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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Awww what a cutie you have there Min! I love the name as well. Thanks for posting and updating us with a new picture. Hope you all are doing great.
  2. I know what you mean though...the characters just grow on you and become a part of you. I couldn't get rid of Garrett. Though it'd probably save me a lot of trouble if I did. Funny thing is, is when I started out it was Kristy that was my strong and more alive muse and Garrett was just in the background. The past few years it has been the opposite for some odd reason. Garrett must have kicked my nice quiet muse to the side and took over. Sounds like something he would do. ;)

    Once more...it was great hearing from you and is just as great hearing that Lori is still up and kicking. Hope she is behaving herself for you and that your writing is going great! :D

    (Sorry for all the posts here...kept getting the too long message. LOL Oh and for the help...any help would be great.)

  3. Am soooooo glad you didn't finish Lori off. Garrett and I would be heartbroken to see that happen. He's lonely enough that she moved out of Hazzard. He's probably jealous of her too. He despises Hazzard, though I don't see why. I'd love to move to Hazzard. Just another example how Garrett and I don't see eye to eye on things. HA HA.

  4. Lori - It was great hearing from you as always!

    That dang POV always tripping me up. For my single stories, it is always third POV, and my series has always been first. I guess I feel more comfortable going with first, but then I had someone say it was confusing because I wrote the law and bad guys in third POV. (Don't know how that originated...) So that is what started the whole thing. I know halfway through my other series story I had thought of switching or wishing I was writing in third, but now I don't know. (Sorry if I am rambling here. . .) What do you think?

    I guess the more I think about it, I'd feel more comfortable doing it the way I have been doing it. Then again, it always takes me awhile to adjust to change and to stick with routine is my comfort zone. I wish there was sure answer here...I'd be halfway done on my story by now. (OK probably exaggerating there. Garrett would always find another way to trip me up!)

  5. You just had to use that one, didn't you? LOL. When I saw Hoss' FUNKY TOWN, I was just about to put down My Town when I saw your post...dang, it should be my song. Just look at my signature statement! LOL. Sorry, couldn't help but to give you a hard time over that one. Took me awhile to find another song to go with it after looking for songs with Town in it, but finally thought of one! (I was too busy thinking in the Country genre. Lucky for me I have two kinds of music I listen to. )
  6. Funky Jesus Music - Toby Mac (I am sooo excited! In six days I am going to be seeing him (Toby Mac), Third Day, and Michael W. Smith in concert with writer Max Lucado! All are rock Christian music artist.)
  7. My favorite non-Duke? I'd have to go with Cooter and Rosco. I agree with what Brian said above...we all need someone like Jesse to talk to. Denver Pyle did an awesome job playing the part of Uncle Jesse.
  8. *Bo watches his uncle go into the tent, frustrated at letting the boar go, but glad that Jesse was alright after his incident. Sighing heavily and feeling exhaustion sweep over his aching body, he too makes his way into the tent to stiffly lie back down where he had been before the boar had startled him. He goes to close his eyes with thoughts of returning to the stats to block out any more thought of the beast, but surprisingly, falls fastly asleep and into vivid scenes of the beast running after and attacking them.*
  9. Well things in NASCAR has seemed to settle down a bit since Bowyer's penalty which has resulted in not a lot to report here. Know what they say...no news is good news. Though do have some newsworthy news to report. . . I guess in the early laps of Saturday night's race, Kasey Kahne's (number 9 Bud car) brakes went out and ended up in an accident with Sam Hornish Jr. (Didn't see the first three fourths of the race, so am only going by what Yahoo! NASCAR site says.) Well Kahne I guess got upset at his crew over the radio for his breaks going out for the second time in two weeks, three times all year this year. He refused to get back in the car after his crew got the car repaired, claiming illness, and JJ Yeley ended up racing the rest of the race for him. (Ironically, Kahne was well enough to run in his 5K run Sunday Morning.) As of now, Kasey Kahne is out of the number nine car and will be driving the number 83 Toyota Red Bull car for the remainder of the season...five races. Aric Almorilo (Sp?) will be racing Kahne's number nine car this Sunday which is for Richard Petty Racing. For all that don't know, Kahne was originally to race this whole year with his number nine crew and go over to Red Bull Racing for a year until Mark Martin's contract is up and race the number 5 car for Rick Hendrick in 2012. So I guess he'll get a head start on his Red Bull racing.
  10. Upstairs, Down town - TK (Toby Keith )
  11. *Concerned for his Uncle, Bo glances over at him first to see if he's OK before slowly walking over and picks up the shot gun off the ground before hearing the grunting sound once more. A moment later, finds a bright flash light that he shines around the area before it stops upon a large wild boar several feet away that is now stopped and is bent over eating something from the ground. With the light on it, the boar grunts louder and runs off and into the swamp. For a moment, Bo's instincts grab a hold of him and he takes a couple of steps forward towards it in thought of going after it and killing it before his mind returns to Jesse and he comes to a halt. Bo quickly runs over to Jesse to help free his foot while feeling the heat melting away from the fire onto Bo's bare back. "It was only a wild boar. Too bad we weren't back home, I'd have. . ." he lets his sentence fade away before asking in great concern, "You OK Uncle Jesse?"*
  12. Writing Dukes or not, I am glad that you come back. It wouldn't be the same without you.. As for me, things are fine. Writing has come to a halt. Had a great idea off the bat after finishing my other series story, but that went to a halt with my great decision whether to do it in first or third POV. Still haven't made up my mind. Have a single third POV that I am writing, but have been too busy and too tired to pay much attention to it.

