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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Daisy smacked him with a kitchen towel as he dipped his finger into the grits bowl. "You stop that or you'll be wearin' em!" She opened the oven door carefully taking out the hot flaky biscuits and putting them on a plate. "Why don't you go get cleaned up Bo? Breakfast will be ready by the time you're done...."
  2. Daisy grinned, craning her neck and kissing Bo's cheek. "He always was one for deep thinkin'" she observed as she spooned up grits into a bowl. "Somethin botherin' him? He's sure been quiet lately..." She figured Bo would know, if anyone did.
  3. I was able to meet Mr. Best in Canton last year and we talked dogs-imagine that:) He told my daughter she was pretty and had her grinning ear to ear the whole 7-hour car ride back!
  4. Luke didn't even notice that Bo left, continuing at his chores, his heart searching for what his mind could not name as he methodically threw hay down into a pile. Daisy smiled as Bo came in the door. "Morning Honey..." Daisy greeted him. "I hope you're hungry...I made a lot," she added. She frowned as she waited for the other half of the twosome to come in, Bo and Luke usually coming in together. "Where's Luke?"
  5. Luke grew quiet as Bo got back to work, getting back to work himself, his mind absorbed in thought as was normal for the dark-haired Duke boy. He glanced at Bo, his smile seeming to radiate the barn. It was obvious Bo was happy: happy who he was and where his life was taking him. Luke was another story... Sure it was true that Luke was happy to be on the farm. Like Bo he had a loving family, his and Bo's beloved race car, and having done his duty in Nam, a freedom that most overlooked but Luke knew first hand not to take for granted. He had the sun greeting him every morning, and the stars at night. He had his pick of women to choose from on a nightly basis and nearly everyone in Hazzard called him a friend... But despite his family and many friends, something was missing...
  6. Luke chuckled at that. "Yeah...guess you got a point there." It was no secret that Luke Duke was a lady's man. Neither he or Bo ever had trouble finding a date. And of course, one thing usually led to another. It was almost an inside joke amongst the family - how late could a Duke boy come in, slip out of his clothes and get into bed without getting caught. So far Bo held the record of two minutes before sunrise, though Luke swore up and down that the only reason he didn't hold the record was because of Rodney the banny rooster; if he had not insisted on crowing a few minutes early the previous morning and waking Jesse earlier than usual, Luke would still hold the title and have been saved from a sever tongue lashing by his uncle the next day.
  7. Luke smirked dumping another load of hay onto his head for that comment. "I might be older, but that don't mean I can't take you Blondie," he said playfully. "Sides...if my eyesight is failin' it's probably from lookin' at your ugly mug every mornin'..."
  8. In the barn, the boys were engrossed in their chores, bantering back and forth as had become as part of their morning ritual as much as Daisy's grits and strong black coffee. "You know Bo...you oughta step further away from the loft," cautioned Luke as he took a forkful of hay and dumped it onto his head. "I can't tell where you begin and the hay pile ends," he explained, his tongue in his cheek trying to keep his dimples from showing.
  9. These were tough... but I disagree with you BL. I'm going to say: Victor's Bail Bonds Swamp Road (I think Crystal Mountain was a type of beer on the show...) Dottie West (although Stella Parton was on the show) I am pretty sure there was a swamp road but for the life of me I cant remember which epi....
  10. Yeah...it's warm and rainy here

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