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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well I do believe I used this one already so please forgive me, but am looking forward to the warm weather of summer and the fact that in two months will be seeing the New Kids with the Backstreet Boys in two months as well just made me use it again. Love the song and the beginning of the video, but shows too much skin for my liking through out the video. All the same, love the song by a great group. Anyone else watch "Blue Bloods" on CBS Friday night (other than me)? Donnie Wahlberg (NKOTB member in white hat, goatee) plays Danny Ragen the older brother, veteran police officer. Great show if you ask me, but I am biased in my opinion. (Also has Tom Seleck as Danny's dad and the police commissioner.)
  2. Another great song by a great older Country group...
  3. Very awesome craft work there! I bet that took a lot of time and patience to make...something I don't have. Then again, I am not all that crafty or creative either. Thanks for sharing it with everyone to see.
  4. Ah that's funny they starred out the first part of s -h - i -t -z - u. I got part cussword for a dog I guess. ;)

  5. You are right about Lilly, my older dog, not feeling the baby any more. Poor girl. She makes me feel guilty about getting him. My new baby is half doodle, the other half is half corgi, part ****zu and part bichon. Lilly, my other dog, is half corgi, a fourth bichon, and a fourth ****zu (but resembles a corgi more...)Whenever I get pictures on my computer I will post pictures of my new baby here. New puppy is very dominant :( so that does not help matters any...

  6. Well the Sprint Cup race at Texas just got over and being the big Jeff Gordon fan that I am, am very frustrated to see him crossing the finish line in twenty-second. In fact, I don't even know he crossed the finish line since he ran out of gas on the last lap. Him and Tony Stewart both ran out of gas on the last lap. Gordon didn't run well all race today. Something was definately not right with his car which made it a long race for the this twenty-four fan. Have to admit, I did watch all of the race, but was online for half of it so I apologize if I miss out on something here. Today was the first night race at Texas...which added onto the excitement of the race. There was only one big accident when Brad Keselowski checked up in front Martin Truex Jr and when he checked up Mark Martin ran into the end of his car to take Truex Jr, Martin, and Ragen Smith out of the race. Looked pretty bad, which made it two races in a row that Truex Jr was in a bad accident. Pit row was packed with cars, especially the first half of the race and there was several bumped up bumpers and incidents on pit road. But at the end...Matt Kenseth broke his winless streak after leading a lot of laps to win the race. Here is the top ten: 1. Matt Kenseth 2. Clint Bowyer 3. Carl Edwards 4. Greg Biffle 5. Paul Menard 6. Marcos Ambrose 7. David Ragen 8. Jimmie Johnson 9. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 10. Kurt Busch Well I am pretty much convinced that I bring any driver I pick for my fantasy team for NASCAR (and baseball) bad luck. Seems like the drivers I pick end up crashing, having some car trouble, or just a bad finish...(Though I did NOT pick Gordon this week, perhaps I bring him bad luck too...) Anyway, we are onto Talledega next Sunday for some restrictor plate racing...some fast racing where the 'big one' may be lurking around the corner.