    Hope you are writing something other than the Dukes, if not the Dukes. ;) Can't let you muse down, you know? LOL

  13. *Staring at the inside of his eye lids, Bo silently forces himself to think of old NASCAR stats from his favorite driver before switching over to stats of Luke's and Cooter's favorite drivers. Anything to keeps his mind off of the beast that continues to lurk somewhere around the swamp as well as the throbbing pain that insists on keeping him awake. Five hours into the night and yet he has yet to get even a minute of actual sleep as his thoughts and the pain refuses to leave him alone. Yet he remains too stubborn to open his eyes, to sit up, or to stretch out his throbbing leg. Knowing Jesse planned on staying awake after stubbornly insisting on keeping guard through out the night, Bo refused to let Jesse know he wasn't sleeping. That he couldn't sleep. Even if his head, back, and leg continued to throb. It would only worry Jesse and it would accomplish anything if he were to open his eyes and let the truth be known to Jesse. Finishing the stats, his thoughts begin to fade back to the beast of being thrown to the ground and the beasts hateful eyes staring down at him. Frustrated, he forces his thoughts away from the beast and back to NASCAR, this time of sitting down with Luke and Cooter to watch a race on Cooter's fuzzy TV set. Of the race at his favorite track, when his driver out drove their driver to win the race on the last lap. Of Luke's and Cooter's yells in frustration that Bo's excited cheers had drowned out. Abruptly the thick and intense silence that had captured the swamp is shattered by a loud grunting sound, just as the beast had made when Bo had accidently walked upon it, and followed by, what sounds to Bo, like large heavy foot prints running around. No longer able to control himself, Bo shoots up yelling in fear as his earlier encounter with the beast hits him strongly. Of the fear and the knowledge that he wasn't getting out of the swamp alive. That the beast will be the last thing he would see before he fell into the other side. Of the pain that the beast could envoke upon him. More pain than what he had already was feeling due to the attack. Breathing hard, Bo forces himself to be silent as he bites onto his lower lip as the dark tent seems to spin rapidly within him as his quick movement to sit up sends his throbbing head to hurt worse than it already had. "Damn it," he cusses aloud before thinking of Jesse nearby and he guiltily looks up at Jesse to find him asleep on the chair. "Jesse!" Bo hears him call out, half thinking of taking his shot gun himself to see what is out there and half thinking he don't want to go and see what is out there. His last experience with the beast was enough to last him a lifetime, if not more so.
  14. Put your lovin' on me - Tim McGraw
  15. Please, Don't Go, Girl - New Kids on the Block
  16. Please tell me I didn't lose you . . . again! ;) Hope all is well and that your dad is doing better. Hope you find the job that you will enjoy doing. Hope to hear from you soon!

  17. Hi Lori...glad you found something that you feel you are good at. Just too bad it's not the Dukes. I always thought you were good at the Dukes. ;) Glad you still hang out around here though. Be kinda lonely without you here! take care!

  18. Get Ready get set...don't go - Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus
  19. *"Yee Haa!" Bo lets out an excited yell at Cooter's news only for the throbbing in his head to scream back at him in pain and to recieve a stern look from Jesse. "Sorry Uncle Jesse," Bo wobbles over to a big rock and sits back down on it to rest, "but after hearing Luke and Daisy are coming back, well, I couldn't help myself." Bo goes silent, thinking of his argument with Luke, silently wondering if he'll be back on talking terms when they return home. "As for all of this," Bo motions around them, hinting upon what Jesse was talking about before he went on the walkie talkie, "As long as you are sure he won't eat us tonight, I'm more than willing to help out in any way I can. Even if it includes a sleepless night in the swamp." Bo swallows hard at the last thought. He would rather come back and stop the monster come day light, but he wasn't about to be the one to coward out of it for the night. Especially when he felt he had a score to settle with the beast. "How you plan on stopping the beast before it hurts anyone else? And without it hurting us in the process? I don't see it just walking in a cage and letting us lock him away for eternity. . .and you seem reluctant upon shooting it with your shot gun. What else you thinkin' of doing?" He turns and watches his uncle in anticipation of his answer.*
  20. Hi Cowboy...I am really glad to see you back at HNet. Hope all is great with you. Also glad to see MA reduce your sentence to a more workable bail. :)

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