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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well Hoss, you had to go and beat me, didn't you? It was Michael Peterson that sang that song. It was a great song...had that album and enjoyed the whole album if I remember right. "The Boys of Fall" Kenny Chesney (Believe I used this already...sorry...but it is the only one that came to mind. Too tired to think too hard for any more, plus can never get enough of Kenny Chesney's music )
  2. Well this is far from NASCAR news and has little to do with NASCAR, but didn't know where else to put this. . . Did anyone watch the CMA's Wednesday night? I missed it due to the time it was on at...probably could have seen the first half hour of it or so that I was online for that night, but didn't think of it. Y'all are probably wondering how this has anything to do with NASCAR to be put on the NASCAR thread, right? Well believe it or not, it does have a little NASCAR in it. Jeff Gordon was one of the presenters at the awards (my NASCAR link). I knew he was going to be on there and hated to miss him on there...Jeff Gordon and Country music is a great mix for me. Almost as good as it was when he sang "Take me to The Ballgame" for a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. The best of two sports...LOL. Anyway, being a big Jeff Gordon fan that I am and from all I heard from a person at work, I had to see Jeff Gordon so I googled it and thought it was great! Here is the link of his red carpet interview with his wife Ingrid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8AUKi7gLAs Here is the link for when Jeff Gordon came up with Carrie Underwood and later with Brad Paisely. Find the whole video hilarious...never thought I'd ever see Jeff Gordon wearing a cowboy hat. Then again, never thought I'd see him at a Country Music Award show either. Here is the link: Know not all of you are Jeff Gordon fans, but hope y'all enjoyed it as much as I did!
  3. *Back at the farm, Bo cusses under his breath and takes a step back to look down at his hand to see a large splinter sticking half way in and half way out of the inside of his hand from the rough wooden beams they were using to rebuild the fence. "What is it?" Luke irritatedly asks before he joins Bo to look over his shoulder and rolls his eyes at his cousin, "It's just a splinter. Pull it out and let's get back to work. I want to be done before lunch. But the way you're going, we'll be here at midnight still working on it. With all your excuses." "Mr. insensitive," Bo throws back at Luke before he looks at the large splinter, biting his lower lip, he quickly yanks the splinter out of his hand to look at it momentarily before throwing it on the ground. Looking back at his hand he sees small drops of blood form where the splinter had been at and he quickly pulls out his handkerchief to wipe the blood on it before stepping back to the fence. "What are you in such a hurry about, anyway? A hot date?" "I wish," Luke states as he returns to the fence himself and bends down to pick up a large nail, "but seriously, I want to get this done so we can go into town and get signed up at the orphanage to help out with Christmas. Like we did last year." "You are doing that again?" Bo asks. Luke looks up at his cousin, surprised at his tone and his reluctance to help out at the orphanage. "Dang right we're doing it again. Those kids need Christmas to be special...they need to feel special. Those kids need people like us to bring cheer and excitement to them. Maybe you and Kyla are no longer an item," Luke spits out at Bo, speaking of his ex-girlfriend that he had been seeing last year when they had volunteered at the orphanage. Bo had been the one with the idea to help out in his attempt to patch up their relationship and to have an excuse to be with her. "But those kids still need you. Needs us. They need Christmas. So yeah, I am doing it again. As are you. Do I have to remind you what Christmas is about?" "No," Bo slowly states, "I just wasn't sure we were doing it again. That's all." Luke nods knowingly at his cousin before patting him on the back. "Sure you were," he winks at Bo, "Jesse and Daisy is signing up as well. Cooter even talked about signing up this year. See what you started last year?" Luke pauses as he bends down and begins hammering the nail into the wood, "So let's get this done and over with as so we can get into town and sign up. See what they need help with this year." "Yes sir, Lukas," Bo tiredly states as the wind picks up to send chills running down his back.*
  4. Well with all that went on with Gordon and Burton as well with the penalty going to Kyle Busch, I had forgot some more serious news that had happened at the race in Texas. Guess Sam Hornish Jr. got in an accident or spun out (I didn't see it) and when he did it, his burning brake pad flew up and went went into the eightth floor of the sky box to injure two people. It went in through the window, scarred the carpetting and hit one man in the chest. Another man had glass lodged into his throat. One man was sent to the hospital with non life threatening injuries. Texas speedway must have bad luck for the fans or something. Two years ago a woman had been injured when a bullet went through her RV that was parked at the track. I am very glad to hear that the injuries weren't any worse than what they already were for either person. Who'd thought that something like that could fly that far up, but I guess they are going at top speed and all that.