  7. Deputy Enos Strait tiredly enters the police station just as he had done most every day for the past twenty years of his life. But today was different. Today his boss lies in the hospital, lost in a deep coma as he fights to for his life as death lurks closely behind him. Making everything seem just wrong. Including the fact that their prisoner, Bo Duke, accused of causing Rosco's violent accident. Deep down, Enos knows Bo was not the one responsible for Rosco's accident. Sure Rosco was chasing Bo and if Bo had been stopped, he would have been arrested for robbing the jewlry store. Sure Bo refused to stop and had ran from the sheriff when Rosco had gone rolling down the ditch. But what had caused Rosco to run down the ditch was his brakes failing and his brakes went out because someone had cut them before Rosco climbed into his patrol car. And Bo wouldn't cut anyone's breaks, not even Rosco, and not even if rosco had wrongly accused him. Yet, Bo sits downstairs locked in jail not only for robbing the jewlry store, but for attempted murder of the sheriff. If Rosco were to die, the charges would change to murder. But what could he do about it? Commissioner J.D. Hogg was dead set on pressing charges on Bo for something he had to know he didn't do. And Enos couldn't tell if it was because Boss was so angry about Rosco that he was willing to accuse anyone for it. Or if he found this horrible accident as a way to send the youngest Duke to the state pen not only for years as they had planned with thier framed robber on Bo, but for the rest of his life. Whatever it was, Enos knew it isn't right and it had kept him awake all night wrestling with his thoughts and emotions. What makes things worse, is the fact that since Bo was innocent, that means the person who had cut Rosco's wires, was in Hazzard; free to do as he wished. Sighing heavily, he slowly makes his way down the stairs to find Bo sitting awake on the cold concrete floor. "I thought your uncle tol' you to get some sleep," Enos dryly states as he nervously readjusts his hat, "it don't look like you listened to him too well." Bo glares up at him before looking away. "What you going to do? Tell on me?" Bo sarcastically questions, his long lean legs pulled up tight against his chest. "Nah man. You know me better than that, Bo. We just worried about you," Enos drawls, gripping onto the metal bars, "everyone is. You've been wrongly accused in the past. But always with Luke. And never with such heavy charges as this." He pauses for a long moment, taking in the younger Duke, "You ready for breakfast?" Once more, Bo looks up at him with a sharp look before he sighs and looks away and shakes his head. "I ain't hungry," Bo finally states and as Enos goes to say something, Bo inserts, "I know what Jesse said. He wants me to get some sleep. Wants me to eat. Well it's a lot easier said than done. I'm in here for trying to kill the sheriff. And for once, the charges aren't false." He goes silent as he shakes his head as if trying to get rid of an ugly thought, "I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to and I ain't hungry. You bring any food or drink, you'll be wasting it. So you might as well as save it." Enos nods. "Well OK Bo," he finally states as he takes a step back, "I have to get to work," he pauses as he hears footsteps upstairs, "if you need anything, give me a call." "K Enos," Bo mutters as Enos starts up the stairs. Walking up the stairs, Enos finds Cooter and Enos standing near his desk. "Mornin' boys," Enos offers a smile. "Morning, Enos," Luke nods, "how's Bo doing?" Enos eyes him for a short moment and goes to say something before he closes his mouth again, thinking better of what he was to say. Finally he answers, "Not good. He hasn't eaten much of anything since he got here and hasn't slept at all. He looks horrible. I tried to talk him into eating, but he won't have any of it." Luke noded soberly. "That's what I was fearin'. We'll go down and have a word with him in a little while, but that's not why we're here," Luke slowly states and glances over at Cooter before looking over at Enos, "You find any prints on Rosco's car?" Enos nervously eyes them both. "I can't really discuss that with you Luke. It is under investigation right now and Commissioner Hogg has made it clear that it is not to be shared. With anyone," he finally states, "Sorry Luke. Sorry Cooter." "Damn Enos, look at me!" Luke snaps to make Enos jump in shock at Luke's raised voice, "My cousin sits downstairs for attempted murder of your sheriff! You know damn well Bo had nothing to do with Rosco's brakes being cut! Not only do you know that, but you also know that Bo had nothing to do with Robbie's Jewlry Store being robbed. He's been frames and you know it!" Enos nods, refusing to look at them. "I can't do anything, Luke. I've got strict orders not to say anything. I say something, I'm out of a job," he states, shifting from foot to foot. "So your job is more important than an innocent man wasting his time locked behind bars for something he didn't do?!" Luke yells back at him, "Besides, Hogg can't fire you. He fires you, he's got no law. No police force." "He may have to hire a temporary sheriff. He fires me, he'd hire a new deputy. Perhaps his cousin. He's got it all planned out, Luke," he answers, "I've got orders. I've got to do my job. And whether I agree with it or not has nothing to do with it. Rosco's accident is under police investigation and it is not open to the public. Bo may be your cousin, but you are still the public, Luke. Cooter. End of story." Luke eyes Cooter as he inhales heavily in attempt to calm his emotions, realizing that his anger will not get what he wants. Accepting the fact that Enos won't give in and answer his question, he looks back to Enos and nods. "Well OK, Enos. I guess you've got your job to do. I've got mine. And mine is to get my cousin out of jail and back home where he deserves to be. Your job or not, you've got to agree with us on this. Bo is innocent. Meaning that idiot that did this to your sheriff, is out there. Free to do it again. Or worse," Luke forcefully states, "You can't tell us about the prints, then at least tell us if Hogg is teamed up with someone right now." "What?" Enos naively asks, "Hogg has spent most of his time with