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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Cross Creek Road Swift Creek Route 7-11
  2. If you go to google images and type a search of John and Chasen together you will find some great pics of both of them together...some recent and a few when he was little.
  3. Dixville County Wild Hollow Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane
  4. *blushing* Awwww...well respect from you is respect worth havin' my friend. Thank you.
  5. what do you mean by adding a post?

  6. Luke drew quivering breaths, closing his eyes. "I wish...they'd just...stop...she says...t-talk...but...it...it's so hard."
  7. Luke took several shaky deep breaths, his hands still trembling though he had managed to calm down for the most part. "Was...was bad..."
  8. "No...no...NO!" he yelled out so loud he woke himself up staring shakily at Bo. Though the nightmares had camed in intensity, they werent fully gone yet. "I'm safe...I'm home..." he muttered to himself as Sara had taught him to do. "They can't get me..." he continued looking to Bo for the affirmation Sara was always there to give.
  9. "Don't...stop..." he continued flinching, his head continuing to toss and turn.
  10. Luke moaned again, tossing his head. "Lemme go...lemme go..." he muttered.
  11. Daisy nodded going to the kitchen, her heart soaring on the inside. Luke, meanwhile, moaned quietly in his sleep.
  12. Daisy nodded a little. "Well...how bout I start a nice dinner?"
  13. "I'm so glad...Ive been so worried about him..." said Daisy with a relieved sigh.
  14. "Hope so..." began Daisy. "So how is he...I mean...is he better...or...just..."
  15. "She sure has..." said Daisy softly. "Hope I get to thank her one day."
  16. "What changed his mind? I was beginnin' t think he'd stay there..." said Daisy softly.
  17. Luke slept on, unaware that he was being watched and celebrated over. "When did he come home?" asked Daisy.
  18. Daisy wanted to squeal in happiness. Instead she hugged Bo close, so happy that things were finally getting back to whatever nrmal was anymore*
  19. Daisy frowned, not understanding what it was all about until she saw a tuft of dark curls sticking up above the blankets of the bed. Her mouth fell open, her eyes open wide in shock. "L-lu...Luke?!" she whispered unable to believe what she was seeing.
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