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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Ok it is three words, but figured it went here since it was the same word. Sorry for all the NKOTB songs...the songs just kinda come to mind when I am posting here. Hope y'all ain't too sick of them...
  2. *Mr. Grant nods at Connor with a smile of satisfaction upon seeing Connor's smile for the first time since he had entered the orphange. "Well, I trust Bo and Luke enough that they will take good care of you and will drive within the speed limits and safely while you are in their car," with this Mr. Grant eyes Bo and Luke sternly who quickly nod in understandment. Looking back at Connor, he continues, "So I will agree to let them take you for a ride in that car of their's, but only if you all agree to be back in an half an hour. Understand?" "Yes sir," Bo and Luke agree to his terms quickly before glancing over at Connor who grows serious for a long moment in thought. Connor glances up at the boys and up at Mr. Grant and slowly nods. A half hour didn't seem to be enough time to him, but he knew better than to argue with authority. And a half hour was better than nothing. "Yes sir," he slowly agrees. ******** Several minutes later Luke and Connor are strapped in the back seat of The General despite Connor's plea to sit in the front with Bo. "Where to?" Bo asks as he backs he pulls out of the drive way of the orphanage and onto the dirt rorad. He glances into the rear view mirror briefly at Connor and Luke before glancing up at the road that lies ahead. Connor eyes Bo in the front before looking out of his window, looking at what he views as freedom from the cell that he had been placed within when he had lost his parents and his brother. Looking back at Bo he takes a deep breath and asks, "Can I ask you a favor?" "Sure you can," Bo is quick to speak up, wanting to do anything he can to please Connor. "Would you mind taking me to the cementry to visit my family and perhaps the church?" he goes silent, knowing he is asking a lot, and feeling guilty for using Bo and Luke in order to get out and to go to their grave. Not that he had lied, he was excited to see their car and to ride in it, but deep down, he knew he had other motives for wanting to go for a ride. "I'm sorry. You don't have to if you don't want to. You are already -" "Of course we can, can't we Luke?" Bo asks as he glances down at his speedometer to make sure he is within the speed zone. Looking up, he glances in his rearview mirror at Connor only to notice the sheriff's car right on his bumper a moment before the loud wail of his sirens penetrate the silent day. "Damn...I mean dang," Bo cusses before catching himself, "what he want now? I'm doing the speed limit." "I don't know what he wants, but I think our only option right now is to pull over and see what he wants," Luke states as he turns around to see how close the sheriff is.
  3. Think this has been used already, but I had to use it. I was a huge Billy Ray fan for the longest time.
  4. Well y'all...sorry to put your them of Weird Al songs to rest, but I had to post the New Kids again. I am a fan of their older music, though do have thier latest CD and do like some of their newer music (some is too suggestive for me) this is off thier latest album and is one of my favorite songs on that album.
  5. Well once again, I apologize for slacking in my duties on relaying the points of the Nationwide series. I didn't forget about it, but with all that has been going on with the Sprint Series, it kinda got put on the back burner so that the Sprint Cup series news and what not wouldn't overshadow the Nationwide Series on the main page...if all that makes sense. So without further wait, here is the top ten in the point standings of the Nationwide Series: 1. Brad Keselowski (First championship won by him, though had to say with his big point lead he had throughout the last half of the season, am not surprised to see that he won the championship.) 2. Carl Edwards (-445 behind Keselowski. But still predictable at finishing second due to the points drop to third place.) 3. Kyle Busch (-705. Just to show the point gap.) 4. Justin Allgaier 5. Paul Menard 6. Kevin Harvick 7. Trevor Bayne 8. Joey Lagono 9. Jason Leffler 10. Steven Wallace Six drivers out of the top ten in points in the Nationwide Series are regular Sprint Cup drivers as well. I understand the just Nationwide Series drivers are just starting out and need experience and to drive against the best drivers in the sport is a great experience for them. But I still think that they should keep the Sprint Cup drivers out of the Nationwide Series and let the Nationwide Series drivers race against themselves...perhaps they'd win a little more and show more of their real talent and potential than they could when they are driving against the likes of Kevin Harvick who finished third in the Sprint Series race or the rest of the Sprint Cup drivers...Brad Keselowski is even a full time Sprint Cup driver. (As is Carl Edwards, Kyle Busch, Joey Lagano, and Paul Menard.) My opinion. Have to admit, even though I slacked in posting on here, it has been interesting to follow the drivers in the Nationwide series. I don't and haven't watched a Nationwide series race in a long time, but seeing the names and points while doing this has gotten me to at least know the up and coming names in the NASCAR series. Perhaps I will find more time come February to start watching the Nationwide Series along with the Sprint Cup. (78 more days to go...)
