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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Garrett Duke


    Well the race in Dover will start in another hour...hope y'all are getting the beverages ready as well as a comfy seat on the sofa. Martin Truex Jr has won his first pole and will be leading them down after the green flag waves. It is a mile track - monster mile as they call it. Brian Vickers, driver of the number 83 Red Bull car was hospitalized on Wednesday or Thursday and has now been released...for blood clots in his leg and near his lungs. His return is uncertian at the moment. Casey Mears will be racing for him at Dover today...who use to race at Hendrick. OK I have been venting about this for the past half week now...I love NASCAR, but sometimes to me, they don't make no sense. I guess since Vickers won't be racing he won't be getting the points, which will make it impossible for him to get into the chase when it comes time for the chase. It's not Gordon or Johnson, so perhaps I shouldn't get upset about it, but I do like Vickers. He's a good driver and seems to be a pretty good guy. To me it don't make no sense that he won't get the points as to where his car finishes today...sure it is Mears driving it and not him. I see that part of it, but it is still his car. It isn't like he just didn't feel like racing this weekend or went out partying or made some other kinds of plans for this weekend as to why he isn't racing. He was in the hospital! To me, it just seems so unfair that NASCAR is penalizing him when he is already having a hard time of his own. Mears is a part time driver who has only raced a couple of races t his year (I do like him) but Mears isn't racing for points so the points will mean nothing to him, the chase will mean nothing to him. But to Vickers who is a full time driver, their main focus is upon getting into the chase! OK I apologize for my ranting...(If I got that wrong, please let me know. But from what I read and know from the past, a driver has to START the race as to get the points. Which is why drivers who are sick will start the race and sometimes have a replacement driver or race the whole thing.) It just don't make no sense whatsoever to me and hate it for Vickers and his team. Hopefully he will get feeling soon and return to the track when he is ready to... Well anyone has any guesses who'll win today? My fantasy driver pick for this race is Johnson. After the bad race he had last week, I'm looking for him to retaliate back with a victory. Of course, I am hoping that I am partially wrong and that Gordon will take home the monster trophy! (Sorry Roger...Johnson can come in second. Afterall, Johnson as 3 victories to his name for this year. Gordon on the other hand has 0 victories next to his. Seems only fair he should get his first of the year today!)
  2. Once more, hope all is well with you and your family.

  3. I just read an article on Yahoo's NASCAR page how this week marks the tenth year anniversary of Adam Petty's death. It was a very touching and sad article - especially the link on the article about Kyle and his wife Pattie. How sad...for how young he is he left a legacy with Kyle's charity that he has for the kids.

  4. That is a very catchy tune...I like the song and I do like Joe Nichols. I've got his first couple of albums in my CD collection. Am not sure about the new one as of yet, but I do like that song.
  5. *Looks from car to Roger questionably at hearing the strong power behind the engine.* Well Roger, I really don't see what the problem is. Sounds fine to me. I think all this was your own tricky way of getting out of meeting me as planned and out of distributing the money. Dang Roger, if you didn't want any part of this you should have tol' me so. I'd have understood. Well looks like your plan worked, Roger. *gives an ornery wink at Roger* Well am glad to hear your car back in working condition. Thanks for all that you've done...it's been fun. For me at least. *Pats Roger on the back* Perhaps we can meet up at The Boar's Nest sometime...I have a feelin' I owe you a drink or two after all this. *Pats Roger on the back again as take a step closer to motorcycle before turning back around.* Nice car by the way. When it's working, that is. See ya around.
  6. LOL Roger! Yeah...he sure looks great for being 90 - glad to hear I'm not the only one to picture the Dukes the same age of the series!
  7. *Gives Roger a small hug back* What can I say? I try to help...*Shrugs as he looks at the problematic car that sits in front of them* As for the charities, it felt good to finally do something good for those who need it the most. Thanks for putting up with me and for your help...without it, I'd be sitting in jail right about now. Sorry I acted without telling you about it. *Goes silent for a moment.* Now about your car...
  8. Well...I haven't heard from you in awhile and it looks like it's been awhile since you were last logged in. I hope all is well and OK with you! Hope to hear from you soon.

