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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. I agree with dukefan. Those boys sure look sad. Sorry dukesrule2000. I sure can't take over. I'm the most technologically challenged person on here. I wouldn't have a clue how to post pictures like that.
  2. leprachon (I probably spelled it wrong)
  3. Hey Julie (or anybody else) do you have a guess what season Denver Pyle was on Dallas? I have the first two seasons and I'm already most of the way through the first season and haven't seen him yet. I doubt he would have appeared after that because he was so busy with Dukes (unless he appeared on Dallas after 1985). I'm really not enjoying Dallas as much as I thought I would. It's okay but not as good as I remembered it.
  4. Glad to see you're back on the HazzardNet, Redneck girl.

  5. LOL I guess the lack of response means that everybody does NOT want me to toughen these up. Well, just for fun, how about one brave person take a chance and answer those three. If I can't get one person to answer, then I'm ending my posts on Duke or Dupe. (just kidding, I love this way too much)
  6. That would be "Close Call for Daisy" dukefan, I liked your quote "wrong Roger, that is right" LOL
  7. I wondered where you've been. It's good to have you back. Three months away from the HazzardNet is a scary thought.

  8. Let's see, there was at least 3 episodes with engraving plates....Repo Men, Grannie Annie and I can't think of the other one. I'll guess Grannie Annie but I don't think it's right.
  9. Four out of five people got it right. Alex has 129 in a row correct. From "Daisy's Song" where was Boss Hogg born? A) the Duke Farm a hunting cabin C) still sight #3 D) a tent E) the Boar's Nest F) Chickasaw Hospital G) the same house he lives in now H) the back of a truck hauling moonshine I) a sharecropper's shack J) a cave K) Capitol City Women's Correctional Facility
  10. *whispering* Hey Val, shhhhhhhhh I don't know what they're talking about either but if you post something that makes sense, it might throw off their rythmn. Just ignore them and quietly listen in, or you'll ruin all my fun.
  11. tractor (I love the part in that song where he fixes up the rusty tractor)
  12. All of you got it right. Daisy has 262 in a row correct (and 320 out of 321) I know what you mean B.L. I'm sure I have repeated some of them. The problem is if I ask some of the tougher ones nobody will have a chance to get them right. I'll give you 3 examples...and if anybody doesn't believe that the correct answers were really on the show, I'll post the episode names if you want to check. Here's three really tough ones. Which of these were on the show? Silas Whittman Farm or Roy Wheetley Farm Putnam's Creek or Harkness Creek Millersburg or Milford County As you can see, I have the dilema of making them too tough or repeating myself on occasion. If everybody thinks I should toughen them up because it's more of a challenge, I wouldn't mind doing that. I have a whole notebook of items just waiting to frustrate you. LOL
  13. Thanks for posting these pictures Daney and Tim. I hope you two had fun. Sorry I missed it. It looks like Daisy had the same bodyguard as Rosco did last year. (I suspect he's an employee of the convention center). Here's a little bit of trivia. According to Cooter's book, Daisy's bodyguard used to be Billy Blanks (the Tae Bo guy). He's from Erie Pennsylvania, which is in the same county I live in. That feller who's car she's signing looks perrty happy...can't say as I blame him....
  14. Congratulation dukefan, you have the hottest thread on the website. I wish I had time to log in more often because this moves really fast. It also drives me crazy (in a good way). I know every scene in the whole series but I have trouble matching the scene with the episode name. My favorite scene in that episode is where Uncle Jesse is jogging and stops to pay the bad guys a visit at the warehouse. That old redneck just looks kinda funny in jogging pants!!
  15. Hey James, I saw Wall-E over the weekend. You're right, that's a really good movie.....very clever. I see why you like it so much.

  16. Thanks TomBo. I feel a little better. However, saying it can't be torn down isn't as good as saying that someone is responsible to insure that it won't fall down on it's own. I would feel better if I knew someone is responsible for it's upkeeping.
  17. Montgomery Gentry (Julie, who's Poppy Montgomery?)
  18. What are you talking about Brian, you're a good moderator. (By the way, we are still doing that challenge where we post stuff that is untrue and meaningless, right?)
  19. Julie, daisyXenos and B.L. got it right. What unusual thing did they do to the General Lee on "Arrest Jesse Duke"? 1) painted it green 2) painted it black 3) turned it into a ghost 4) sold it 5) made it a 4 wheel drive
  20. No MaryAnne, it's my fault. I challenged him to write a quality post. Of course I'm still trying to write my first quality post too. Both of us are pretty competitive so the race is on. *Dueling Banjos begin playing* I suspect before this is all over we'll both have more posts than JulieDuke does and we'll still be a long way from the finish line. *sits back, folds hands and dreams of what it would be like to write a meaningful post* Woops, I needed the edit button on this one. The challenge was to write posts of NO quality. (I guess I succeeded again.)
  21. Trace (Hmmm, I'm not sure if Trace spells his last name the same way....I'm more of a Charlie Daniels man myself)
  22. Hi Matt, Welcome to Hazzard County. You sure sound like the kind of feller who belongs here. There sure are a lot of places to explore on this website. Make use of all of them. I can tell by your enthusiasm that you're going to be a welcome addition to the HazzardNet.
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