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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. New Kids on the BlockWell Hoss...couldn't disappoint you by using anything other than this. Since you liked it so much and all:escape: Thanks Hoss for showing me how to post links:D
  2. :popcorn:Well the Phoenix Sprint Cup race just got over and I am not one to say that any Sprint Cup race is boring, but have to admit had a hard time staying focused on it...especially with Law & Order is on. Not that I watched Law and Order over the race, that would never happen, but found myself going back and forth. . . With that said, I have to vent...I know Denny Hamlin, Jimmie Johnson, and Kevin Harvick are the three championship contenders. No one else has a chance of winning this year. And their points are close...so it is tight and makes it exciting. I will give the commentators that much. But honestly, to me, if I were just listening to the race and what they had to say, I'd have thought that those three were the only ones racing with a few exceptions. Am I the only one to feel that way? And if it wasn't bad that they were talking about those three all day, but to me, they were talking positively about Hamlin and Harvick on how fast they are and so on, but seemed negative about Johnson. But then again, is it just me that sees it that way? To me, it just gets so frustrating to hear about the same driver or drivers over and over and over again. True fourth place on down, isn't racing for the championship, but they are all out there racing for the win just as much as the top three are. Perhaps I'd feel differently if it were Gordon up front and they were talking about him...but then again, I don't recall Gordon getting talked about this much when he was up there in '07. But I could be wrong about that. . . Sorry to vent, but just gets irritating to hear the same things over again about the same drivers. The race would have been much more enjoyable to if they hadn't kept talking in circles as they seemed to be to me. Well Carl Edwards started up front on the pole today and led a few laps, but it didn't take much for Hamlin who started seventeenth to race his way up to the lead. He lead the most laps today...over two hundred. Kevin Harvick started 29th place, but him too didn't take long to make his way to the front as well as JJ. Though Harvick and Johnson didn't lead a lap today. Harick's pit crew lost a lug nut towards the last half of the race which sent him all the way back to the nineteenth position. But was able to race up for a top ten finish today. The pit crew swap for Jimmie Johnson done him well as the 24 crew did a great job at pit stops it seemed for him. (48 pit crew didn't seem to do too great for Gordon though ) Kasey Kahne had a couple of bad pit stops...once missing his stop all together and ended up getting lapped. Another time, the gas can was left on the back of his car and had to go back to take it off. Never saw that before. Do have to say, the end of the race was a bit exciting. Juan Pablo Montoya raced all the way up to second from his 35th starting position to run out of gas with only a lap or two remaining. Denny Hamlin, who had led a bunch of laps, had to pit with 14 to go and he was momentarily lapped. But he had raced around Carl Edwards who took over the lead and as he was saving gas, Hamlin was able to pass him. Johnson was very low on gas and had to turn of the fans and not put on the brakes...lost a couple of positions as well as to not run out of gas. Carl Edwards ended up winning the race to end his 70 race winnless streak...it was great to see him do the back flip out of the window of his car. Haven't seen him do that in awhile...well saw picture of him doing it in the Nationwide Series race yesterday...he won back to back. Am excited for Edwards, he is in my top five of favorite drivers. He was so excited, it was fun to watch him. He grabed the checkered flag after doing his backflip and ran up into the stands and with the crowds! Those lucky fans... Denny Hamlin on the other hand was visably upset and frustrated with his twelveth place finish as it shrunk his points lead down to only fifteen points ahead of Jimmie Johnson. They showed him hitting his car on the inside at the very end of the race and then later on it showed someone giving him a water bottle and he angrily took it only to throw it. I guess I understand him being upset and frustrated, I'd be frustrated and upset too if that had been Gordon and not Hamlin, but not as much as he was. Here is the top fifteen finishes of today's race: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Ryan Newman 3. Joey Lagano 4. Greg Biffle 5. Jimmie Johnson 6. Kevin Harvick 7. Matt Kenseth 8. Mark Martin 9. Kurt Busch 10. Jamie McMurray 11. Jeff Gordon 12. Denny Hamlin 13. Kyle Busch 14. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 15. Martin Truex Jr. Well we are now onto the finale race of the season...Homestead Miami which will be next Sunday at 1 PM EST. Am sad to see the season coming to an end, but am looking forward to February 20, 2011 for the Daytona 500 where Gordon and everyone can have a clean fresh start of a new season. And where the NASCAR coverage will be back on FOX with Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond...my opinion, I wish NASCAR could stay on FOX. They all seem to be more open to all of the drivers and not just a few as the other stations. All that is of my opinion and I don't mean anything against the other announcers, just I prefer Fox over the other station.
