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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Hmmm...that's a good question. I loved my Roadrunner... but then I never was as popular with my Roadrunner as I am with my Golden Eagle...Still...I think I'll say...yes...I'd take it back...because I still ain't forgiven Bo an' Luke for sendin' it over that cliff....
  2. Well, I'll try it...but I aint sure so dont y'all copy... Hazzard River Camp Hogg Smokey Mountain Overpass
  3. I'm familiar with lots of John's things...as far as Smokey and the Bandit the easiest time to see him is in the very last scene. He is one of the extras you see cheering near the end. He's the tall one in the hat He was in Stagecoach as well. I could go on and on with series he's been in, but it might take a while.
  4. It won't be long until I'll be saying...yeah...I knew her when...
  5. Hey wont it look weird to rp as Luke with Daisy's pic and display name?
  6. Bo and I?! RP instead of doing our chores?! *looks shocked at Bo* I'm hurt he would even suggest that Bo...you and me...we would NEVER...
  7. If it's any conilation you are my fave British actor BoJames...
  8. Well I'm sure between you and me we'll find SOME trouble to get onto. We need Roger as UncleJesse- he'd keep us in line...
  9. hmmmmm....could always do something involving a car chase...or an evil scheme by boss...LOL
  10. Sorry...Bojames already reserved Luke for me cause my net was down....perhaps you could choose another character?
  11. Daisy just smiled and leaned a little into Luke who sat near the window, a blanket wrapped well-around him. Thunder continued to boom outside. Luke looked out the window as rain pelted against the pane. "Well should help with this dry spell we been having...." Daisy nodded a little as she sippd her cocoa. "Should do that..."
  12. *softns* No...course not... the General....well, he's family.
  13. Kinda let it get away from ya?! Kinda?! I loved that car! And it was my favorite color too! But did that matter?! No! How would you have liked it if I "kinda" let General Lee go over a cliff?! I told you to be careful...I told you both! *shoots a glare at Bo* But no... see you all think they're such good ol' boys *adressing the audience shaking her head*, but you ain't gotta live with 'em! *gives them each a playful slap*
  14. You know...you can sure tell people who live in the south (by south I mean Toledo down). Round here, we don't close roads for accidents...we just go around 'em. And it takes a lot to get a snow day. So, I'll be going, unless it is horribly bad...I did graduate from the Duke's school of Michigan drivers after all. Hope to see you there Roger! I'd love to meet you!
  15. Rodney Moffet Pine Ridge Road Jamie Lee Hogg That was much easier:wink:
  16. Daisy leaned her head against Bo's shoulder, holding Luke's hand in her own. She liked moments like this too...this closeness. Even Luke liked it more than he ever would admit, but he was smiling right along with everyone.
  17. What's that you say Bo? You'd like a little more starch in yer undershorts? Now honey, that can be arranged... outta love my foot *mutters to herself eyeing her frying pan thoughtfully* General Grant, as stated before I did sell that one song Jessi Colter recorded. And I have to admit, no one can beat me when it comes to making tips at the Boar's Nest!
  18. How much did I make? Well, let's put it this way...I had enough to provide at least 145 complete outfits, usually with shoes to match. Add to that the general repairs and upkeep to Dixie, and the amount of times I've had to bail my cousins out of jail, I guess you could say I made quite a chunk. I haven't given up my singing career yet...I'm still waiting for my big break!
  19. It's funny, but Tom lists that one as his favorite episode...
  20. I got a question for Bo and Luke. When are y'all gonna learn how to do your OWN laundry?!
  21. roger...go to bo james site and rp with us....we need an uncle jesse to keep us in line!
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