  5. *Meanwhile across town an eight year old boy sits on the front porch of the large white building that stands proudly behind him. He stares ahead, yet sees nothing that lies ahead. Instead, the only thing that he's seeing is what is in his head. His thoughts lie fixated upon Christmas. Of the past few Christmases he remembers and of the Christmas that looms largely ahead of him. Christmas was always his favorite time of the year. Not only had Santa always came to his house and gave him everything he could possibly want and dream for, but his entire family got together and celebrated. Went to church. And everyone was in a great mood. Even his older brother who had often grouched at him and deemed him too young to be considered a friend or trust worthy. But this year was going to be different. This year there wasn't going to be any family get togethers or celebration, there wouldn't be any going to church with grandma and grandpa, there wouldn't even be any sharing cake with his older brother. This year, Christmas and everything else would be different and the thought sends a tear to his eye. Despite the Christmas tree that had been put up this morning with all the other decorations and everyone singing Christmas songs, Connor Harthens is dreading Christmas. Ever since his parents and his brother had been killed in their car accident eight months ago, nothing has been the same to Connor. Life to him was no longer worth living. Everything was void and seemed to have little meaning. To him, life was no longer fair. First his parents and brother had been taken from him and then the rest of his family had quickly denied him due to their own personal reasons, leaving him an orphan in the Hazzard Orphanage. Where he seems out of place amongst all the other children that are running around in excitement for Santa to come. Connor didn't care if Santa came or not. Through his early teachings at the church and at home, he knew that Santa wouldn't be giving him his parents and brother back no matter how good he had been the past year. There was nothing Santa could do to give him the life he once knew and loved. Connor sighs heavily and hugs his thin knees against his chest, wishing he could just disappear or that everything around him would just disappear. Staring ahead, his heart aches heavily with the thought of the upcoming Christmas and of all that has been robbed of him yet he holds onto the thin hope of happiness tightly of remembering his past Christmases he had shared with his family. Knowing that he may have been robbed of his family and of a special Christmas this year, but he would always have the past Christmases to hold onto. To remember. It may not be much, but to Connor, the past is all that he feels he has to hold onto, to be happy about, the only place he finds hope and happiness at.*
  6. Homestead, Miami Florida. N.C. is a big NASCAR state with most of their garages and what not located there. So yeah I guess it would be logical to think that they would end their season there. Never really thought of it, but it would make sense. LOL. As long as I remember, the last race has been at Homestead, but can't say I know why. Well, don't know how many are interested, but sounds like Gordon and Burton have talked and settled things between them. And as of yet, haven't read of any penalties going their way. . . Though Kyle Busch has gotten fined twenty-five thousand dollars and put on probation through Dec. 31 (his wedding date) for his actions he took on Sunday's race after being held a lap for speeding on pit road. (He gave the official that was standing in front of his car his middle finger that. He had been parked for two laps before being allowed to go back out on the track.)
  7. I am so glad to hear that you are ejoying college and that you are getting along with people. I never missed high school either once I was out. Great hearing from you!

  8. Figured as much, but had to give you a hard time. I guess now we move onto Phoenix...then Homestead. Two more races to go. :( Am already looking forward to Daytona!
  9. You feel bad for what Jeff, Roger? Gordon or Burton? Am hoping you mean Gordon...HA HA. Sorry had to give you a hard time on that one. The drama is definately intensifying...and if I had a hat, I'd be hanging on tightly.
  10. Celebrity Roger...glad to hear you made the air waves once more...or TV waves. Or whatever it is. Never am big on politics, but am sure whatever you had to say is very TV worthy and am happy for you. Congrats.
  11. If the Good Die Young - Tracy Lawrence (Well my first excited response was going to be "Just Good Ol' Boys" but figured I already used that one, so I went with my second choice. . .)