Rosco." "Hogg normally hires someone to help him frame us. You know that as well as we all do. Bo has been wrongly accused of robbing Robbie's Jewlry store," Luke calmly answers, "did Hogg hire someone to help frame Bo?" Enos nervously eyes Luke once more before eyeing Hogg's closed door. Looking back at Luke he heavily exhales and slowly nods before going still again. "I can't answer you, Luke. As I said, Rosco's accident is under investigation," he finally answers. "You can't answer our question?" Cooter asks, outraged, "Well shoot, Enos! You just nodded at Luke's question and yet you can't answer ethe question? I thought you were Bo's friend. Friends generally help each other out and yet you are helping Hogg keep him behind bars for something we all know he didn't do!" "Like it or not, Hogg is my boss. I've got orders that I have to follow. Whether I agree with them or not. I'm sorry, Luke. I'm sorry Cooter," he swallows heavily, "I tol' you everything I can tell you, boys and I've gotta get out and do some patrolling plus have other things to do today. So if you don't mind -" "You tol' us nothing, Enos," Cooter gripes angrily at him and Luke pats him on the arm to grab his attention. "C'mon Cooter, let's go see Bo," he states giving Enos an angry look of his own before turning around to begin to walk to the stairs to the jail downstairs. Enos sighs heavily, his emotions flooding through him knowing his friends have the right to be upset at him. That they are in the right. But Rosco's accident was under police investigation and if this was any other place than Hazzard, they'd still be restricted from police investigation information. So, he was only doing his job, the way he was trained to do it. Whether Luke and Cooter likes it or not.
  8. Happy birthday MaryAnne! I hope your day was special and that you were able to celebrate in a special, fun, and relaxing way. :) Happy b-day!

  9. Well the Sprint Cup race is tonight at Texas...on Fox at six central time. Carl Edwards won the Nationwide Series race last night, will he make it two in one weekend? Or will someone else win it? Will be watching tonight to see how it unfolds...last Texas race held for some excitement and torn emotions (on my part...LOL). Last fall's Texas race Kyle Busch got fined and put on probation for flipping off the official for holding him a lap for speeding in pits and Jeff Burton wrecked Jeff Gordon during caution that led to Gordon showing Burton his disapporoval by shoving him a few times along with a few words. It may have been good for the sport to see Gordon show some emotion and bring the excitement of a small fight over what had happened, but it wasn't what I had been hoping for at the start of the race. Am hoping that his emotions shown after today's race will be emotions that come with a win or a great finsih. HA HA. Though he will start 32nd today. David Ragen will start from the pole (number six UPS driver...) Great to see a young driver like Ragen get a pole. Hopefully he can hold on for a great finish. Will be giving my report after the race as normal...just had to give y'all a heads up that it is a Saturday race this weekend and not Sunday. Wouldn't want y'all to miss out on all the excitement!
  10. Things are well here. I got a new puppy...so now I got two dogs. LOL. Older one isn't too fond of the puppy. That is about all that is going on with me. Hope to see you around more. :D

  11. Lori Davenport! I can't believe I see your name on...is it you? Or is it someone who confiscated your name? Long time no see...hope all is great with you! :D Glad to see you still hangin' around.

  12. *Gordon hangs up from talking to his wife, informing her what has been going on and why he wasn't home. As he repockets his phone, he glances out the window to see nothing around them but swamp water.* "I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything, but what are we doing?" Gordon slowly asks as he sees the top half of an alligator in the swamp water. "Ol' Lukas here is the one with all the brains. Hogg and Coltrane wouldn't dare come out this way," Bo answers as he maneauvers to the left and both sides of the car is now surrounded by swampy water. "Hogg and Coltrane know what old man Finley would do to 'em if they dare to come on his property." "And after what we done for them last year, they owe us a favor or two," Luke answers, "we'll hide The General and take a boat over. Hide out for awhile until we can think of a way out of this mess." Gordon slowly nods as he sees a dock up ahead, wondering if he should have more to worry about than just some jail time or whether or not he'll be able to be at the next race. Looking out the window he can just hear what the next newsline will hold about him: FAMOUS NASCAR DRIVER EATEN BY ALLIGATORS! "Well if you think it'll work. . ." he states softly, knowing he has little to no choice unless he wants to spend the next year or so in jail for something he didn't have. "You know what?" Luke questions, dread in his voice, "I can't believe I didnt' think of it 'til now. Guess I was too wrapped up in what was going on. . ."he falls silent, "we should have had you follow us in your own vehicle. Bet by now they got it confiscated and locked away. They'll use that against you." "Damn it," Gordon cusses slightly, "well if I could find a way home, I have other cars. The only thing about that one is that it has sentimental value to it since Ingrid gave it to me." Gordon sighs heavily. "I guess I should just be glad I didn't drive my Corvette this time." "Nice ride," Bo states with a smile. Luke nods silently as Bo pulls The General deep into a wooded area. "We'll have to leave The General here and take a boat across. You up for a little adventure, Gordon? You get in trouble with an gator or two, just call on Bo. He'll wrestle 'em for ya," he states elbowing Bo in the ribs before the car comes to a park and he pulls himself out through the open window. "Just great," Gordon complains as he follows Luke outside and eyes his surroundings, "when I woke up this morning, the biggest concern I had was not to wreck my twenty-four car and to make it home in time to put my kids to bed. Never thought I'd be worrying about getting eaten by an alligator or arrested." He shakes his head as he swats a mosquito away.
