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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. Here's a trivia question for you. In addition to the post office, what other business does Mis Tizdale work in? A lot of you know the answer but who will be the fastest to get it up on a post?
  2. I like the title of the number 10 song on that list but they spelled it wrong (LOL). By the way, is the correct spelling in the Dukes theme song 1) ole' 2) ol' 3) 'ol 4) 'ole ?
  3. Seeing it all get started in season one was awesome. I especially loved the Georgia episodes because the scenery reminds me so much of where I live. Of course, they could have filmed it in the North Pole and the show would have been a hit and I still would have loved it as much. It's just that, all those trees make me feel like I'm in Hazzard County when I see how much Georgia and "my neck of the woods" are alike. I'm gone.
  4. The Grinch...
  5. I appreciate your response...especially the part where you said you won't own "The Beginning". I saw the 2005 movie when it was in theaters because curiosity got the best of me. I didn't go out and buy the DVD or anything and told all my family members not to ever buy it as a gift for me. I have to admit though, I can see why it did appeal to some people. In fact, there were parts of it that I really liked a lot. If that's all the worse changing the Dukes would have gotten I could have accepted it a little, but when "The Beginning" came out...well that definitely sealed my attitude about why they shouldn't try to change perfection. Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.
  6. I see your point, however I've never had a "watching paint dry" moment when viewing a single minute of any of the original series episodes. If you have, I'd sure like to know when. I'm gone.
  7. My all time favorite John Schneider song is "Number 34 in Atlanta". What a great song with such a great message. How many people out there know it?
  8. I was wondering who your favorite character is that only made ONE or TWO apperances on the show. Mine is Abraham Lincoln Hogg but I also liked Loretta Lynn, Cale Yarborough, Rosco's Mama, Cooter's daughter, Swamp Molly, Hard Luck Jones, Tammy Wynette and Milo Beaudry. I'm not sure if Waylon would qualify since he was on every episode. "She don't understand they keep showing my hands and not my face on TV." Miz Tisdale is also one of my favorites but she was on more than 2 episodes. Does anybody know if the Beaudry's were on more than two? Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.
  9. I couldn't resist this Waylon quote from the conclusion of "By-Line Daisy Duke" in season 3. It sums up how many people feel about not altering the original Dukes (like the latest movies have done) "Ain't it nice to know there's a place in this old world where things never change."
  10. Here's a good Uncle Jesse quote from "By-Line Daisy Duke" (season 3). "J.D., why don't you go fry yourself a snowball."
  11. Hey Julie, I probably should know this so I'm risking sounding dumb. I've heard of that but I'm not sure what it's about. Could you give me a brief idea of the plot? Thanks.
  12. horendous crash (sound of Rosco's windshield breaking)
  13. I agree. Two things saved season 5 and actually made it worth watching. The rest of the cast (of course) and the writers. The quality of writing didn't drop off thank goodness. Bo and Luke's absence wasn't really Coy and Vance's fault so I try not to blame them. I'm just glad our boys came back. When those shows aired originally we were really sweating it. "Welcome Back Bo and Luke" is one of my favorite episodes. I'm gone.
  14. Sorry to hear about Honest John. There is also at least one other person with that last name in Hazzard. Ernie Ledbetter was in "Luke's Love Story" (also in the first season). I don't think they ever made a mention of them being related.
  15. Okay so let me be the first blaster. Before I do, I want to say I am impressed with all the thought you have put into this. I also want to say that I am glad that the younger generation wants to see the Dukes in the spotlight with new stuff. I can only speak for myself but I think that (more so than anger) I feel sadness that so much immorality has been added to the new Dukes and the younger generation has accepted it. It makes me wonder how much more immoral the next (2027?) generation will be. "Immorality" is a difficult thing to define. Some people didn't like the original show because Daisy dressed too skimpy or there was drinking in it etc. That's a good point of which I have no defense but I guess us original viewers don't really want to see what we love corrupted and we just wish people who like that sort of humor would simply go to movies like American Pie and not change our beloved Hazzard County. If the new Dukes ever become a modern series and you fall in love with it and they change it dramatically in 25 years you'll probably understand how us old timers feel. Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.
  16. Flash !!!!!
  17. Okay, so I was just joking about the Valentine's part but I really do fry deer heart in butter for myself. I called in that Valentine's idea to a local radio station once and they got a kick out of it. As Larry would say, "Now that's funny. I don't care who you are...Lord I apologize for that..."
  18. Uncle Jesse...He's the rock that everybody leans on when times get really tough. I can see myself acting just like him in about 20 years...I'm already starting to now.
  19. No matter what good things we say about the Duke family, none of them can top this quote. It comes from Uncle Jesse's old flame Lucinda Meadows and is on the episode "The Legacy" from season three...."I put myself in the hands of the Lord and He put me in the hands of the Dukes and I guess maybe you couldn't get a better combination than that."
  20. Poor 'ol Waylon is the only one who hasn't had a post in 2007 so I thought I'd change that. His threads might be a little lonely. That reminds me of his quote from the end of "The Great Santa Claus Chase"....."Boss was feeling lonelier than 'ol Waylon at the Country Music Association Awards". For you youngsters who might not get that... despite his astronomical record sales and popularity, Waylon never seemed to get many formal awards. People loved him but the "Establishment" didn't. The reason was that he was such a rebel. He was always fighting the system like one modern day Robin Hood.
  21. The episode that Jesse said his wife's name was Martha was "The Legacy" from season 3. He was talking to his old flame Lucinda Meadows.
  22. You ain't never had heart before? Every fall I get my buck and put the heart in the freezer. On Valentine's Day I thaw it out and fry it up in butter for my wife. It's cheaper than buying them chocolate hearts and it's better for you. Now whoever said us old rednecks ain't romantic?
  23. I got three for you. They're all true and they're all about me. 1) If you had your adult kid teach you how to use a computer this year because you wanted to see if there was anything about Hazzard County on it....you might be a redneck. 2) If the only thing you ever use your computer for is the Hazzardnet....you might be a redneck. 3) If you think Charlie Daniels running against Uncle Jesse for President of the Universe is a win-win situation...you might be a redneck. Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.
  24. RogerDuke


    Even though I'm 47, I can count the concerts I've been to on one hand. Johnny Cash (1980) Montgomery Gentry (I only saw them because Charlie Daniels was performing first) Tom Wopat (awesome) and Charlie Daniels Band(twice). Charlie is "The Man". I wish he'd run for President. If only he would have had a guest appearance on Dukes. I guess Rosco couldn't catch Charlie and his boys in his speedtrap. I would have loved to have seen a full episode with him like they did with Loretta Lynn....I guess you can't blame a redneck for dreaming. Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.
  25. There are some recent posts about people taking off work to go to Nascar races so I thought of my friend when I saw this post. I know a guy who is actually taking off work to see the opening of Spiderman today. As for me, I'll wait for it to come out on DVD. Although I have to admit I like the way he jumps over things. Folks here in Hazzard County don't need a webslinger though. That reminds me of when Daisy drove Enos to the airport to go to LA.... Daisy, "Ever flown before Enos?" Enos, "No, just a car."
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