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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke acted surprised but in reality he knew it to be true. He'd always thought Bo was cute...in fact he used to argue with Hughie Hogg about which of them had the cuter cousin...usually these arguments resulted in a bloody nose for Hughie and a tongue lashing by Jesse for Luke, but he figured it was an argument worth having.
  2. "See...I knre Bo couldn't be that cute..." said Luke with a chuckle.
  3. "Then who was that?" asked Daisy. "Looke a lot like Bo..."
  4. "Aw look! There's Bo!" exclaimed Daisy pointing to a picture of a tousled haired blonde toddling towards the camera, dragging a blanket, his arms out-stretched for a hug. "Sure was cute...what happened to ya?" asked Luke with a smirk.
  5. Luke just smiled, rolling his eyes a little.
  6. My earliest memory of Boss Hogg was when Uncle Jesse had been buying us all pralines. He kinda pushed to the front of the line to get his own. *shakes her head* Wasn't very nice... my earliest memory of Rosco...well, that would have been shortly after I came to live with Uncle Jesse. I decided I didn't wanna be there and tried to find my way back home. *flushes embarrassed* Rosco found me and bought me an ice cream come...talked me outta runnin' away before he brung me home. He didn't used to be so crooked.
  7. John didn't go to college there. He went to High School in Atlanta, not college- he got the role for Bo Duke just out of high school. He may very well know Jeff Foxworthy, but I don't think it's through school...unless I'm mistaken.
  8. Well, I have to agree. It was a great time for me as well. I think that is definately what I like best about Dukes. Everyone feels like family. Granted I didn't get a chance to talk to Tim and Daney much, but it was great putting faces with the names. And it's funny to start talking about other people and discover that there really is a few degrees of separation with people- knowing Cousin Don from the CGLFC for example. Daney, Tim, Roger: You all are awesome- it was a pleasure talking to you all and well worth the snowstorms I had to go through to get there! My Rosco experience: I didn't really expect to be able to talk to him too much. Not only were they moving people along, but I am horribly shy and get nervous easy... so after buying a picture for my 14 year old daughter Lisa and getting my hat out of my Dukes backpack, we waited to go up there. When we finally did, he had the widest grin on his face. It really was contageous. He looked at the picture and said "Oh there's Velvet Ears" and he started telling us all about Flash, and how he rescued her. that he went to the producers saying he wanted Rosco to have a dog and they didn't want to do it at first. He said that Flash lived to be 14 years old and turned out to be as big a star as any of them:) We talked about how we are both dog lovers. Then he looked at my hat and complimented me on how many signatures I have thus far, saying he didn't know where to sign because John's signature takes up so much room. Haha. He is so easy to talk to...a lot like Sonny and John in that respect- very personable. When we went to leave, he made a point to shake our hands warmly and made my daughter's day by saying "Goodbye Pretty" to her. Definately well worth the trip!
  9. old post road willets crossings the meeting Not sure about the second...
  10. Well I got a looooooong drive ahead of me, so I'm gone.... See y'all tomorrow!
  11. Luke looked at him with a smirk. "Cute Bo. Real cute."
  12. Yeah...well mine isn't a basset...but she comes running when you ask her if she wants her doggy num-nums.... hmmmm Wonder who would teach her that?!
  13. Luke smiled slightly and nodded, still staring at the picture.
  14. "He will be..." Lavinia assured them. "With you two for his parents, how could he not be?"
  15. "Don't you think you're a little ahead of yourselves? The boy can't even hold his head up," put in Lavinia.
  16. "He won't get picked on," said Kevin confidently. Lavinia looked at him. "What makes you so sure?" Kevin laughed and pointed. "Look at his fists. He's a born fighter. Ain't no one gonna pick on my boy..."
  17. "Lukas Kevin..." Kevin said thoughtfully before a wide wreckless grin splattered across his face. "Luke Duke! It's perfect!" Lavinia chuckled softly loving Kevin and the way he always made everyone laugh.
  18. Kevin looked quietly at the little baby for a long time. "He's so little...."
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