brian, Alex, Bo, and Luke* hoodlums, take me outta here! If you want to risk the havoc to your clinic that they will bring to it, that's your own mistake, but don't leave me here with them.
  15. I had a good day, but it sounds like you had a great day! Glad y ou got to see John and that you had a great time. Did you tell him hi for me? LOL. Have fun going tomorrow...you are so lucky. HA HA. Though you deserve it. Guess I can't say much since I've been to 4 Dukefests and all, but I only got to personally meet John once and that was after standing in line for five and a half hours. HA HA. It was worth it. Glad you got to go and had a great time!

  16. *Eyes Brian coldly for a long moment before looking away from everyone. Chosing to be quiet for the time being.*
  17. *Glares at Bo before snapping* So are you, but I don't see you tied up, now do I?
  18. *Eyes Luke wildly* No hard feelings? Yeah right. *Looks around the room* I don't plan on getting myself into any trouble as it is...I don't need y'all babysitting me to keep me outta of trouble!
  19. *Garrett fights strongly against Alex and Luke with little use before is strapped tightly to the bed before spitting at them as they quickly move away from him. Eyeing Brian, Luke, and Alex with anger for a long moment.* Fine. You've won for now. But sooner or later, I'm bound to get outta here. . .
  20. *Eyes Brian* Glad you're worried about me and all, but I don't think all that'd be neccessary.
  21. *Staring ahead at the ceiling above, quietly listen into all that is being said around.*
  22. Daddy won't sell the Farm - Montgomery Gentry
  23. I've noticed it for a while now and it is sad in a way that he may feel that way about the show that made his name so big. I always thought he would be more appreciaitve about or towards the show. But on the other hand, I kinda think I know where he is coming from. It seems like once an actor or an actress gets big in a show or movie, then that is the kind of movie or shows that they are stuck doing mostly in their career. Maybe Tom just wants to move forward in his career and put the Dukes behind him (though I don't see why. It's such an awesome show!) I don't know if that is why it is, but that would be my guess as to why he doesn't seem to want much with the show. I've noticed it and for a long while had allowed it to bother me...so no, you're not alone in noticing it.
  24. *Eyes Alex and Brian for a long moment* Well no matter how badly I wish to help Chet out of the mess he currently finds himself in, last I was informed, he was in no need of me or my help. So unless he has changed his mind from last I heard, I am of little use to him. *Shakes head in worry* Not that I am too thrilled about sitting back and watching y'all go at it and him outnumbered and all, because I'm not, but I don't see I have much choice as of now. So for now, I am just left thinking and worrying about what may happen and hope for the best for all of your sake.
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