  9. Garrett Duke


    Well...thanks for putting up with me then. LOL. Read an article that said that Gordon's mistake on pit probably saved him from being stuck on pit road and would have given him a very dismal finish to the race. So I guess his mistake turned into a good one...would have been real upset if he had gotten stuck...was worried about that as it was when the caution flew and he was driving through pit road. No new NASCAR news other than Tony Stewart's sponsor of Old Spice is leaving him. DIdn't read the article so I don't see why they are doing that. . .Tony being a well known name in NASCAR, I am sure he will find another one soo. Surprised Old Spice is leaving him... Hope y'all are having a good week.
  10. That's too bad that you are so far away Roger, that'd be hard. Though that is a pretty name. Once again, happy birthday, Uncle Jesse!
  11. *Looks at Roger questionably* Jokes about what? About me being able to fix your car or about the money? *Serious look* Look, I am not joking about either one. Bet I could fix your car better than ol' Cooter or Bo could...with my eyes closed. As for the money, unless you want to go ask around to the charities you had listend, which would make us look kinda suspicious, you're going to have to trust me. Or go search my house *Shrugs* I may not be the nicest person you'll meet, but I'm honest to those who I like and can trust. And well, I may not know much about you, but you seem nice enough to me. It's up to you whether you want to believe me or not, but the money is all taken care of and if you give me a chance, I may be able to help you out with your current problems. I think you can trust me on that too since I built my Mustang from the tires and up a few years ago. But it's up to you.
  12. Happy birthday, Denver! Hope you have a great one. As I posted before, you are missed greatly. Though am glad to know you are in a better place. Hope you have a very special birthday, Uncle Jesse! PS: You have yet to answer the question Roger as to what your wife's cousin named her daughter...is she having a big year old birthday party?
  13. *By now annoyed and frustrated by Roger not showing up, quickly climb aboard my motorcycle where I quickly drive away. A few minutes pass by, with thoughts of anger at Roger and acceptance at my good deed, before a sporty car comes into view parked on the side of the road. Getting closer the car vaguely becomes familiar before I pull closer before I realize that it is Roger's car, their get away car that had started to act up when Roger had pulled away last night. Guilt pours through me at getting annoyed with Roger and upset as I had just assumed he didn't want to help out any farther. That I had assumed he had set me up. Shaking my head at myself, I slowly come to a halt in front of his parked car where I find Roger looking under the hood.* Well Roger, guess I shoulda gave you a phone number to call if you needed help. Had been thinking you were setting me up, glad to see you had a reasonable reason as to not show up, though am sorry to see you having trouble. *places hand on Roger's shoulder as look over his shoulder and under his hood before whispering* I already distrubuted the money that you had listed earlier. There's no more need to worry about it. Sorry to act without you like that, I just thought it would be best to do it at night when the law was still tucked away in bed and all. *Steps aside to take a closer look at the car and speaks up* Dang it is a mess. I'd be glad to be of service to your car if you need my help.
  14. Garrett Duke


    Well I guess I lied about the points...Kevin Harvick is in first, but has extended his lead to 110 over Jimmie Johnson (So he is still in second place. I had said that he fell to third place and he didn't) but Kyle Busch is now only three points under Jimmie and then it is Jeff Gordon! LOL. Sorry about the mistake there, don't know what I was thinkin'! Well Roger, I have seen it worse. Gordon at Las Vegas a couple of years ago got sent into the inside wall with three laps to go and he had car parts flying up the track! It took him awhile to get out of his car and he said that was the worse accident he got in. At the time, the inside wall didn't have the safer barrier because it is normally the outside wall that gets hit the hardest, but Gordon hit right at the entrance of where the ambulance and wreckers are at. Well Gordon talked to the people owned the track and you can bet they have safer barrier there now. He has also has gotten into a couple others that I can think of that looked worse than Johnsons as well as other drivers' accident... But to me JJ's accident looked pretty bad and he looked pretty shook up when he got out of the car. Bet he was glad when teh race was officially over after the night he had - he had gotten into a couple of smaller accidents before that. I know how it goes Roger...when Gordon gets in an accident and gets isn't in the race, I have a hard time watching and keeping interest in it. (Which is why he can NOT ever retire!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!) We are onto Dover on Sunday at noon ET on Fox which is a mile track I am thinking...yeah they call it the Monster Mile. Gordon does pretty good there so hopefully he'll have antoher good race. Don't know about anyone else at the moment. It is a pretty exciting race if I am remembering correctly. As with any other race, am looking forward to it! Then on the 22nd of May they will be at Charolette for the All-Star race which they make into a big thing (not all the drivers will be in it, but only past winners and a few others. I'll have more info on it for everyone next week.) Don't worry though, Roger, JJ will be in it! You all are very welcome. I am very excited to be able to explain and talk about the races and NASCAR! And perhaps have someone listen to me! LOL. Don't know many people that would put up with me talking about Gordon like y'all do. Thank-you!
  15. Garrett Duke