  12. Well, NASCAR has yet to say if they are penalyzing Gordon or not for his actions at yesterday's race. I am hoping that means there isn't any, but am not getting my hopes up too high as of yet. I have been really torn over what had happened, because Burton is an honest driver and doesn't seem to be one to take someone out like that on purpose, but don't see why it had happened; especially under caution. I guess only Jeff Burton knows whether or not he was telling the truth, though as I said, he isn't the type to take people out on purpose. . . Guess NASCAR has their hands full this week with the Texas race. As I said, I didn't watch most of it, but I did see some of it. Saw the part of Gordon's accident and saw the thing with Kyle Busch. He spun out to bring out a caution and he went in to work on his car. He had to hurry back out to beat the pace car in order to be put a lap down and in doing so, he got penalyzed for speeding on pit road. Which is normally a drive through. Well he gave out a list of expletitives at the officials over his radio and then gave the official an inappropriate hand gesture. He was held two laps to put him three laps down since he got lapped by the pace car. Read on NASCAR.com that they could still give him more penalties for his action on pit road. Though did find it interesting that Chad Knaus, Johnson's crew cheif, once Gordon was out of the race, he substituded his own pit crew with Gordon's pit crew...Johnson's pit crew was sent to work on Gordon's wrecked car! (JJ had a couple or a few bad pit stops that had costed him positions on the track. . .) And now just read that the 24's pit crew will now be on the 48's pit box for the rest of the season...two races. Gordon may not be the one getting the championship this year, but it says a whole lotta things about his pit crew when they are requested to be on the 48's pit box in their search to win their fifth straight championship. Am sad to see them leave for JJ, but am happy and excited for them at the same time. Sorry for my rambling...feel bad about not having much to report on. Did hear that Matt Kenseth, who finished second, put on a good fight for the win. Hamlin did end up wi nning the race. Which I am sure General Lee Girl was and is very excited for...am happy for her and all of Hamlin's fans out there reading this...seeing on how he is now 33 points ahead of JJ for the point standings.
  13. Well I only got to watch parts and pieces of today's race, so I missed a lot of the race today. So I apologize for my lack of a report here. I do know that Hamlin won today to put him first over Johnson by thirty-three points. Johnson finished nineth today. Sadly, I did see Jeff Gordon's altercation with Jeff Burton...the race was under caution due to Martin Truex Jr when Jeff Burton got behind Gordon and spun him into the wall! Under caution. Gordon was clearly upset when he walked down the track and they walked towards each other. When Gordon got to Burton he pushed him in the chest and the two pushed each other as the officials seperated them both. Burton claimed full responsibility of the whole incident and said he'd be mad too if he was in Gordon's shoes and that he didn't blame Gordon for showing him his displeasure of what had happened. Gordon was upset and said he lost respect for Burton that he had. Think Gordon thinks Burton did it on purpose, but Burton isn't a driver who would intentionally wreck anyone like that. Then again, I don't blame Jeff for being upset either. Being wrecked during the race is upsetting enough as it is, but under caution makes it only worse. Being a Gordon fan, am upset that it had happened. He fell from fourth in points to sixth in points...unofficially that is. Now I am left waiting until tomorrow or so to see if NASCAR will penalize Gordon or Burton for the whole incident. Gordon several years ago got upset at Kennseth for spinning him on the last lap at Bristol. When Kenseth came to 'apologize' Gordon shoved him once. Gordon got fined ten thousand dollars and put on probation for six months. But the year after Harvick shoved Montoya several times and didn't get penalized for it all. And this year NASCAR has it's new "boys have at it" policy. So I am really hoping that NASCAR will NOT step forward to penalize either Jeff...if any, then Burton. But don't see that happening either. That is all of my opinion of course. Sorry that I don't have much else to report other than that. Know Johnson had a couple of faulty pit stops that the announcers kept talking about. After Gordon's accident, team 48 borrowed Gordon's crew to help them with their own pit stops...must be for strategy since they can only have a limited number of people in the pits.