  3. Well Hoss...glad that you took time to go look at my song. Was wondering if anyone would comment on their style. Guess it isn't for everyone. Truth be told, if it wasn't NKOTB, I probably wouldn't be interested either. Since I only listen to Country and Christian Music. NKOTB is the only band outside of those genres that I listen to due to a friend that had gotten me into them back then and then again now that they are back touring and making music. Am excited to say in June I will be seeing them in concert for the sixth time since they returned to singing and all that. That was an old song of theirs...now here is the first song that they came out with when they reunited: Summertime
  4. Well don't let the bed bugs bite. ;) Thanks...I am hoping on enjoying the race tomorrow. I will definately be watching it, just hope for a better outcome than we had at Texas last weekend. HA HA. Hope you have a great day tomorrow!

  5. Glad to hear you found some time to write. :D That is another problem of mine...of finding the time. Good luck with it!

  6. *Back at the orphanage, Connor sits upon an old stump as the other kids his age runs around the playground playing ball, hide and seek, or on the play equipment. He has lived here for eight months and yet hasn't made any friends with any of the other children at the orphanage as he attempts to shut out the world that lives outside of him. Hugging his knees close to him order to block out the cold air, he stares across the playground and beyond the fence; where freedom lies. Staring at the large fence that surrounds the playground, he can't help but feel as if he is trapped within the confines of the fence. As if in jail. And why? Because he was at a friend's house as his parents and brother had went into town only to die halfway to town. Leaving him trapped within the orphanage with no one to talk to or to trust. Abruptly he senses a dark object coming at him and before he can block it the ball hits him in the head before bouncing away towards the slides. Pain throbs in his head and for a moment his vision is blurred as he looks up just as a couple of bigger kids come at him. "What's the problem, Connor?" the one known as Derrick states in a mocking tone, "Can't you even catch a ball?" Several feet away several girls in dresses and their hair neatly combed into a poney tail continues to sing Christmas songs as they swing on the swings. Connor watches the girls swing, annoyed with their happy singing, in attempt to ignore the bigger boys as he attempts to block out his emotions, knowing if he would allow his emotions to show, it would only egg the boys on as it had in the past. Being smaller than most boys his age and being a loner, the other kids often found it easy to pick on him. The other kids seem too afraid to stick up or be kind to him in fear that the bullying he got would turn onto them. "He's incapable of such an easy task. Tell us, Connor, what is it that you are good at?" Derrick's friend speaks up as an adult slowly approaches them and he glances over at Derrick as Derrick is quick to run after the ball; his friend slowly follows him over to the swings to retrieve the ball. Connor watches them momentarily as they bring it back to the fence where they had been playing soccer with it before it had went over to him. "You OK, Connor?" Ms. Patricia asks, bending down and putting a caring hand upon his thin shoulder, "Them boys giving you trouble?" Connor only shrugs before shaking his head no, not wanting to bring trouble to them in fear of them bringing more trouble to him as it had last time. "I'm fine, Ms. Patricia." She smiles at him. "Well perhaps you'd like to get up and play somewhere. I'm sure someone would want to play with you," she pauses and Connor is quick to shake his head no, "Well sitting here like this doesn't look too fun to me. Perhaps you'd like to come in and help me and Mr. William help put up some more Christmas decorations. You know Santa loves all the decorations you can get up. Perhaps he'll give you a little extra if you were to help out." Connor eyes Ms. Patricia with a hint of excitement at the idea of decorating for Christmas, at the idea of being able to help out, at the idea that he could be of some use to someone other than to get in the way. Without a word, he slowly nods as he force himself off the stump, ready to follow her inside. "I was hoping I could find some help. Mr. William will be delighted to have help putting up the lights," Ms. Patricia states as she starts to walk towards the orphanage, glaring over at Derrick and his friend, knowing of their bullying ways. Looking down at Connor she smiles, "Plus I've gotten wind that we may have some special friends stopping by any day now to help out around here. They'll just love you...I'm sure you'll like them too. They're hard not to like." With that she holds open the door for Connor before following him inside.*
