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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Roger this is a tough one! Elk Creek Bear's Hollow Bear Point
  2. "You bet," said Luke moving to her other side. "One fer all...an' all fer one..." With those words he hugged her close as well, sandwiching Daisy between her cousins. "We love ya."
  3. "Yeah and there's the 'Oh he's so dreamy!' look she gets around movie stars," teased Luke. Jesse couldn't help chuckle at that.
  4. I'm still a member Bo! I pretty much share Bo's sentiments on made up characters too....but I dunno...maybe...I'll think about it...can I think on it? I'm gonna think on it....*pulls Bo's hair as she walks by* Luke you stop that now! I swear...I can't take you anywhere!
  5. Im interested.... and I am betting Bojames is too
  6. Daisy saw the look and shook her head. "You know I wish I had a cousin I could do that with." Luke looked at her. "Do what?" Daisy shook her head. "You two are so close...I never even had a girl cousin...much less one like a sister..."
  7. Luke looked at Bo and affectionately tousled his curls. Sometimes there was no need for words between them and this was one of those times.
  8. Luke might have only been a little boy, but he was old enough to understand what the doctor was saying. Crocodile tears fell steadily from his blue eyes. Jesse sighed softly as he rocked sleeping Daisy in his arms, at a loss as to what to do next.
  9. "He has pneumonia....that...coupled with his weak lungs...he's going to have to be observed very carefully," began the doctor sadly.
  10. Luke refused to look at Bo anymore. He was so scared... scared that at any moment another family member he had allowed himself to grow to love would be taken from him. The doctor had by this time come in and was busily writing on Bo's chart.
  11. They wre all at the hospital an hour later. Daisy cuddled in her uncles lap and Luke, by turns, couldn't tear himself away from his aunt. The whole family surrounde Bo's bed watching the oxygen enter s small body. Jesse shook his had gently running a hand through Bo's hair. He was so frail...so little.
  12. Half hour later, Daisy was at the farm under the watchful and ever helpful eye of Miz Tisdale. Luke, by turns, couldn't edge himself away from his aunt and was cuddled in his aunt's lap as they sat in the room watching Bo. Jesse sighed looking at his youngest-no matter how many times they had been to the hospital for Bo, it never got easier.
  13. Jesse nodded. "Ambulance is on the way." Luke kept his face hidden against his aunt.
  14. Luke wrapped his hands around his aunt sniffing hard. Jesse hurried from the room with a full inhaler, slipping it into Bo's mouth.
  15. At that moment, Jesse came rushing in. "Doc!" Carefully he laid Bo on the couch Luke had been on, leaving quickly to go get his other inhaler. Luke whimpered at the sight Bo, so pale and lifeless. "Auntie...."
  16. Jesse gathered the little boy close in his arms, wrapping him in the blankets he'd brought along with him. "I gotcha son...your uncle Jesse's gotcha..." Holding the barely-breathing boy close, Jesse ran as fast as he could back to the farm. Luke meanwhile was crying near hysterics, knowing from what he heard that the storm was still raging and that Bo was still out in it.
  17. Jesse heard the faint whisper and rushed in the direction it came from. He soon held Bo cradled in his arms. "Bo...Bo baby...I'm here..." Luke huddled against his aunt tears streaking his face. "I can't get warm..."
  18. Luke whimpered as the doctor carefuly checked him over, shying way from his cold hands. "I'm sorry...the wind...came hard..." Jesse soon was scouring the woods near the farm. "Bo!"
  19. Luke woke some time later, blinking his unfocused eyes open. "Auntie..." he said softly. "Auntie it hurts..." Jesse, meanwhile was still out calling for Bo at the top of his lungs.
  20. Jesse soon came out of the house with the lantern not at all liking the state he found things in. The barn door had blown clean off. "Boys?" he called goin into the barn, seeing Bo's toys on the floor. "Boys?" He didn't see them anywhere in the barn. Luke, meanwhile lay with the barn door slightly covering him, a trickle of blood coming from his temple. He wasn't moving.
  21. Luke held the door from behind with both hands using all his strength to push it closed when he heard what sounded like Bo...and he sounded scared...or hurt. Quickly leaving the door, Luke hurried to the barn seeing Bo calling as loud as he could from the entrance. "BO!" he yelled. "GET INSIDE!" With all his strength he grabbed the door from the front and was pulling it back to shut when the wind blew so forcefully it blew the old door right off the hinges, taking the slim boy right along with it as thunder boomed and shook the barn, lightning streaking across the sky. Luke was nowhere to be found.
  22. Luke finished the spot he was working on, frowning as the wind took the door swinging it open. "Stay back Bo!" he yelled rushing out into the storm.
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