  6. Ron Santo died yesterday at the age of seventy due to bladder cancer. Ron played his entire professional baseball career with the Chicago Cubs and was the radio announcer for the Cubs games after that. Of all that I had heard of him, he was a great baseball player and seemed to be a great guy all together. He will be deeply missed in Chicago and all of the Cubs fans. (This is just not a good year to be a Cubs fan. Don't know if there are any other Cubs fans on the board, but not only did they have a horrible season, in my opinion, they also traded some very valuable Cubs players during the Cubs season (especially Derek Lee...never underst and why they traded him for...). If that wasn't enough, they didn't hire Ryne Sandberg (my all time favorite baseball player) to be their manager and he is no longer in the Cubs organization. And now we have lost an all time great ball player in Ron Santo. Very sad.) Sorry y'all...I just had to vent for a moment. May Ron's soul rest in peace. Him and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers as they deal with this difficult time.
  7. Well, I for one, am having a hard time believing that the 2010 NASCAR season is over and that I am left waiting three months until the next race. It just seems wrong not to have a race on to watch on Sundays! Well lucky for me that there is a few breaks in the off season that either have a preseason race or for this instance, the award ceremony. The NASCAR award ceremony will be in Las Vegas as it was last year and only the top ten drivers are allowed to be there. This year award ceremony will be on Friday, December 3, 2010 at 9:00 PM (I assume EST since most are on that time zone, but it don't say, so I'd check your local listing to be sure on the time. . .) on the SPEED channel. It will be hosted by Frank Caliendo and will have performances by Rascl Flatts and Viva Elvis. 2010 NASCAR Championship Ceremony Here is the link with more detail of the show for all that want to watch it. I watched it last year and I found it entertaining...then again, Gordon and Johnson were on there and it was NASCAR related so my opinion is very biased.
  8. *Connor watches as the kids all file back into the orphanage, silently wondering why they are going inside for, before his thoughts return to the orange car he had sat in only momentarily ago. Luke on the other hand watches silently as the kids run screaming and yelling back into the orphanage with Daisy closley running after them with her own excited yell. He is quick to realize where they are going and why they are returning to the orphanage and he silently questions if they are doing the right thing. They all had came to the orphanage for all the kids. Not just one kid. But as he watches Connor hold Bo's hand with a look of excitement wonder, he can't help but to hope to give him a ride in The General. "It's starting to look like we should have ran all this past Jesse and Daisy first before doing all of this," Luke whispers in Bo's ear, "Looks like we're making them run all over the place just to hide all of this from the other kids. Don't seem quite fair." "Well Lukas, if you haven't noticed, life ain't fair either," Bo snaps in a whisper back to Luke, "anyway, I'm sure they'll get over it." "Daisy and Jesse may, but the other kids? We may be taking them all for a ride in The General if we don't watch it," Luke slowly responds while eyeing Connor to make sure he isn't overhearing them. "and by doing that, we'd be sidetracking all of them from Jesse's choir, which was his entire purpose." Bo shrugs. "Then let them sing and we go for a ride. End of story," Bo states as if that was a simple answer. Bo goes silent as Connor lets go fo his hand and is quick to run to Mr. Grant who stands at the stairs watching the kids and Daisy go inside. "Mr. Grant!" Connor yells running up to the director, "Can I go for a ride in Bo's General? Please."*
  9. Yeah born on Thanksgiving...and oh yeah, your birthday too! Sorry couldn't help myself. Thought of that as well when I posted your belated birthday wish on your page.
  10. Hoss...happy belated birthday! I hope you had a fun and special day and that you got to eat lots of cake. Sorry this is soooo late!