  7. Television (LOL Roger. That'd be too easy )
  8. Ooops...I meant to say my series story. Not solo story. Sorry about that.

  9. Hi Dixie, how are you? How's the writing coming along? Hope your muse is cooperating well with you! My muse is it's stubborn and ornery self. Had been stuck for awhile on my solo story. After deciding to stick with first POV, started to write with my idea I had started with, but it had little to no connection with my idea or what I had wrote. Oddly enough, I had just found a way to possibly make it fit in with my idea and with my prologue that is already wrote. Was beginning to think I'd had to start chapter one over again or to find another idea to go with what I wrote...LOL.

    Anyway, saw that you were on and thought I'd say hello. Hope all is well with you and that you are able to find some time to relax in your busy schedule.

  10. Character (Gee thanks Roger for leaving me with that one. . . )
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWN_X8Ww3Uo Well I lack the knowledge of how to put the link into the song title, but that takes you to the video for my one word song of: "Tonight" by New Kids On the Block (To not give Garrett a bad name here...Garrett is only my screen name and my character...his author is a female and am a big New Kids fan. This has to be one of my favorite song of their's. )
  12. OK shame on me for not continuing to write on this thread even after apologizing after the last post I made! Perhaps it would be easier if I did watch these races as well and I often times think that I should, but I never think of it when the time comes. Anyway, Carl Edwards won today's Nationwide Series race at Phoenix. Here is the unofficial point standings as of now: 1. Brad Keselowski (Think it is fair to say that he will win this year's championship. . .) 2. Carl Edwards (-430...no way he can make that up in one race. . .) 3. Kyle Busch 4. Justin Allgaier 5. Paul Menard 6. Kevin Harvick 7. Joey Lagano 8. Trevor Bayne 9. Steve Wallace 10. Jason Leffler the top ten in points as of 11/13/10 in the Nationwide Series race. Do find it interesting that there is such a big gap between first and second place in points. There is even a big gap between second and third place. .Whereas in the Sprint cup only 59 points seperate the top three drivers. They have one race remaining at Homestead next week. Am I the only one sad seeing the season come to an end?
  13. Thanks for all that has shared pictures of John...they were all fun to look at it. Think about the only or best picture I have of John is my avator, so I appreciate everyone sharing what they have. Very sad about his nephew.