  14. (This is going to be an RP between Roger and myself. A Christmas story to spread the Christmas spirit and cheer to our readers. A little Christmas story, Hazzard style. ) *Bo Duke sat on the front porch, smelling the cold crisp air of late fall, as his mind was full of the holiday that lies ahead. Christmas. Just the name of Christmas brings a smile to his face. It was always a season of thanks, a season of giving, a season of love and hope. A season where everyone was warm and welcoming to everyong around. Even Boss Hogg and Sheriff Coltrane seemed to be more generous and caring to the people of Hazzard and didn't put up so much speed traps or go out of their way to frame Bo or his cousin, Luke. Even though his favorite time of the year was just around the corner and it still brought the child like excitement within him, this year, he can't help but to feel down and sad. This year had been a hard year for every farmer from their crops to their animals. Nothing had seemed to go right and it was definately the same for the Dukes. Sure Christmas wasn't always about fancy gifts or the big meal that Daisy prepares every year, but to Bo, it wouldn't be the same not being able to go out and buy a special gift for his family or to have that big turkey dinner they always have. But as Uncle Jesse has already said over and over again, almost as if trying to convince himself, that Christmas wasn't about gifts or the meal; it was about Jesus and celebrating his birth. It was about family and celebrating the many gifts they all had been blessed with. Which is what Jesse has always said about Christmas or any other holiday. This year was definately not the only hard year that the Dukes had faced financial wise or farm wise, but to Bo and the others, it seemed worse than it had years before. And as they fight and struggle to put food on the table, pay their mortgage on time, and just to make ends meet, it all brings worry to Bo. Worry that this year, Christmas will come and pass as any other day. That Christmas will be just another day. Sighing heavily, Bo is quick to jump to his feet, feeling restless after sitting on the swing for a couple of minutes. A couple of minutes of premature worry of what the Christmas season will bring or lack bringing. Deep down, he knows he has his family, his health, and his friends and as always things will work out. If not, then it wasn't meant to be. Worrying about it would only waste time and energy. "There you are, Beaureguard," Bo is quick to turn around at the familiar voice just as Luke steps out of the farm and onto the porch. Bo inhales deeply to gain composure over his temper at Luke using the name he hated so much. The name he used to poke and prod at him in order to upset him, the name Luke often used when he himself was mad at him. "you were suppose to meet me at the barn ten minutes ago. What's your problem?" "I don't have a problem," Bo quickly snaps at his cousin, feeling tense and upset enough as it was, "I figured since you ran off to get something in our room, I'd wait for you on the porch rather than in the barn. You're the one that was hiding in the house when we shoulda gotten a head start on our chores." Luke shakes his head and digs his hands into his back pockets. "I went out the side door. You know, the one closest to the barn," his voice is thick of sarcasm, "Now that we wasted our time waitin' on each other, let's get started on that fence you wrecked yesterday messing around." Bo takes a deep breath and sighs once more. "It wasn't I that wrecked the fence, it was Cooter and his lack of ability to drive a car," Bo throws back at him before walking past Luke and down onto the driveway. "Blame Cooter all you want," Luke slowly joins him, "but it was you who challenged him to a race. Not him or I. But seeing how I'm nice and all," Luke places a caring hand upon Bo's shoulder, "I've agreed to help you fix your mistake. Let's get going so we can get it fixed and move onto the rest of our chores." Bo nods slowly and follows his brown haired cousin to the farm where their tools and wood would be stored to fix the fence. Walking along side of Luke, Bo silently wonders how Luke could remain so calm and collected over any problem that comes their way whether it be from Hogg or money or the upcoming Christmas holiday.*
  15. Wow Hoss...that looks to be a scary ride! I am so glad to hear that he recovered and sounded like he succeeded afterwards. I think I would be afraid to climb back in the car after wrecking like that. Looks worse than NASCAR, at least NASCAR their heads are inside the car and not bouncing on the cement like that. I watched the Indy 500 last year and I can't remember what happened, but remember a bad accident happening and wondering how he could just climb out of the car and be OK after that. They look so vulnerable with the open air around their head like that. NASCAR has a lot of safety things around them. From the track, the walls, the car,and the uniforms...even their shoes and gloves. They've really stepped up to ensue the driver's and fans' safety.
  16. I am glad to hear that it wasn't just me that felt that way about the commentator's lack of interest in AJ's wreck. I felt bad for AJ not getting the attention I felt he should have received for his bad accident. I felt they were being insensitive to the whole situation and handled it poorly. I was and am very glad that he is OK after crashing as he had. That wasn't the worse accident that I've seen in NASCAR or Talledega. Just last year, the spring race, on the last lap and ten feet from the checkered flag, Brad Keselowski was trying to pass Carl Edwards for the win, Edwards blocked him and Keselowski got into the rear of his car to send Edwards' car flying in the air and into the fence...lucky they have that large curving wire fence over the track fense, because if not, his car was going to be going into the stands. Fans did get hurt. Edwards luckily climbed out OK and felt bad for the fans that were hurt. (Edwards this spring in Atlanta went back after Brad for an incident in that Atlanta race that took Edwards out for a hundred laps, ten laps to go Edwards went to spin Brad out and Brad ended up flipping in the same fashion as Carl did in Talledega last Spring.) I can think of a couple of bad accidents that Gordon got into as well as a few other bad accidents. But I am not taking anything away from AJ's accident. It was bad and the fact that ESPN didn't cover it, made it worse I felt. I highly doubt that the wreck changed his opinion about Talledega for the better. . . Talledega is a fast track and they do go four or five wide. It is known for bad accidents or accidents taking out half the field as it did in the spring race. It is a race I look forward to, but hold my breath all at the same time hoping that Gordon doesn't get involved in a wreck and that everyone will walk away alright at the end of the day. Dang Hoss...you ruin all the fun! I'd have loved to explain the lucky dog...LOL. You are very welcome. I enjoy writing about the races and it gives me a reason to talk about the race as well. Thank-you for posting, I enjoy reading what others thought of the race or of what I had posted.