  11. Guess I'm the only one to think the garage and pit crew...or should I say driver...swap is a big deal. LOL. Then again, it does effect Gordon. If it didn't, I probably wouldn't think much about it either. Now I have 83 more days to wait to see how all that change will work out for the three drivers. HA HA. Well as y'all probably know by now, Gordon and Johnson are my two favorite drivers and Hendrick is my favorite racing team. But I do have to admit that I am excited to know that Richard Petty or should I say, his team of cars, will be racing in 2011. It just didn't seem or feel right that the king of NASCAR not to be involved in NASCAR or have a team racing in NASCAR. It was reported that RPM (Richard Petty Motorsports) will be racing in 2011, but has cut his four car team in half and will have two cars racing. It will be AJ Allmindinger who had a good season this year for RPM and Marcos Ambrose who had signed up to take over Kasey Kahne's number 9 car next year before RPM stated their financial problems. (I am also happy for AJ and Marcos to know that they will be racing next year. Am sure they both were worried about next year at the end of this season...) Also, it was reported that George Gillett...the man who owned most of RPM and went bankrupt has left RPM and Richard Petty has a new co-owner of his team. I am hoping them all the best in 2011 (After Hendrick Motorsports...of course. ) Congratulations to Jamie McMurray and his wife Kristy who welcomed a baby boy into the world on Thanksgiving morning. (This year seems to be the year of NASCAR wives to have babies...LOL. Elliot Sadler, Juan Pablo Montoya, Jimmie Johnson, Jeff Gordon, and Ryan Newman's wives all had babies this year...hopefully I am not missing anyone there. LOL)
  12. Wow Roger...I'm gone for just a few days and look at how much you change since I've been gone! Don't know if I'd have recognized ya with all that bling on without reading this thread...good thing I read it first, otherwise I might not have believed my eyes and thought I was imagining things for the worse! PS: Always knew you were a true dedicated Duke fan, but all them tattooes...didn't it hurt? You are wayyyyyyyyyyy more dedicated than I am...
  13. Well here is a live version of the song which makes me want to see them in concert again...seven more months and I will. LOL. Hope you are tired of the NKOTB yet. Just some odd info...Donnie Wahlberg from the beginning of the video is now on a TV series on CBS Friday nights called "Blue Bloods" he is the older son Danny who is a cop. Great show if I say so myself.
  14. *Bo carefully helps Connor into the window of the driver's seat while Luke climbs into the passenger seat to sit next to Connor. For a moment, Connor's worries and anger evaporates in sheer excitement as he stares down at the steering wheel and at the dashboard. Never before had he been allowed to sit in the driver's seat. Except for a few times with dad, but any other times, Connor had been deemed as too young or too small. Gripping onto the steering wheel he peers over to stare at the group of kids that are grouped around the older man and the lady several feet away. He watches them while wishing that they were here to see him, to see that he was allowed in what was named The General Lee and to see all their bullying faces turn into jealousy. Jealousy of little ol him who could never do anything right in their eyes. He silently shrugs it away as he glares down at the dashboard and down at the CB and for a long while he is no longer at the orphanage, but driving The General on the dirt road. Road racing against another racer with the sheriff chasing them, he imagines using the CB to radio in for help. "What you think, Connor?" Bo asks to pull Connor out of his transe and Connor looks up with a huge smile at Bo. "I love it! Charlie would love it!" he exclaims before falling silent in realization of what he had said, of where he is at, and why. "Who's Charlie?" Luke asks to break the silence and as he sees the long sad face fall over Connor's face, Luke slowly places a comforting hand upon his small tense shoulder. "He was my older brother. He was killed in an car accident eight months ago," Connor pauses to fight back his tears, "with my parents. That's why I'm stuck here. With them." He motions towards all the kids several feet away. "We're sorry about that, Connor. About everything," Bo speaks in through the open window, "I wish we could do something to help things better for you. For all of you kids here. We're here to help out with Christmas, but that don't seem to be enough." The car goes silent and Connor roughly wipes at his eyes. "Everyone's sorry, but it don't help none. Don't bring them back," Connor says in a whisper. "We know it don't. Nothing will bring them back or replace them, but we can at least be your friend. Someone to talk to or to turn to," Luke shrugs, not knowing what to say to make things better. "That's what Bo here says," Connor points to Bo who leans in through the window, "which he also said I could honk the horn. How I do that?" Bo gives a smile of relief at Connor changing the uncomfortable subject. "Well you just hit here," Bo shows Connor how to make the horn to work and as the familiar tune of "Dixie" fills the air, Bo glances up at the kids several feet away turn and look their way from Daisy. "Wow! I've never heard a horn sound like that!" Connor's eyes light up, "Hey! Could I have a ride? Please?!" "Well," Luke eyes Bo, "that's something we're going to have to ask Mr. Grant for." Luke pulls himself out of the open window and Bo helps Connor out through the driver's door. "Well let's go!" Connor exclaims taking Bo by the hand and quickly begins to walk towards Mr. Grant where he stands behind Jesse and Daisy.*