  14. "Stranger in my house" Ronnie Milsap
  15. *Bo Duke slowly follows Luke up the drive way, his thoughts focused upon the lack of a Christmas it seems like they'll have this year. And it wasn't about the gifts, though he had seen a couple of things in town that he knew Jesse would love as well as Luke. Receiving gifts was always nice for Bo, but Bo found giving the gifts to his family and friends much more rewarding and fun. His thought of the lacking Christmas was the food that Daisy always made that brought everyone to the farm. Even Rosco and Boss. They may hunt and get the turkey and a few other meal items, but what about the rest? Then again, they didn't need food to just be together and to be thankful for what they did have. Only to send his thoughts back to the orphanage. Not that he really minded helping out. Luke was right. They needed all the help that they could get to reach each child on Christmas. To make each child's Christmas as special as it can be. He couldn't imagine what those children are going through, how they must feel as they live each day in the orhanage without a parent or a guardian looking over them. If Jesse hadn't taken them in when their parents died. . . The thought sends chills up and down his back. Only to send guilt rippling through him that he wasn't as eager as Luke was to lend a helping hand to the innocent children whose lives had been torn apart and shattered. Those children that weren't as lucky as he was to have someone step forward and take them in, to love them and raise them as Jesse had done for him. What bothered him about going to the orphanage was seeing the children and knowing that most of those children will grow up not knowing the love of a parent or a guardian. That, that orphanage would be the only home they would know. Then again, most of the children had been there since birth and didn't know anything different than the orphanage and the loving care that the staff works hard to lend to each child. Last year when he had helped out, all the children were running around yelling and screaming while a few had been quiet and withdrawn. The yelling and screaming kids running around him annoyed him and had him counting down the minutes before he could leave to find some peace and quiet. While the quiet and withdrawn kids had only made him feel guilty that he couldn't do more to help out. "Looks like Daisy and Jesse are home," Luke states as they climb the porch steps and he opens the front door, allowing Bo to walk in before following him into the kitchen. When they walk in, Jesse has what looks to be a fake stern look on his face and Daisy's face is posed in a pounting position. "Looks like we've missed something Bo," Luke states and places a hand upon Bo's tense shoulder, "but as seeing as the two of you are here, thought I'd make an announcement. Bo and I are going into town and see what we can do at the orphanage to help out. Any of you want to come along and join us?" Bo remains silent as he takes in his uncle and cousin's reaction as he waits for their answer, noticing how Luke had pretty much ordered him to come along and help while he had only asked Daisy if she wanted to help out. Bo quickly shrugs it off once again, acknowledging that Luke is right. It was the least that they could do to help out at the orphanage to make sure the children had a special Christmas. One that they could cherish and look back upon with fond memories.*
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emy-Rae...hope it is as great as you are :D

  17. "I'll be Your Everything" Keith Urban
  18. *Luke takes a step back to take a final glance at the repaired fence as his mind floats from Bo's and Cooter's race yesterday that had taken out the fence to Christmas. Bo may not have the patience for all the yelling and screaming kids, but Luke couldn't wait to be able to help share some Christmas cheer with them. If it wasn't for Uncle Jesse, they'd all have grown up in that orphanage never knowing how it felt to be truly loved. Never knowing how it felt to be so blessed as Luke feels they all have been through life. True the orphanage had some great people working there to take care of and love each child, but Luke knows there is nothing compared to the love of a parent or an wise uncle. The staff at the orphanage was loving and caring and did all that they could do to reach each child's deepest needs, but they can't provide what each child needs. What each child deserves. Loving and caring parents. A loving and caring home. Luke knows that each one of them children growing up in the orphanage must feel alone despite all the kids and people around them. Each child must feel a big piece of them is missing as if not being whole. And perhaps they feel forgotten about. Luke knows and accepts that there is little that he or his family could do to erase the pain and suffering the children suffer due to their situation, but they could always do something to help. Offer some hope. Some happiness. Every little thing counts for something. And since Uncle Jesse had stepped up to rescue Daisy, Bo, and Luke from being orphans themselves, Luke felt that they owed it to the children that weren't as lucky as they were. Which was why he wasn't about to let Bo back out from helping out at the orphanage or Daisy for that matter. Every day they had with Jesse, Luke considered a daily reminder of his blessings. Breathing in deeply, he looks over at Bo who is packing up the tools. "Looks like we're done here. Let's head back to the house and see if Daisy is ready or able to take a trip into town with us to the orphanage. I'm sure the more to volunteer, will be for the better." "Yeah sure," Bo states and Luke is quick to read up on his lack of enthusiasm and he pats Bo on the shoulder before grabbing the tools and they begin to walk back towards the house.
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