  17. Spring (am already looking forward to spring to come! )
  18. I apologize if I got it wrong...it is known to happen from time to time with me. But seriously, I'm sorry. I thought you said that, but maybe I just interpretted it. Who knows with me. But I'm sorry. Chad Knaus and the entire 48 team has a lot to do with his success. He may have wins and a couple of championships without them, but he wouldn't have as much success as he has now without those guys backing him up. And perhaps they have their secrets, I am not one to argue with you or anyone about something I know nothing of. But I do know that Rick Hendrick is big on the whole organization sharing notes and information with one another as well as car set ups and all that. Not to say that JJ could be holding stuff back from his own team and if that is the case...shame on him. LOL. He has his pitcrew to thank for his talent, but I do believe he owes Gordon a few thanks as well. After all, it was Gordon who recognized his talent when he was still in the Busch Series...now the Nationwide Series. You must think very highly if you think JJ is going to win ten championships in a row...HA HA. He may win it this year...hopefully...but next year is all Gordon. HA HA. I hope that is true, but am joking. If NASCAR wants to stop JJ from going ahead with this streak of his, they need to throw the chase out the window or do some MAJOR changes to it. The chase and the way they have it now fits JJ's style perfectly. But NASCAR does something to ruin Johnson's chances to win it, then to me, that is just wrong. As I said, the only way NASCAR can honestly stop Johnson is to get rid of the chase or fix it so that it doesn't fit his style as it does now. (Talking of his crew, I have often thought that it would be great to see JJ and Jr switch crew cheifs and see what would happen with both drivers. What y'all think? )
  19. Here is the top ten finishes of yesterday's race: 1. Clint Bowyer 2. Kevin Harvick 3. Juan Pablo Montoya 4. David Reutimann 5. Joey Lagano 6. Martin Truex Jr 7. Jimmie Johnson 8. Jeff Gordon 9. Denny Hamlin 10. Brad Keselowski
  20. Congratulations Lori! You are very deserving of this honor! (Garrett nods in agreement though lacks the enthusiasm that I have for you. )
  21. Thanks Roger! You did an awesome job of writing and leading it! Thanks!

  22. *Bo watches and listens in as he slowly makes his way over to where Luke and Daisy are standing, looking on in amazement themselves. "Looks like we missed about everything while we was away," Luke slowly states, elbowing Bo in his sore ribs before giving Bo a tight hug that Bo is quick to return. "At least y'all were able to hold off the last of all the action until Daisy and I showed up." "Yeah Sugar, it was the least you could do," Daisy joins in jokingly as she gives Bo a hug before she runs over toward Jesse, once again feeling safe. "We're glad to find y'all OK after all that Cooter had told us." Bo slowly nod, glad to have Luke and Daisy back once again. Life didn't seem whole without them. Especially having the room to himself after so many years of sharing it with Luke. Was too quiet. Bo was just as glad to see the beasts' true identity revealed and to see this adventure coming to an end and Bo is just as excited at the thought of getting away from the swamp and returning home once more. Excited at the thought that life may be returning to normal. As close to normal that Hazzard could allow at least.*
  23. Thanks Roger... Would have been interesting to see Bo out there racing and Luke as a crew chief. Wonder if he'd be as good as Chad Knaus. . . It was a crazy race... I don't know what gave Gordon the idea that he was blowing up. I assumed he felt like he was going to blow, but maybe his tempterature guage was telling him he was...I dont' know. They said they were going to talk about it on the following show, but was too frustrated that they wouldn't just say it, that I gave up on ESPN and went on the computer. I would really like to know what it was. Hopefully someone on his fan forum will know or that he'll say on his site. You are a lot more positive about ESPN and it's commentors than I am, Roger. I just went with that they were being insensitive and were talking about what they thought would be of the most interest. To me, I was more interested in AJ than who had finished first or second. Perhaps if one of 'em where Gordon or Johnson I'd feel differently, but I'd still would be worried or interested in AJ as well. I just thought they did the whole thing wrong and if they were arguing with which to talk about or to give attention with, I feel like they went the wrong way. They could always make a big deal over the finish...as they always do...after NASCAR made the official ruling. But you did put a positive attitude upon the situation which is always a good thing and sometimes I need a reminder or a fresher outlook on things. And you are very right...a person's life is more important than who finishes where and who is where in the standings. You are very welcome. I enjoy writing about the race and the points...or anything NASCAR if you can't tell. We have three races left of the season...Texas, Phoenix, and then Homestead! I can't believe it is that time of year again and am dreading the end of Homestead where I'll have to wait three months until Daytona. Then I'll be going into withdrawls...