  15. Hmmm don't recall them talking about Michael Shumocker (Sp?) but then again, I didn't watch the highlights. Though Michael Shumocker was mentioned on Cars...the movie. LOL. Gotta love that movie. Kyle Busch did take ages to get out of his wrecked car. I have to admit, I am NOT a Kyle Busch fan, but he had me worried and yelling at him to get out of his car. Am very glad to see him get out and walk around, to be OK. It was scary with all that fire and all. They didn't talk that much at all about the pit road man getting hit other than a couple of minutes, if that. Felt like they made a bigger deal out of Kevin Harvick getting caught speeding than Harvick hitting the tire changer. Which Kevin being in the mix of the championship, getting caught speeding was a big deal, but think him hitting the crew member should have been a bigger deal. **** OK I first saw this on Yahoo's! NASCAR page and then went and looked it up on Youtube.com (thanks Hoss for getting me hooked...lol) I thought I would put it on here for y'all to see. It was interesting. Just a little background...NASCAR put it out there at the beginning of the season that they were going to allow the drivers to police themselves and have an "have at it, boys" attitude and not to step in as much as they were doing in order to get back TV ratings and race attendance. So the video is of some of the accidents or occurances that happened due to their have at it boys new rule. I found it interesting and some of it funny...even found myself laughing at Gordon shoving Burton. Anyway, let me know what you think... (They have them rapping when the drivers and Pembleton are talking)(Warning...the drivers did swear a couple of times during the mix.)
  16. Thanks Meadowmufn for posting that...sadly I missed out on it. Then again, maybe it's a good thing I did miss out on it...for my checkbook that is. LOL. Even with the discount, I am sure I would find a way to spend too much.
  17. *Luke Duke was in the middle of his favorite Christmas story, telling it to a large group of smiling and excited kids, when he had noticed that Bo was no longer in the group. While using excited facial expressions and raising his voice to excite the story, he continued his story while he stole his attention away from the kids. Anger had momentarily crept within him at Bo in thoughts of Bo walking off in his attempt to escape helping out at the orphange. But his anger was quick to dissipate as he finally sees Bo at the orphanage cement stairs, his right foot placed upon the fourth step, his elbows planted upon his knee while a thin boy sits in front of him. Luke stutters in his story as he sees the grief and anguish that is spread across the boy's cute face, giving Bo angry looks to silently yell at Bo to get away. Though Bo continues to talk amidably to the boy, either ignoring the boy's silent cries to leave him alone or remains ignorant of what the looks are telling him. Glancing back at the kids he gives them another smile and using his hands, he finishes his story to recieve a wave of laughter and applause. "Now if you excuse me, I need to have a word with my other cousin over there," Luke states as he pats Daisy on the shoulder, motioning her to take over, "Daisy knows a good share of stories herself." Daisy nods as Luke moves away and joins Bo at the steps and his heart is filled with grief at the sight of the boy that seems to be angry at the world. Luke assumes it is his way of dealing with grief and his hardships. "Well Bo, who you got here?" He finally asks and Bo jumps slightly to look up. "Oh hi Luke. I didn't hear you," Bo forces a nervous smile at him, "well this here is Connor. Connor this is my older cousin I was telling you about. This here is Luke." "Hey there Connor," Luke smiles at him to receive a silent glare from the boy, "it's nice meeting you." Connor looks away. "I was just about to show Connor The General, wasn't I, Connor?" Bo asks and Connor scoots back into the stair as if trying to shrink away from the two cousins. Bo had gotten him to open up slightly at the mention of showing him The General, but now with Luke showing up, the boy attempts to rehide himself within himself. "Mind if Luke comes with? I promise he don't bite besides he helped build The General as well...only fitting if he was with us. You know?" Connor eyes Bo and then looks up at Luke wishing to be left alone yet yearning to trust the two cousins, especially Bo. He finally shrugs and looks away from Luke at Bo, as if ignoring Luke would make him to disappear. "Can I honk the horn?" Connor states his first true sentence to Bo. "Sure, but it ain't no ordinary horn. I can tell you that...you'll love it. C'mon, let's go," Bo grins down at the boy and Luke admires and is surprised to see how good Bo is with Connor. Bo stands up and offers Connor his hand only for Connor to eye it as if it was a poisionous snake for a long moment before his thin hand disappears within Bo's big hand. Luke smiles as he follows the two to the parked General Lee.*