  13. NASCAR boring? Who'd ever hear such a thing? LOL. Well I guess we are all entitled to our own opinions. I've seen a few dirt track races around where I live, but would much rather see Gordon and the boys racing on the NASCAR circuit. But that's my opinion. Sounds cute and fun. Bet they enjoy your car as much as you do!
  14. "Well it looks like you all lost him," Gordon states as he watches the sheriff get into the passenger seat of the other car, the cars behind them getting smaller and smaller. Turning back around, he states, "You both seem pretty confident about your driving skills. About seemingly to know what had happened. I mean, what's to say I didn't run into him as the sheriff had claimed?" "Easy," the one named Luke grins, looking back at Gordon, "the commissioner and the sheriff wouldn't know how to tell the truth if their life depended on it." Luke shakes his head, "Trust me, to them, it's all about getting an extra dollar no matter what it takes." "And we saw him hit you from the other road," Bo inserts from the driver's seat, "it was easy for us to imagine all that Rosco was trying to pull with you. You being out of town and all." "And a famous NASCAR driver," Luke slowly states, dread thick in his voice to pull the other two men's attention worriedly onto him, "which means Hogg and Coltrane will do anything they can think of in order to get all the money they can out of Gordon or the town or both. I can already see the wheels a turninin' in Hogg's fat head. I mean, we both have seen his celebrity speed traps he pulls for the Country music artists that mistakenly drive through here. Now we got Jeff Gordon himself in town. Famous NASCAR driver who is well known to be one of the top paid driver of today's time. Hogg's gonna have himself a ball with this one." "Not if I have anything to do with it," Bo says defensively, "Rosco clearly ran into him. He had -" "Damn Bo. I know that. I saw the same thing you did, but you know they'll try something to get Gordon's money. To get any money they can out of Gordon's misfortune," Luke irritatedly interrupts his younger cousin before turning to face Gordon, "What brings you to Hazzard anyway?" Gordon shrugs. "I won the race. I was feeling good so I thought I'd take myself on a little drive of my own before heading back home. Am seeing that was a mistake now," Gordon states, irritation of his own thick in his voice, "So if you know they're crooked, then why isn't anything done about it?" Luke shrugs. "It's better fighting someone we know than someone we don't," he turns around, "we better find some place to hang out for a while to come up with a plan. We may have lost Rosco, but he won't be lost for too long. I can bet you the wheels of The General that he's in Hogg's office with all of this right now. Hogg's probably got that fat smug grin of his on his face as he begins to think of his next plan. Before long they'll be at the farm and all over the county looking for Gordon...and us." Bo nods. "Where to, cuz?" he slowly questions as he glances over at his cousin for direction. Luke shrugs as he looks around, his sharp mind racing rapdily within him knowing he has both Gordon and his cousin looking at him to help them out of this situation. Finally a small grin crosses his face and he says, "I got it! Hang a left up here. We'll go hang out at the last place anyone would ever look for us at." Bo nods, his face brighten up before he takes a sharp left turn where Luke had instructed him to before looking over at Luke. Wondering how he always seems to stay so calm and collected in situations like this. Why he always came up with such great plans that always got them out of trouble. "Where we going?" Gordon questions in the backseat, "What are we doing? I need to be at our next track by Thursday or else I'll be disqualified." Luke nods knowingly. "Just hang tight. I'll explain everything when we get there," he states before silence thickly surrounds them.