  24. Talledega just ended...87 lead changes throughout the whole race! It was apparent from the drop of the green flag, that finding a bump draft partner was important for today's race. (As is every Talledega race.) If all that didn't prove to the drivers that drafting would be a big deal, then I think Denny Hamlin proved it when he lost his draft partner and he dramatically fell back. He lost a lap, but was able to get back on the lead lap once again to finish nineth (unofficially). Tony Stewart's tire went down early in today's race and he went two laps down, but ended up on the lead lap. JJ and Gordon hung out in the back all day today in order to avoid "the big one". Though as of past Talledega races, the big one never really came. They had a couple of big accidents that involved a couple of cars, but not the one that collects half of the field as is normally the case at Talledega. With fifteen laps to, Chad Knaus (JJ's crew cheif) told him to go and Gordon got teamed with JJ and in three laps went from the back of the field to the lead! Though after leading one lap, Gordon yelled that he was going to blow and got out of the way as to not blow in front of JJ. Though, oddly enough, Gordon didn't blow up at all. He fell back to twentyth, but did get a top ten finish. Wish I knew what had happened...oh well. Am definately nto complaining. Though earlier in the race, Junior had a great race and was up in front most of the race. Led 24 laps. Burton had a fast car all day too and was drafting with others. The two were drafting and they didn't align properly or something and Burton went down and hit Jamie McMurray and went up to hit Jr into the wall. Jr did come back out but it was several laps behind everyone else. Burton was done for and was clearly frustrated when he kicked his car in the grass area of the field. Well as they went past the white flag, Kevin Harvick who was leading with a damaged race car due to another accident. Halfway through, Bowyer somewhat passed him when AJ Allmindinger got spun around and ended up going hood over wheels several times that had froze the feild. (NASCAR has a rule that if the caution comes out under white flag, the race is finished.) It took them a long time to see who was winning the race at the time the caution went out, but it ended up going to Clint Bowyer. Though I have to admit that I am kinda frustrated with how ESPN handled the whole thing. I understand that it was a close and exciting finish, but they gave little attention to AJ Allmindinger who hit the wall and flipped his car SEVERAL times. In fact the only replay of the accident that they showed at first was to see where Harvick and Bowyer finished. They did kind of show it later on, but they never talked to AJ once he got out of the incare field center and didn't say if he was OK or not until the very end of the program. Granted with the safety barrier on the wall and all the safety equipment in the car and on their uniform, that it helps them and protects them and gives you a sense that they are OK. But not neccesarily. To me, it was scary to see him or anyone roll like that and hit the wall that hard and yet they gave it little attention as they were paying all their attention to who won the race. Am I the only one that feels that way or saw it as that way? I was going to list the top ten finishes of today's race were, but I will wait until later this week to do it...I'll try for tomorrow when everything is made official. They had a hard time establishing as to who finished where...in fact at first they had Johnson finishing 8th and Hamlin finishing 7th which would have put Johnson only two points ahead of Hamlin.Then at the end they had Johnson seventh, Gordon 8th, and Hamlin nineth. I just went and looked at the finish positions and they still had Harvick listed as the leader and Gordon at tenth. (I'd take eightth over tenth for Gordon Though still would rather have a top five or better yet, a win )
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