  18. Well Rick Hendrick had his telecast this morning and he said that it is really only the driver moving, and the crew will have different number and sponsors. So Gordon will have all of Martin's old crew, Martin will have all of Jr's old crew, and Jr will have Gordon's old crew. Gordon and Junior are the two drivers moving buildings. I still don't know what to make of it...am glad for Junior and feel like this may be the boost that he needs to help him better his racing. Accordong to articles online, Gordon is getting the better deal, but at the moment, I am having a hard time believing that. I am sure Gustufson and his crew are good and talented and may help Gordon out, but am sad to see Steve leaving...especially his crew. He had the best crew working for him until Johnson took them away with two races to go. I am now nervous and excited to see what this change will bring to Jeff Gordon and his new 24 team...it may be the change of scenry and faces that may help earn him his fifth championship in 2011 (I can only hope...) As I said earlier, I have mixed emotions about this. Am sad to see Steve and his crew go to Jr as well as disappointed with Gordon moving garages, but am also excited to see what the changes will do for Gordon compared to this year. I just hope that there isn't any other motive behind this big swap other than to help the three struggling teams at HMS as Mr. H (Hendrick) has said it is about. Well that is how I am feeling at the moment...how do the rest of you feel about the swap? Would love to hear everyone's opinions...
  19. What a great thread...thanks Redneck Girl. I hope everyone here will have a great Thanksgiving with lots of turkey and a lot of good food filled with great company and laughter. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. As for me, in another hour and a half or so I will be on my way to visit my sister for Thanksgiving. Am looking forward to it and should be fun as long as the weather cooperates...LOL
  20. About the pit crew's...I don't know officially if they will change. In the articles I've read, it only mentions the crew cheifs. I read about the crews on Gordon's fan forum. So maybe it is wrong. Rick Hendrick is suppose to have a press conference tomorrow morning, so hopefully he'll clear up questions such as that one. As for me, I am hoping Gordon's crew will stay with him...
  21. Well I logged on tonight and went to NASCAR.com with thought of not seeing much new of anything other than Jimmie winning his fifth championship in a row. Well, I was wrong thinking that...but perhaps it is only I that thinks this is big since it deals with Gordon. Rick Hendrick, who owns Gordon's, Martin's, Junior's, and half of Johnson's car, just two days after winning his tenth championship as a car owner has made some big changes to three of his teams. The changes has came in swapping, not pit crews this time, but crew chiefs to three of his four teams. (It is a given that Johnson and Knaus will not be seperated...at least to me. I could be wrong though...) Steve Letarte, who has been Gordon's crew chief for the past few years will be leaving him and going to Dale Earnhardt Jr. Lance McGrew, who was Junior's crew cheif ever since they fired his cousin, Tony Eury Jr in the middle of the '09 season, will be going over to Mark Martin. Mark Martin's crew cheif, who he has had since he came to Hendrick, Alan Gustufsan (I'll have to learn how to spell his last name...) is going to be Gordon's crew cheif. Also, the pit crew will stay with the crew cheif. So Gordon will be getting Martin's crew, Martin will be getting Jr's old crew, and Jr will be getting Gordon's crew. But that's not all...Hendrick has two garages...it has been the 24/48 garage and the 5/88 garage. Well not no more. Gordon will be heading over to share the garage with Mark Martin (5 car) and Junior will be going over to the 48 garage. Being a big Gordon fan, am really torn about this. I do feel like he needs something to change in order for him to start winning again and maybe this will be the change that he needs. Gustufson does seem to be a good crew cheif despite the lousy year the number five car had. But I like Steve Letart and do feel like Gordon and him make a good team even if they haven't gotten the results that they deserve. It's also disappointing to see Gordon lose his pit crew as well...they always seemed to do him well in pits for the most part. Oh well, maybe Letart and his crew will bring Junior the change that he needs to start winning and to make it into the chase next year. Am also kinda disappointed in the garage swap as well. Johnson being my second favorite driver, I liked the idea of them two sharing garages. I hope that it is how Hendrick says it is...it's about the crew cheifs...and that it isn't due to differences between Gordon and Johnson. All that is of my own opinion... Well I guess we'll have to wait 89 more days now to see if these changes will work for Jeff Gordon, Mark Martin, and Dale Earnhardt Jr who all have had disappointing seasons this year. Who knows...perhaps the three of them will be going at each other for the title next year.
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