  15. Welcome to HNet! Always great to see other huge Duke fans ... and am looking forward to seeing more photos. All my General Lees are not big enough to drive. HA HA. See you are from Indiana...being the huge NASCAR fan that I am...couldn't help but to say that is the same state that Tony Stewart is from and the state that my all time favorite driver, Jeff Gordon, moved to when he was fourteen. Anyway, hope to see you around.
  16. "Damn it, a road block. Now what we do?" Bo complains as he keeps his foot on the pedal. "I don't know, but you better think of something quick otherwise all three of us will be arresting and this time, his charges will be enough to stick," Luke throws back at him as he nervously looks back at the approaching patrol car. Bo nods as he steps heavily on the brakes and yanks the steering wheel to just avoid hitting Enos and making a sharp U turn. "Not a problem. Watch this," Bo laughs confidently as he shoves onto the accelerator to face head on with the sheriff. Grabbing the CB he calls out to the sheriff, "Hey Sheriff, how 'bout a game of chicken? I ain't no chicken...that makes you the chicken." "Stop with the games and lose him," Luke states irritatedly as he glances back at Gordon and states, "I apologize for my cousin's games...he just seemed to have forgotten to mature as he got older." Gordon nervously laughs in the backseat, not knowing what to make of all of this. He had left the track happy and excited with his win. On top of the world. Now he sits trapped in the back seat of an orange stock car running from the law for something he didn't even do. "As long as it gets me outta this mess, I'm fine," he finally states. Gordon nods as he gets a half foot from hitting Rosco's patrol car head on only to swerve around the speeding patrol car onto the grass and around a thick tree before swerving back onto the road. Bo slows down momentarily in time to see Rosco running into Enos' parked patrol car. As they watch him climb out, Luke states, "Well if his car wasn't already damaged, it is now. Let's go." "Ten four," Bo grins as he begins to drive away.
  17. Here is the top twelve points in the Sprint Cup Series after the Martinsville race: 1. Kyle Busch 2. Carl Edwards 3. Jimmie Johnson 4. Kurt Busch 5. Kevin Haravick 6. Ryan Newman 7. Juan Pablo Montoya 8. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 9. Matt Kenseth 10. Mark Martin 11. Tony Stewart 12. Jeff Gordon Well they technically only count the top ten into the chase since the eleventh and twelveth places go for the two drivers with the most wins from eleventh place to twentyth in points...but had to get an excuse to put Gordon in there.
  18. I was disappointed that Jr didn't win...he sounded disappointed as well. Second isn't too bad though and Jr seems to have stepped it up with Steve Letarte and Gordon's old crew. Gordon had a good race as well...I was hoping for a top five finish and I got that. Though you got the points confused, Roger. Junior moved from twelveth to eighth in points and Gordon moved from sixteenth to tweveth. I agree with you...ol' June bug's beard is getting thick. It's OK, but I think it would look better if he'd at least trim it up a bit. I am glad to see both Gordon and Junior move up in points. . .now if only they can continue their climb up in points.
  19. Well Kevin Harvick held on to win two races in a row...Dale Jr held off Kyle Busch to finish second. Well they said before the race that Martinsville was faster than Bristol and I have to say that they were right...at least this year. A lot more excitement in today's race than I remember this spring's Bristol race. Which is surprising since I think Bristol and I think of fast and exciting racing. I was really hoping Jr would hold on to end his 98 winless streak, but second is pretty good (despite the horrible NASCAR sayin that second is the first loser.). All in all, it was a good race. Here is the top ten finishing positions: 1. Kevin Harvick 2. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 3. Kyle Busch 4. Juan Pablo Montoya 5. Jeff Gordon 6. Matt Kenseth 7. Jamie McMurray 8. David Ragen 9. Clint Bowyer 10. Mark Martin Next week is Texas...Saturday night racing! Can't remember them racing under the lights in Texas but should be a great race...love night racing!
  20. Dale Jr passed Kyle Busch for the lead with twenty to go...has to hold it for thirteen laps now. Let's go Jr! Harvick passes Jr with three laps to go...
  21. Well I'll risk being repetivie ;). LOL. Welcome to HNet. Always great to meet old and new Duke fans. Welcome aboard!

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