    Jimmie Johnson had a little accident, Roger? I think we were watching different races...LOL. Well I guess he was in a couple of smaller accidents before he was in the big one that took him out of the race, perhaps that's what you are talking about. (Sorry had to give you a hard time about it.) I am just glad that Jimmie and AJ was alright. That was a big hit they both took - especially Jimmie in the door and all. Am also glad that Jeff Gordon wasn't involved, but still felt bad for Jimmie. He had a hard race. Gordon had a good race. Led the most laps, yet came in fourth due to his miscue going to pit road on the last pit stop and then was in pit when the caution flew. Luckily he was able to get out of pits before the pace car! Jeff Burton was also in contention for the lead when on his last pit stop, he ran over the air hose and was penalyzed and had to take a drive through pits. Wish Gordon would have won as it looked like he was going to do, but after that last pit stop, I felt lucky to get a top five (fourth) out of it. Perhaps Dover will break his winless woes. Denny Hamlin won his third race of the season and Jamie McMurray came in second with Kurt Busch in third and Gordon in fourth. Can't recall who came in after Gordon. Though do know the points are now mixed up different than before. Kevin Harvick has extended his lead to 110 points now over Kyle Busch who stole second from Jimmie, Jimmie is in third, and Jeff Gordon is in fourth. (Once more, can't remember who comes after Gordon...sorry ) All in all, I thought it was a good race. No, Roger, I wasn't multi-tasking last night. I sat down and watched the race and that is about all I did once the race started. I don't multi-task very well when the race is on. LOL. What did you all thought of the race?
  16. General Grant- The Blind Side was worth watching and it was very interesting at the end when they went over the football player's career or what had happened to him after the movie ended. I went on google and searched on him and found out he is still playing in the NFL right now. What an awesome story he has...to go from having nothing to being an NFL star. As for your scale...I'd probably give it a ten. I did think it was a great movie and that is coming from me who normally isn't into sitting down and watching a movie at home plus the stuff that seems to catch my attention is normally police/criminal type movies or movies with action or car scenes to it (like Smokey and the Bandit which is my all time favorite movie...the first one that is!) Then again, I do like sports - not so much football, but it is a sports movie. The actors and actresses in it did an awesome job as well. Enjoyed seeing Tim McGraw in it as well - love his music. I think you would find it worth your while in renting it and watching it. I hope this helps!
  17. Bo 31 Luke 29 Jesse 26 Cooter 14 Jesse gave a point to Bo
  18. Well, I might have posted on this thread before, but wasn't sure so I thought I'd give my list...lol. 1. Dukes of Hazzard (will always be my all time favorite TV show...what's not to like? LOL) 2. Numb3rs (am really hoping that CBS will change their minds and decide to keep Numb3rs that they have replaced with Miami Medical for a month now. Crossing fingers for season seven in the fall! I am lost Friday nights without my Numb3rs to watch!) 3. Dog Whisperer (Cesar Millan is awesome with Dogs. Gotta love his pitbull Daddy! - wish I could accomplish his calm and assertiveness that he shows!) 4. Law and Order (SVU is my favorite, but do like Criminal Intent and the Law and Order with Jack McCoy in it as well) 5. Criminal Minds (Ironically got into watching this due to an actor -his first name is Mandy, but can't think of his last name - who was on my neice's Elmo movie - The Adventure of Elmo in Grouchland. LOL)
  19. Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue - Toby Keith
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