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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Daisy shook her head a little, her cheeks rosy. Luke carefully turned the yellowed sleeve smiling as he came across a picture of him and Bo. "How old were we here?" he asked Bo.
  2. Luke: "I ain't sure yet..." *he whispered back softly*
  3. L: *manages only to nod still coughing his eyes watering*
  4. Luke: *near chokes on his coffee having to cough hard ito his cup his eyes watering as he nodded at the last words* Yes sir *manages*
  5. Nah only one... besides...I had family and friends to keep me occupied...
  6. well not more than 15 no...I'm not the most patient Duke...
  7. Some friend you are Roger to tell on me! When I do hotwire it, you can FORGET me comin' to take you for a spin!!!! LOL
  8. My chat room never works for me....so I guess I can't
  9. Luke: "Prolly nothin...ya know how them things can get.. ." *he added slightly hiding his guilty face in the mug he held*
  10. I'll try it since you posted too quick for me to get the last one... not real sure but.... Abernathy Road Tammy Wynette Route 7-11
  11. Luke: *frowns, putting away the feather in a safe hiding place for later, taking out a small wrapped gift and hiding it in his pocket before going out tothe kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee.*
  12. Luke: *raises an eyebrow*" I might be shorter, but I'd get the job done, that there's a promise."
  13. Luke: *sighs in relief that Jesse didn't find the feather before cuffing Bo back* You just wait...seems t me you got some birthday swats comin an' I'm more than happy to volunteer fer the job!
  14. Luke: *smirks* "Ain't like he ever really does 'em anyways... "*says playfully before hiding behind his uncle in case Bo ventured to throw something his way*
  15. Luke: *thankful Jesse didn't see the feather and stuffs it in his back pocket and watches while Jesse goes in for a hug knowing full well that Bo wouldn't refuse, smiling a little himself just watching them*
  16. I got one for Jesse... who were you married to: In some episodes Lavinia is mentioned...in others Martha... and how did you meet?
  17. Yellow, course! Hey Bo is that why you always wear both...blue for Luke...yellow for me?
  18. Luke: *leans out the bedrrom door* " I bet it's that old cat been snoopin' 'round the henhouse again... *not sure if his uncle would buy it or not, but knowing it would at least buy time while he found a place to hide the incriminating feather* Bo get up...
  19. Luke: *starts opening drawers and throwing clothes out- jeans, a blue t-shirt, a yellow shirt , all landing on top of Bo* C'mon...you got a big day today...
  20. well since I got you an autograph or two I better be on that list to receive one...lol
  21. Luke: *shaking his head* Sorry brother...I already let ya sleep through chores... *takes the feather and again runs it on his heel*
  22. Hey y'all... while we're waiting for Bo to start the official RP might I suggest a practice session? Reason being is it's BoJames' birthday and I think it'd be fun to rp some birthday wishes while we wait so..... Luke: *comes in from doing all the chores, a devilish smirk on his face, having pulled a feather from one of the chickens and twirling it in his fingers; he soon makes his way to the bedroom and lifts the blanket on Bo's bed tickling his bare foot with the feather* Wake up birthday boy....
  23. Luke smiled at the next picture. There was no mistaking the wide smile even back then. "Daisy was still as pretty as a picture." Daisy blushed a little.
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